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Posts posted by Neo-Mind

  1. Update 2: that was quicker than i thought ... Fixed patches:  Ignore Missing File Error & Only First Background, Only Second Background

    Download link same as above. Thanks to shenhuyong for pointing out the bugs.


    List of Patches & issues being worked on:
    1) Reqweapon issue (1st priority - currently checking).


    2) Skip Service Select (next in line - have not started).


    3) Increase headgear view id - change the 5000 to configurable value (needs some core changes - to be started soon)


    4) Use Custom Font (needs some core changes - to be started soon).


    5) Restore Old Login Window (being considered whether plausible or not).


    Let me know if there are more that i have missed out.

  2. update: Issue with Enable 64k hairstyle has been fixed. please get the updated diff file from the link.



    (Really want to add that to the first topic :| )



    @Rytech: well we are not storing anything in memory for enabling it till 64k . before the 4 bytes used to point to address where the strings "0" to "27" were located. we are now simply using it directly as our hairstyle id without accessing those storage.


    infact i think we can safely remove the string storage part itself since its pointless (less mem consumption even if it is small)

  3. All RO Clients default to using Novice sprites for unknown jobs (Poring for their names) and Poring sprites for unknown mobs ( :ph34r:  that rhymed)


    Mob can be unknown(Poring) if the sprite name specified is not there or client is not reading the range you have specified. the latter seems to be your case.


    Which client version are you using? As far as i have seen there are no clients supporting mob id > 19999.

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