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Posts posted by Neo-Mind

  1. Here is a summary of the three.


    Rocred - minimalist with no bg but gets the job done  :D and source is available in C++ code so you can make your own modifications as well.


    Loki launcher - has customizable BG, interface is similar to the original RO login window, source is available in VB code. Depends on some ocx files (usually already installed in windows i believe)


    R.o.l.e.x. - like Loki Launcher has a UI with bg , also is resizable, optionally runs rsu updater for updating official grf before logging in, option to launch setup (there might be more but i haven't done a full comparison :D ). Depends on .NET framework (installed in windows 7 & 8 by default but for xp we need to install manually)

    Developed in C# - source not available (development stopped due to lack of interest from users :rolleyes: )


    Now you can decide which suits your needs B)


    Vali is busy with his college projects hence the launcher we were working on is on hold for now :ph34r:

  2. nice Rytech. um 

    how much extra % is obtained for levels 2-5 for this skill (it just shows + for now) =>


    Fire Rain
    Max Level: 5
    Pre-req: Gattling Fever level 5
    Desc: Gattling Gun exclusive skill. Fire bullets in a 3x10 frontal cone. Removes ground target skills in range at a chance.
    Caster's DEX and skill level affects the damage done.
    Consumes 10 Bullets.
    1 - 500% + additional damage depending on caster's DEX
    2 - " + "
    3 - " + "
    4 - " + "
    5 - " + "

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