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Everything posted by X-EcutiOnner

  1. Main Zero kRO https://mega.nz/#!HhMz1QrI!VKfHO1d0dDVa-6Tne2emin7UM6O-DIGEwF1JCrF7Ec0 Client for test https://mega.nz/#!R4sCVQSI!OVA8bmfPGftuKM94Kr1PataAAeR8mVCNNY_JR7nIHOg Another version of Binaries http://nemo.herc.ws/downloads/
  2. In conf/messages.conf you can replace %.2fx with do you want.
  3. Excuse me, are you mean this?
  4. HI Bro, you can fix this by adding in db/sc_config.conf SC_KSPROTECTED: { Flags: { NoClearanceReset: true Buff: true } Icon: "SI_ANGEL_PROTECT" }
  5. Open it with Notepad++ see encoding is ANSI or not, if not you can use menu Encoding -> Convert to ANSI (Only Eng can use UTF8). Make sure in your (s)clientinfo.xml setting in true lang <langtype>XXX</langtype> Pinoy can set to 7 (can see in https://rathena.org/board/topic/120145-2018-09-19aregexe-problem/#comment-366930) Server Status you can edit at line 3262 - 3265
  6. data -> msgstringtable.txt at row 3458 replaced with only #
  7. You need to upgrades SQL, seen file in Hercules\sql-files\upgrades\2020-01-24--01-09.sql
  8. You can use NEMO to skip these error.
  9. you can edit some skill in skill_db.conf
  10. This is initial release not complete yet and i'm not continue for it. Sorry Bro.
  11. In crashlog him tell your problem in login screen. you can search login screen fix for 2018-06-20 and 2018-06-21 by google.
  12. if you need to testing can see my pr https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/2609
  13. Issue with file data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\tb_layer_priority.lub
  14. This is Bard skills if you need to enable this can add in skill tree like this BA_WHISTLE: { MaxLevel: 10 DC_UGLYDANCE: 3 } BA_ASSASSINCROSS: { MaxLevel: 10 DC_UGLYDANCE: 3 } BA_POEMBRAGI: { MaxLevel: 10 DC_UGLYDANCE: 3 } BA_APPLEIDUN: { MaxLevel: 10 DC_UGLYDANCE: 3 }
  15. Are need to add all mobs by yourself mob data : db/(pre)re/mob_db.conf in map data: npc\(pre)re\mobs\dungeons and Illusion Of Turtle Island they are new map version you need to use 2019 client upper or convert are map back to old version
  16. map-server.exe --load-plugin mapcache --map XXXXX In conf/plugins.conf need to enable "HPMHooking" and "mapcache" after generate mapcache you need to disable it back coz if enable "mapcache" you can't run map-server
  17. In iteminfo.lub see ClassNum = XXX, and itemdb.conf see ViewSprite: XXX need the same
  18. dump your sql from login table to sql file and delete login 2000002 to 2000343 from table. when need to bring back you can import from sql file. good luck bro.
  19. not problem with translation. this is packets version problem. in Hercules, if you use client wrong version than server config (PACKETVER) you can meet this issue. but in rAthena you can't. and delete SaveData first.
  20. this is client feature for 2019 only yes, check this box to enabled if you use main client, he will use MapInfo_True.lub and if you use RE client, he will use MapInfo_Sak.lub
  21. this is issue with skilltreeview.lub try origin from kRO last with 2020-01-22cRagexe
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