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Everything posted by Ai4rei

  1. The Lua portion of this guide is plain wrong. NEVER write-protect stuff in the savedata folder, unless you do not want the client to change your settings. If you have errors about the setting variables OptionInfoList and CmdOnOffList, check if you have the Lua setting defaults in "<your RO folder>System" or "<your RO folder>SystemLuaFiles514", for older (Lua 5.0.2) or newer (Lua 5.1.4) clients respectively. If you do not, you may to obtain the original files, or compile yourself at least a OptionInfo.lub from OP's OptionInfo.lua. Healthy kRO savedata and system folders: RO/savedata/OptionInfo.lua /* client/setup settings go here */RO/System/itemInfo.lubRO/System/itemInfo_Sak.lubRO/System/monster_size_effect.lubRO/System/monster_size_effect_sak.luaRO/System/monster_size_effect_sak.lubRO/System/MsgString.lubRO/System/OptionInfo.lub /* defaults for Lua 5.0.2 clients */RO/System/ShadowTable.lubRO/System/Towninfo.lubRO/System/Font/NHCgogo_10.eotRO/System/Font/NHCgogo_12.eotRO/System/Font/RixDiary_10.eotRO/System/Font/RixFreshman_10.eotRO/System/Font/RixJJangu_10.eotRO/System/Font/RixKid_10.eotRO/System/Font/RixLoveangel_10.eotRO/System/Font/RixLoveangel_12.eotRO/System/Font/RixMagic_10.eotRO/System/Font/RixMiniHeart_10.eotRO/System/Font/RixNHCgogo_10.eotRO/System/Font/RixSquirrel_12.eotRO/System/Font/RixSquirrel_10.eotRO/System/LuaFiles514/MsgString.lubRO/System/LuaFiles514/OptionInfo.lub /* defaults for Lua 5.1.4 clients */
  2. For comparing GRF, a GUI would only be a front-end for rsudiff. For comparing folders/files it would have to be from scratch.
  3. I'm not aware how OSX networking works, but it could be, that crossover does not have iphlpapi.dll::GetAdaptersInfo fully implemented (see if there are any warnings in crossover log/console? regarding this function).
  4. No, those tools usually override a system DLL (dinput.dll) or replace a RO DLL (mostly cps.dll, which is a trimmed down zlib1.dll). Either method uses a DLL that is hard-bound (import section) to the client and executes before the client code. This method loads DLLs as found, as many as you want, though it executes later than hard-bound DLLs.
  5. Simple DLL Loader for RO Clients About If you expect some super simple application, let me disappoint you, there is none; everything is already part of the RO client. Consider this post as a proof-of-concept. There are also certain catches that you should be aware of, before you start jumping for joy. All you need to do, is to give your library a .asi, .m3d or .flt extension instead of .dll and it will miraculously get loaded by the client when it starts up and is unloaded once it shuts down. While you can load pretty much any dynamic library this way, there is a major catch: when your DLL gets loaded, most of the initialization is already complete and the window is already visible, DirectX is not initialized at that point. So while this might be ideal for a client plug-in, that messes with the window or the client runtime, it's probably less usable for hot-patching of the initialization code. Another catch is, that the client will load fine when your DLL is deleted. Summary: While the process of loading a DLL with the extensions .asi, .m3d and .flt is simple, the point at which it gets loaded might be unsuitable for certain uses. Since it's not intrusive, it might be of use for client plug-ins. Demo: The linked demo consists of a pre-build DLL with source, that displays a message when loaded and unloaded for convenience of testing this PoC. Edit: Another issue noticed by Cataclysm: If "Sound Mode" in RO setup is set to "No Sound", DLLs will not be loaded. Download demo QA How does this work? Your DLL is loaded as a driver for the Miles Sound System (mss32.dll), but since it does not register with it, it does not interfere with it in any way. License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
  6. You might want to look at the combination of RO Patcher Lite and [RSU Plugin] Multi then.
  7. It launches, it does not do anything else, so you do not need it.
  8. Version 1.7.0Per request, added support for custom buttons with four actions to select from and skin-able as well. Version 1.7.1 ! Fixed a crash when starting a client with unchecked "Save" (from 1.7.0).! Fixed a memory leak in MAC address retrieving code (from 1.6.0).
  9. That means, that his or her RO client started, but immediately quited.
  10. Updated to 2.4.3 Fixed an issue, that would prevent the launched RO client from elevating.
  11. rathena's version can be worked around (in more ways than one).
  12. In case eAthena r15263 will be merged and the community has use for it, there's an excess add-on code, that has not and will not be committed to eAthena, due to it's nature of being a custom. The patch allows to optionally reject completely transparent emblems as part of the emblem validation code. Transparent emblems are typically abused during WoE times to draw less attention in castles and were/are considered against the rules on some official and private RO servers. Commented lines are an alternative approach for same effect, and may be removed. patch
  13. Updated to 2.9.1, updates Japanese and Spanish translation. No functional changes.
  14. Since PlayOnLinux is uses WINE, it should work. But this is the first time I saw it, I'll look into it. Edit: Hmm, after playing around with it a bit, PlayOnLinux is just a front-end that does simple stuff, the complicated way. OpenSetup runs fine on WINE/PlayOnLinux in a VM when graphics accelerated emulation is off (VM settings) and WINE crashes when graphics acceleration is available. Since I do not have a real machine with linux installed, you should be more specific about what does not work for you.
  15. RO Patcher Lite About Replacement for Gravity's RO patcher. Works faster and doesn't consume your entire memory for just seeing it crashing, aside from this, it works almost exactly as the official patcher does, so that it shouldn't break, unless Gravity changes something vital to their patcher. It works on every 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft* Windows* platform and is free of any cost. Known Issues None. Download & Website http://ai4rei.net/p/rsu License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
  16. Ai4rei

    Paid Server

    Reference topic, since you cared to post the image without attribution. tl;dr: The system is implemented, just does not work in real-time (you just get prevented from logging-in, but are not kicked as long you are in-game). It was not implemented the way it should be, because people were hysterically afraid, that all emulators would turn pay-to-play.
  17. Version 1.6.0Per request, added support for providing the server with miscellaneous user information (requires user consent once). When enabled, requires modification of the login packet code on server-side to extract the url-style parameters from the t1 (token) field.
  18. Dependencies are closed-source, that's why they are not part of the open source portion of the application. In short: No.
  19. Change FontSize to 9, committed the sample skin font size by accident.
  20. Updated to 2.9.0, adds troubleshooting option for disabling hardware-accelerated graphics, detection of active mirror drivers (which prevent hardware-acceleration) and various tweaks to visuals and translations. New bits: IDCHECKBOX_HELDEVICE, "Turns hardware-accelerated graphics on and off.nnThis option is only for troubleshooting graphics card issues. When enabled, graphics card will not be utilized by the client for graphics rendering.nNote: This option is NOT recommended for low and average system specification users." IDINFOICON_VIDEO_MIRRORDRIVER, "Warning: Mirror driver detected.nnYour graphics card cannot be detected when a mirror driver is active. This can be caused by an active VNC session, remote control server software or malware." TEXT_DLG_HELDEVICE, "Disable hardware-accelerated graphics"
  21. Version 1.5.0Added support for skinning buttons. See the accompanied INI for details on design and restrictions.
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