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Posts posted by kisuka

  1. Before deciding on the line length (I'm personally for 80, but I'm still fine with 120), I think we should check if limiting it to 80 would cause issues with some scripts (too many indentation levels, or too many NPC headers too wide to fit, since those can't be split into multiple lines, and need to be an exception to the line-length rule, and would cause horizontal scrolling regardless)


    Agreed. What script do we have with the most indents? Figure that'd be the best thing to test it out on.

  2. My vote is for Kernel style, since majority of scripts already use this style. Some small tweaks would need to be made still but for the most part, most scripts already are in a form of kernel style.


    Once we agree on the style we should figure out the final decision on this max line length thing.


    Typically with kernel style, the max length is 80 characters per line.

  3. I just wanna say.. please remember that Sirius_White is pretty busy with personal life stuff as well :/ Harmony is still a project of his, but as most of us know, it's hard to juggle projects with personal life. Please don't hound him to release updates. He will when he has time.

  4. Can you explain what you mean when you say it 'highlights' the block of script pan? Cuz I have my own syntax highlighter in Sublime Text 2 specific for scripts, so my blocks are always highlighted if I select one of the braces of that block.

  5. - So basically, change K&R to Kernel Style instead? Anyone have any input on this? I'm fine with it. I just want us to decide on a standard.


    Kernel : https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/CodingStyle

    K&R : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1_true_brace_style#K.26R_style


    - I'd vote for 80 characters, for the fact that the limit per NPC message line is 35 characters. Also organizes the script header nicely (we had it at 64 characters previously for the header, so we get a bit more room now, 120 seems overkill for the header.)


    - I'm fine with the underscore method for variable names. If it's underscore method there should be no uppercases. Should be all lowercase with _ representing a space between words.


    Completely agree with your changes Haru.

  6. I like the standards, but maybe this could break that:


    announce "this is such a great and big announcement that can maybe be inside of an official script, how will you cut it out?",bc_all;


    And only thing I don't like is that I'd prefer to see this on an if-else statement because I feel it's more clear:


    if (this) {}else if (that) {}else {}


    P.S.: I can't seem to download the alberta text?

    else if would indeed look like that using the K&R styling. I'll specify an else-if statement example in the standards.


    hmm... that's a good question regarding the long announce command. Perhaps multi-line solution? like...


    announce "	this is such a great and big announcement	that can maybe be inside of an	official script, how will you cut	it out?",bc_all;

    The longest announcement command currently in official is about 217 characters.


    The 80-character limit is something should be given lots of feedback about. I only specified 80 characters due to the fact that it fits somewhat nicely in a terminal window, and is an old standard. PHP for example allows for a limit of 120 characters per line. So this rule should be given a limit which everyone agrees is the best 'standard' limit that also fits all commands nicely. Basically the limit would impose that a 'good script' doesnt have an announce command that has more than 200+ characters.


    One purposed suggestion could be that the line limit be 255 characters and that message commands be on 1 line up until 255 line limit then terminated. This would organize the scripts better in-game anyways in my opinion as they'd be cut off at the 35 character limits automatically, rather than manually specifying them in the script.


    There could also just be no line limit if people agree on this.

  7. Since the beginning of scripting in the Athena project, I don't believe, or can remember of, a set of guidelines / standards which have ever been released. Standards are created as a way to develop a style which remains consistent among all script releases.


    Due to the lack of standards, most athena scripts are styled depending on the scripter / author's personal preference. This has resulted in a mix of styles, which have become hard to read, and even harder to contribute to in the future (due to ugly script styling).


    Because of this, I would like to propose a set of Scripting Standards, to finally get us on track to clean scripts in the Athena Project.


    Attached are the standards I have developed, as well as an example script following the standards. Please review them and be sure to let me know what you think.


    This is by no means accepted into the community yet, I would like feedback first before this is even considered to be official.


    Thank You.


    (Files best viewed in : Sublime Text 2 or Notepad++)


    AS Standards.txt

  8. Sorry for the delay. My job has had me overworked for about a month or so now, I should be free'd up after tomorrow and can get back to the Academy scripts.


    They are almost finished, a small portion of untranslated text remains (the last part of each job quest), then I just have to convert to AS (Athena Script) and QA it.


    The updates I rolled out were pre-reqs for the academy :) as they have some interesting script commands. The quest log / bubbles will need to be overhauled 1 last time before I roll out the scripts, so expect that as well.


    After academy the goal is to knock out the to-do lists we have on our issues section on github.

  9. I have no idea how my name get inside

    I never apply as a developer, and all things I have done is just promoting eathena/rathena with custom made scripts

    though, I admit at some point I did help the developers fixed some script related bugs,

    but only by providing a patch, the developer just applied it


    if my name is inside, there is more members like

    keyworld - suggest freeloop, getargcount()

    toastofdoom - suggest bindatcmd and string manipulation script commands

    Yhn - I recall him making some official eathena scripts back in 2006 ...

    Trancid - he's the one who started wiki scripting guide, we just expanded it later


    shazeya and seventh were helped too, they were past admin


    and you guys missed mentioning about freya emulator ... though I already see all their names inside


    I added you because you've helped contribute greatly to the community for a long time :3 again, this list is a work in-progress. Anyone who made an impact is to be added. It's only fair. Athena would be no where today without the help of the community and those that have given back to the project.



  10. You can set the ports to anything you want as long as you don't already have an application using said port. Just up the 2nd char and 2nd map by 1 number on the ports, should be fine. Make sure you keep the login server info the same if u are making it have the same login info.

  11. 2013.12.23: Episode 15.2 Memory Record (Sakray Server)





    Sakray Server


    - Episode 15.2


    - Update world map


    -> Show mobs, npcs and airhsip travel (no real time position).


    -> Show new world maps.




    Little info:








    New NPCS:


























    New Mobs






















































    New World Map:







    Credits: i xD





    Central Laboratory Instance (Episode 15.2)


    New UI World Map (Navigation System Integration)




    Sakray testing != release, it's testing and tons of changes happen to these things during sakray. I want to keep this list for main server releases only.

  12. NPCs of the clan system are not there on the map, how do I add?

    We don't have it yet ^^; We are missing most of the stuff from episode 14.1 and onward. This list was made as a way to figure out what all we're missing, and work on getting back on track to matching official like we used to in the glory days.

  13. can we follow iRO novice academy and training bcoz its almost the same in kRO when i watch the video of Zui in you tube


    i have some of the script of novice academy in iRO by using packet parser of yommy but still incomplete

    I have new izlude + novice academy about 80% finished. Currently on hold as I finish up some work with my job. Looking at a January release.


    On a related note, it's almost like kRO. iRO heavily modded it towards the end of the job quests. In kRO: Warp to job test. In iRO: Changes job without need for quest.

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