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Posts posted by Jguy

  1. Yeah, I've been seeing that error sometimes too. It's still residual left over craps from the CodeIgniter upgrade I did last commit that completely changed the session class on me. I've tried something in the database and then cleared out all active sessions. Try again now.

  2. @Emistry: It is planned to have the panel interface with the files of Hercules as much as possible. I hope to get a system up and running where the files are read and you are able to make an account into only a group that exists on the server, afterall, if a user tries to connect with an invalid group to Hercules, they will be rejected. It's all on the bucket list.


    I hope to do this with at least most of the conf files and the cash shop files as well.

  3. Hi folks,


    The long awaited demo is now available! You may access the demo in the following location:


    URL: http://hatdemo.jemstuff.com

    Username: admin

    Password: admin


    The demo is almost full features. The admin user is capable of most things, except for changing my username or its own group/email/permissions/user. I have hourly backups of the database running so if push comes to shove, I can restore from backup if things get too messed up.


    This is running on a live Hercules server and I plan on building a small client you can use to connect to it, that way you can do things in game and see them reflected in the panel, or vise versa.


    Have fun. :D

  4. Hi folks,


    I had a server die on me at work, then I needed to re-work my home server because of some issues, and I've been out of town a lot for work.


    I should be back into regular feature and fix commits here in the next few days. I should have a demo up by the end of the week hopefully. Reworking my server has given me an opportunity to get some more resources out of the server now.


    Sorry for the delays.

  5. Me too evilpunked, im currently using it.. but the problem is the log database (it should be the same as the main database) i hope there's an option for that.


    The panel has the option for different main and log databases. It actually shouldn't be the same (at least not on large servers). Having a bunch of log data in the main database has the potential to slow down the main database.


    You can use the same database for both main and log by setting both of those settings in hat.php to the same database group.




    in hat.php:

    $config['ragnarok_servers'] = array(	'1'	=> array(		'main_database_group'		=> "ragnarok",			// The database group in database.php config file that holds this database connection info for all char/map databases (less logs)		'log_database_group'	=> "ragnarok",	// the database group that holds the log tables for this server.


    and in database.php you only need one database group:


    $db['ragnarok'] = array(	'dsn'	=> '',	'hostname' => 'localhost',	'username' => '',	'password' => '',	'database' => '',


    I'm currently also working on a more in-depth user guide which should be coming in a near future commit.

  6. Hello all,


    I've just finished a major update to CodeIgniter 3.0.0, which took quite a long time to get everything right.


    The reasoning this update was pushed as soon as this was because of the licensing. I need to include some GPL'd code, and such code was not compatible with CodeIgniter's 2.2.x license. CodeIgniter 3.0.0's license was modified to use the MIT license, which means I can include GPL'd code in my control panel. I may just modify the license to GPL as well, but for now, work can continue.


    Things to do in the near future include:

    * Guild Emblem display.

    * GM Command Entry

    * Item/Mob DB modifications

    * Configuration file management/editing

    * Finishing up the guild module features.


    If there's anything that you wish for me to work on ahead of time, please speak up in this topic. I will hopefully start making some "stable" releases of the panel while it's in Beta so folks know what is stable and what's not. I will also start to work on that demo I've been saying I'll put up.

  7. Poke poke Mr.Jman :X

    Yeah, I know. Things have been slow right now in development because I've been busy at work. I just pushed an update a few days ago regarding taking care of the running servers. I plan to start going through and finishing up a few things from past features now that I have a way to control the servers.

  8. Hi folks,




    Multiple what's it's now?!???!?!???!

    This update adds the ability for the HercAdminTool to be able to administrate multiple char/map databases with one login database.


    At the top right of the page, next to your username, you will find a server selection box. Dropping this down you will be able to select the Char/Map server to use.




    As of right now, you could potentially administrate as many char/map servers as you wanted, I have not found any limit.


    The plan is to have your admin panel groups restrict access to specific servers. So, you can lock everyone out of another server if you wanted to. But as of right now, each group would have the same permissions on each server. This may change depending on what I see the need for.


    The configuration for this is accomplished in two places, both in the config directory. hat.php has the configuration array for setting the main things up, like the human readable server name and the database server name. The remaining configuration is done in database.php. Add a separate group for each server you have. The 'database_group' setting in hat.php MUST match up with what you name the database in database.php.


    Hope everyone enjoys!


    NOTE: I've received some questions regarding this. When I say "Multiple Char/Map servers" I mean that there is 1 login server, and then 2 character servers connected to it, and from there, each character server has a map server connected to it, NOT One login, one char, and multiple map servers. Kind of like this:


                                         |==========|      |=========|                                     |   char   |      |   map   |                            /========|  server  |======|  server |         |--------------|  /         |    s1    |      |         |         |              | /          |==========|      |=========|         |    login     |/                    |    server    |                    |              |           |==========|      |=========|         |--------------|           |   char   |      |   map   |                            ========|  server  |======|  server |                                     |    s2    |      |         |                                     |==========|      |=========|


    What will attract mostly (Current) players of Ragnarok as well as new players to a RO server?

    easy, setup a really shit server and have no clue about what you are doing, then you are destined for 2000 players.

    but be careful, any kind of professionalism in your setup, you are lucky to get 200 players


    good luck :)


    This is sadly extremely true. You can have a perfectly timed maintenance schedule, professional staff that knows what they are doing, non-game breaking items on your donation only shop, use your excess donations for charities instead of keeping it for profit...and you'll get 100 players max. Do the exact opposite, bam, 500+.


    Indeed, good luck.

  10. Awesome Job! My suggestion is to add last_mac detail :)

    You can add an optional text field on what table or column of last_mac in db, then display the data, based on account ID.

    Very useful for harmony & hashield users :D


    also, dont forget to include char_reg_num_db maybe in character section/tab. (editable)


    Hi there!


    Thanks for your suggestion. I'm not a harmony user. Can you let me know where in the database the last_mac goes when you utilize Harmony? In the loginlog table or into it's own table?

  11. Updates:


    The entire account module should function correctly now. The account interface is divided into 6 tabs. All the data is loaded on page load so if you need to switch back and forth between tabs, the data doesn't need to reload. Obviously you could F5 the page to reload the data. I'll go over what tabs are available and what you can do in each.


    Tab 1 - Basic Info

    Here you can view the basic details about an account. Stuff like the account name, birthdate, creation date, last login information, and a quick look at ban information




    Tab 2 - Account Blocks

    Here, a history of the blocks an account has had appear. It will be recommended that you do not give your GM's access to the @ban/@unban command in game, because that ban would not show up here as history. In this screen you can add a new block or delete any block that is still valid. You can either place a permanent ban, which changes the account state field to "5", or a temporary ban ending at a certain date/time. Some preset reasons are in there and a comments field to add your own comments. I will be adding a way for you to add your own reasons but for now, they're hard coded. Here's a screenshot:




    Tab 3 - Notes

    Here, you can leave notes about an account. Pretty simple. Notes will appear as newest -> oldest. No screenshot, the screen is pretty simple.


    Tab 4 - Register DB

    Here, you can (right now) view the entries for the account in the acc_reg_num_db and acc_reg_string_db (coming soon) tables. In the near future, there will be a way for you to edit, add or delete the entries in this screen.


    Tab 5 - History

    All of the changes to an account will be logged. If you change the email, gender, group or other, it will be logged to a separate table. On this screen, you can view what was changed, and it's old and new value, who did it and when. For obvious reasons, nothing will be editable here. Here's a screenshot:




    Tab 6 - Characters

    Here is pretty simple. List of the characters on the account. The CharID is a link to the character page where you can do the same page. That page just isn't laid out correctly nor does it work. There is a spot for "Options" on the table, here you will be able to reset the character position with one click or possibly kick the character from the server.


    Some future thoughts about this details page:

    I'll need to include a tab for the account storage. I also need to include a place where the admin can reset the pincode or password, which will send a new random password/pincode to the user. This will be coming in a near future update.




    I'd love to hear your thoughts or suggestions if I've missed something. Right now the branch is merged back into master but master is not usable because the sql updates have not been completed. This will be coming very very soon.

  12. WTF Jman, I'd dreamed with this same idea in this week!!! 


    So cool.



    Suggestion: Is possible show players only over autotrade? You can separate the "real players" for a real value and show a value for only using autotrade in game.


    This shouldn't be a problem at all.

  13. this is great =)


    how about adding feature like sending @commands from HAT to ingame ??

    or sending linux commnad to server like putty ??

    Hi Emistry!


    This was already on my list. I'm not certain how I want to do it though. So far I think I have two options on what I can do/how I want to do it:


    * If the Control Panel can start/stop your server (which I hope it can), I can force the CP to start the map-server in a screen of my choosing and then I can send command with the Hercules Console Input . However, this (I believe) would require you to install the panel ON the server running Hercules. Obviously this would also allow me to pass commands to the running server via an SSH socket, such as apt-get update / yum update and such. But! The caveat is that the user would have to install apache/php/php5-mysql on the server running Hercules. While a few people accessing the Tool on a non-constant basis wouldn't require a huge amount of server resources (I think on my tests while I'm actively doing stuff my apache uses around 30MB of RAM, maybe less) it's still requiring those server resources. What I have going for me in this scenario is that Ind has been wonderful in reducing the amount of memory Hercules takes therefore making this somewhat possible.

    * Alternatively, I've already put together a hidden NPC that I could use to pass @/# commands to in-game. Store them in a SQL table and then have the NPC poll the table every few minutes for a new command. The issue with this is if you wanted to pass a command to an online player and you issue the command through the CP and that player logs off before the command is executed, the command will fail, and I do not believe the atcommand and charcommand script commands have a way to communicate back to anything that they failed.


    EDIT: A solution to the second point I suppose is check to see if the character is online when the command is supposed to be ran. Not online? Sends a query back to the table that states the command has/will fail because the character in question is offline. In this way I can also make the CP save commands for when the player IS online, but then I'd have to have the NPC poll the table close to every minute, not sure how much lag that might cause.

  14. Good luck getting it back, just embarrassing and pitiful:


    (10:06:16) (Jguy) @seen Akkarin(10:06:16) (@Keine-tan) Jguy: Akkarin was last seen in #rathena 7 weeks, 5 days, 19 hours, and 41 seconds ago: <Akkarin> We should be back online now, can some of you check?(10:19:53) (Dastgir) @seen Jaki(10:19:54) (@Keine-tan) Dastgir: Jaki was last seen in #rathena 14 weeks, 6 days, 19 hours, 50 minutes, and 14 seconds ago: <Jaki> wat he said(10:20:04) (Jguy) My god.(10:20:08) (Jguy) @seen Brian(10:20:09) (@Keine-tan) Jguy: I have not seen Brian.(10:20:13) (Jguy) @seen Pekkle(10:20:15) (@Keine-tan) Jguy: I have not seen Pekkle.(10:20:19) (Jguy) @seen Brian_L(10:20:20) (@Keine-tan) Jguy: I have not seen Brian_L.(10:20:25) (Cydh) @seen jaki(10:20:26) (@Keine-tan) Cydh: jaki was last seen in #rathena 14 weeks, 6 days, 19 hours, 50 minutes, and 46 seconds ago: <Jaki> wat he said(10:20:52) (Jguy) @seen Euphy(10:20:53) (@Keine-tan) Jguy: Euphy was last seen in #rathena 24 weeks, 6 days, 17 hours, 1 minute, and 26 seconds ago: <Euphy> Nope.

  15. I would like the SQL database of a server, yes. I could setup my own data, sure, but if someone's already got the data, it would be easier for me instead of manually creating a server database from scratch, including inventories, characters, guilds, guild storage, storage, account reg values, friends, parties, etc. Sure, I could actually play the game to set that stuff up, but me playing hundreds of characters (what I'm looking for is around 100 accounts or more, each account having at least 3 characters, that's 300 characters) by myself I just simply don't have time for.

  16. Hello everyone.


    I'm working on a small project (secret for now) and have a need for some somewhat legitimate Hercules SQL data for testing purposes only. Perhaps you have your SQL data sitting around from your server beta that you would allow me to have or data from a previous server that has shutdown? - Note that your data should be from a version of Hercules that is relatively up-to-date.


    I would like to have as much data as possible. For your members' security, however, I would ask you to NOT include email addresses or passwords (MD5 or not) as I can generate this portion of data myself. I also do not need any of your item/mob db's.


    Note that the data will NEVER see the public eye. It will be stored on my database server at home which is on my internal network - no machine on this small network sees the internet at all.


    If you wish to participate and allow me use of your data, please drop me a PM with the link. I greatly appreciate your support.

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