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Everything posted by Triedge

  1. in mob.c if (map->list[m].flag.nobaseexp || !md->db->base_exp) base_exp = 0; else base_exp = (unsigned int)cap_value(md->db->base_exp * per * bonus/100. * map->list[m].bexp/100., 1, UINT_MAX); if (map->list[m].flag.nojobexp || !md->db->job_exp || md->dmglog[i].flag == MDLF_HOMUN) //Homun earned job-exp is always lost. job_exp = 0; else job_exp = (unsigned int)cap_value(md->db->job_exp * per * bonus/100. * map->list[m].jexp/100., 1, UINT_MAX);Edit mob.c if (map->list[m].flag.nobaseexp || !md->db->base_exp || (sd->status.base_level >= 200)) base_exp = 0; else base_exp = (unsigned int)cap_value(md->db->base_exp * per * bonus/100. * map->list[m].bexp/100., 1, UINT_MAX); if (map->list[m].flag.nojobexp || !md->db->job_exp || md->dmglog[i].flag == MDLF_HOMUN || (sd->status.job_level >= 99)) //Homun earned job-exp is always lost. job_exp = 0; else job_exp = (unsigned int)cap_value(md->db->job_exp * per * bonus/100. * map->list[m].jexp/100., 1, UINT_MAX);
  2. Would it be possible to add an option to keep the Battle Mode cheat then send a message? We explained my situation: 1.- I'm playing in Battle Mode, but then I get a message from another player and I want to answer. 2.- Press 'Enter' to deactivate the battle and write my message and pressed again 'Enter' to send it. 3.- But while writing a monster or a player begins to attack me and I want to use skills that I have for example QWER keys (such as LoL). 4.- But then the Battle Mode is still active and must finish sending double pressing 'Enter' to reactivate it. With these data, it is possible that the Battle Mode is reactivated immediately after sending a message?
  3. Would it be possible to add an option to keep the Battle Mode cheat then send a message? We explained my situation: 1.- I'm playing in Battle Mode, but then I get a message from another player and I want to answer. 2.- Press 'Enter' to deactivate the battle and write my message and pressed again 'Enter' to send it. 3.- But while writing a monster or a player begins to attack me and I want to use skills that I have for example QWER keys (such as LoL). 4.- But then the Battle Mode is still active and must finish sending double pressing 'Enter' to reactivate it. With these data, it is possible that the Battle Mode is reactivated immediately after sending a message?
  4. my old system... http://prntscr.com/8xb40a
  5. sure... is easy add 3 o 5 mods... BUT... i need add 1500 Mods, check hp, attack, def, etc, etc...
  6. Yo me dedico a hacer mod servers. Y este nuevo formato me ha complicado enormemente el trabajo. Ojo, no estoy pidiendo un convertidor. Si no algo que me permia editar cientos de monstruos de manera muy facil siguiendo una serie de formulas.
  7. I would have preferred that we possibly can choose the type of database to be used rather than force us to use a single method. This method is a real headache for those who edit hundreds of monsters too often for MOD servers.
  8. I edit massively database of monsters. Using Excel tables and arranging the data according to what I needed. This new system has resulted in me ... really quite annoying. This system is good for those who find it difficult to find or handle data of a few monsters. But for those who need to edit hundreds of monsters quickly. This is a headache. I would have preferred that we possibly can choose the type of database to be used rather than force us to use a single method.
  9. this add randoms effects like in Diablo?
  10. this! and... And ... How do use it?
  11. Uses you see fit for your needs.
  12. I've been trying to change the formula of ASPD to work as follows. [*]ASPD 50: 0.5 Hits per second [*]ASPD 100: 1 Hits per second [*]ASPD 200: 2 Hits per second [*]ASPD 300: 3 Hits per second [*]ASPD 400: 4 Hits per second [*]ETC... Unfortunately however much you move all variables in the SRC, it seems that there is always a "2000" hidden somewhere that is always trying to put it in formulas based on a maximum of 200 ASPD. in battle.c { "monster_max_aspd", &battle_config.monster_max_aspd, 199, 100, 199, },{ "max_aspd", &battle_config.max_aspd, 190, 100, 199, },{ "max_third_aspd", &battle_config.max_third_aspd, 193, 100, 199, },battle_config.monster_max_aspd = 2000 - battle_config.monster_max_aspd*10;battle_config.max_aspd = 2000 - battle_config.max_aspd*10;battle_config.max_third_aspd = 2000 - battle_config.max_third_aspd*10; in clif.c WFIFOW(fd,38) = (2000-pl_sd->battle_status.amotion)/10; // aspd in pc.c case SP_ASPD: val = (2000-sd->battle_status.amotion)/10; break; in status.c status->dummy.amotion = 2000;status->dummy.dmotion = 2000; i = status->base_amotion_pc(sd,bstatus);bstatus->amotion = cap_value(i,((sd->class_&JOBL_THIRD) ? battle_config.max_third_aspd : battle_config.max_aspd),2000); } else if ( bl->type&BL_PC ) { amotion = status->base_amotion_pc(sd, st);#ifndef RENEWAL_ASPD st->aspd_rate = status->calc_aspd_rate(bl, sc, bst->aspd_rate);#endif if ( st->aspd_rate != 1000 ) // absolute percentage modifier amotion = amotion * st->aspd_rate / 1000; if ( sd && sd->ud.skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER && pc->checkskill(sd, SA_FREECAST) > 0 ) amotion = amotion * 5 * (pc->checkskill(sd, SA_FREECAST) + 10) / 100;#ifdef RENEWAL_ASPD amotion += (max(0xc3 - amotion, 2) * (st->aspd_rate2 + status->calc_aspd(bl, sc, 2))) / 100; amotion = 10 * (200 - amotion) + sd->bonus.aspd_add;#endif amotion = status->calc_fix_aspd(bl, sc, amotion); st->amotion = cap_value(amotion, ((sd->class_&JOBL_THIRD) ? battle_config.max_third_aspd : battle_config.max_aspd), 2000); st->adelay = 2 * st->amotion; I feel I'm close to it, but I find the code I need.Any ideas?
  13. i have 2014-10-22b but... byte size is: 4.12 Mbs but this have a size of 15.3 Mbs why?
  14. Recently install visual studio express 2015 But it seems that is not currently possible to compile directly the Hercules. Do you plan to later include support for VS 2015 Express?
  15. I can not reproduce the bug mentioned.
  16. I want to test and analyze packets kRO but I do not know as in kRO create an account and download the client need regular kRO.
  17. hablando de clientes... tengo un problema persistente con el cliente 2015. y... @@jaBote me dieron por ahi que tu y un colega tuyo logro solucionar aquel problema con el cliente 2015.
  18. Hercules version ? exp.conf ?
  19. Yes. But still I create my account in kRO Stalker mode ON: @@Neo Last Active 27 minutes ago
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