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  1. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Mumbles in Do a @command when equipped.   
    Try this:
    OnEquipScript: <" { atcommand "@aura999"; } ">OnUnequipScript: <" { atcommand "@aura 0"; } ">
  2. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from diieg0 in Entregar item 1 vez por cuenta   
    Soy consciente de que Ziu en rAthena también te ha comentado algo similar, aunque hay un punto muy grande de diferencia: simplemente Ziu dice que no deberías tener un servidor y yo te he comentado que deberías saber de esto antes de llevar un servidor (con garantías). No obstante, no deberías pasar por alto el resto del primer párrafo, en el cual no solo he comentado que todos siempre hemos sido principiantes alguna vez sino que además era un intento de animarte, y es verdad: yo mismo aprendí a través de la paciencia de otra persona. No deberías tomarte tal cosa como una falta de respeto sino como un comentario constructivo, a título personal.
    El scripting comporta el 90% de las necesidades (excluyendo aquellas derivadas de su web y sus añadidos o modificaciones gráficas, si tiene) que tendrás como administrador de cualquier servidor de Ragnarok Online y muchas veces es lo que marca la diferencia de un servidor que dura solo unos pocos meses (con el consiguiente enfado de sus usuarios) de uno que se mantiene durante años, y hablo tristemente desde la experiencia.
    Muchas otras personas no se habrían tomado siquiera el tiempo de responderte, o en caso de hacerlo lo habrían hecho de mala gana (con un RTFM) y/o yendo directamente al grano. Yo te he considerado una persona aún no iniciada en scripting y te he enlazado a multitud de recursos que te servirán para aprender el scripting y (como comenté anteriormente) ayudarte a que seas tú mismo quien sepa construir sus propios scripts.
    Para tu información, con una experiencia de más de cuatro años en scripting a avanzado he necesitado consultar el manual yo mismo para hacerte ese script porque no me sé de memoria todos los comandos. Ser bueno o experimentado no implica saber todo de memoria: Google y el manual de referencia (doc/script_commands.txt) son tus amigos y están ahí para que siempre puedas consultarlos. Probablemente hubieras recibido una respuesta más rápida y directa a tu problema si lo hubieses buscado tú mismo.
    No eres estúpido: tienes potencial. Para desarrollar ese potencial necesitarás seguir preguntando a alguien que sepa más que tú o experimentar tú mismo. Como persona absolutamente capaz como considero que eres he dedicado mi tiempo no solo a responderte (como Ziu), sino a tratar de enseñarte un poco más de scripting y animarte a que seas tú mismo quien experimente y responda a tus propias dudas siempre que puedas.
    Por último, me alegro de haber podido ser de ayuda, que a fin de cuentas para eso estoy.
    ¡Un saludo!
  3. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from karazu in Introducing rAthena to Hercules database converters.   
    * jaBote switches on @Ind mode *
    rAthena to Hercules database converters
    Hello~! What?!
    I've observed a big rise of rAthena to Hercules database conversion requests this week, so I've just revised again the converters I made before and will be releasing on the repository so that people can find them more easily. What does that do?
    We have two new .SQL files on our repository that make the conversion easy. One is for applying on the main ragnarok table (sql-files/rathena-main-upgrade.sql) and the other is for the logs one (sql-files/rathena-logs-upgrade.sql).Please remember to make a backup prior to converting the database, just in case something goes wrong. This is meant to convert a fully upgraded rAthena to a fully upgraded Hercules. If you have some uninstalled rAthena upgrades please install them first. Avoid using it if there has been an upgrade posted in rAthena newer than the date of the converter or, at least, you didn't apply it or know how to undo the changes (remember that main.sql is usually fully upgraded both in Hercules and in rAthena). Some data (especially the data we don't use here on Hercules may be lost on the conversion). We'll not be resposible for this. How does it work?
    Plain and simple: just load them on the respective databases you have in rAthena, as if they were the original main.sql or logs.sql. Obviously enough, they won't work if you don't have CREATE, ALTER, INDEX and DROP permissions (and maybe others too) for the user(s) you'll be running this. These converters will NOT work if you changed the table names. Special thanks
    rAthena staff for their database structure and upgrades. Hercules staff for the database structure and upgrades. All the users that requested the converters in their respective topics. for suggesting this to be committed to the repository. @Haru for last minute corrections. Disclaimer
    As I warned before, there may be some intended or unintended data loss. Please make a backup before applying. This may get outdated quite quicly without me noticing about that. If that's so, please make a pull request or ping me to update the converter when I have time. I've avoided to name the files as "upgrades" here on the topic, but I've named them like that to make them have the name structure as the eAthena upgrade. This is NOT an offense to rAthena staff by any means. People are requesting this, so I made the conversion process easy for them, much like rAthena made a converter from eAthena and nobody got offended. Just that. Links~u!
    Main database converter commit. Logs database converter commit. * jaBote switches off @Ind mode *
  4. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Dastgir in Let's talk about, "eAmod"...   
    This was previously a PM he sent to me, and I encouraged him to make a topic out of it.
    I'll also share the insights I gave him via PM (Felipe Brasil, please certify I didn't edit a single letter from it), along with a couple of side notes:
    Side note:
    There are a couple of systems I'd be willing to have, but overall product, its support and price are no way an appeal for me. Anyways that is not an option for the no-donation oriented servers I've had (only one as main admin, some others as co-admin without being owner).
    None of my servers were meant to be profitable and I'm proud none of them ever were (with not even a single surplus month, which I'm also proud of). Only donating people were these who actually trusted me and wanted to help me cover ONLY the monthly expenses, not those that wanted any donation items. In fact, they weren't given any exclusive privilege. You can hear me rant about that on my blog entry.
    This allows me to say your server can be successful without that hotchpotch of features (of which you'll use only a couple) provided you can be creative and keep an income of features to your server.

    However, while it is known I'm not a fan of eAmod, this topic is to have a polite, civil and appropriate discussion about this 3rd party paid modification. I won't allow any attacks or drama to be held on (I especially mean this for these people that make me think they're permanently angry when reading them) this topic, or I will start handing down warnings (and other proper punishments when needed) no matter who did it (be it a member of Hercules, someone defending eAmod or the Pope of Rome himself) or it'll get closed and removed if gets out of control.
  5. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from karazu in Let's talk about, "eAmod"...   
    This was previously a PM he sent to me, and I encouraged him to make a topic out of it.
    I'll also share the insights I gave him via PM (Felipe Brasil, please certify I didn't edit a single letter from it), along with a couple of side notes:
    Side note:
    There are a couple of systems I'd be willing to have, but overall product, its support and price are no way an appeal for me. Anyways that is not an option for the no-donation oriented servers I've had (only one as main admin, some others as co-admin without being owner).
    None of my servers were meant to be profitable and I'm proud none of them ever were (with not even a single surplus month, which I'm also proud of). Only donating people were these who actually trusted me and wanted to help me cover ONLY the monthly expenses, not those that wanted any donation items. In fact, they weren't given any exclusive privilege. You can hear me rant about that on my blog entry.
    This allows me to say your server can be successful without that hotchpotch of features (of which you'll use only a couple) provided you can be creative and keep an income of features to your server.

    However, while it is known I'm not a fan of eAmod, this topic is to have a polite, civil and appropriate discussion about this 3rd party paid modification. I won't allow any attacks or drama to be held on (I especially mean this for these people that make me think they're permanently angry when reading them) this topic, or I will start handing down warnings (and other proper punishments when needed) no matter who did it (be it a member of Hercules, someone defending eAmod or the Pope of Rome himself) or it'll get closed and removed if gets out of control.
  6. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from hemagx in Let's talk about, "eAmod"...   
    This was previously a PM he sent to me, and I encouraged him to make a topic out of it.
    I'll also share the insights I gave him via PM (Felipe Brasil, please certify I didn't edit a single letter from it), along with a couple of side notes:
    Side note:
    There are a couple of systems I'd be willing to have, but overall product, its support and price are no way an appeal for me. Anyways that is not an option for the no-donation oriented servers I've had (only one as main admin, some others as co-admin without being owner).
    None of my servers were meant to be profitable and I'm proud none of them ever were (with not even a single surplus month, which I'm also proud of). Only donating people were these who actually trusted me and wanted to help me cover ONLY the monthly expenses, not those that wanted any donation items. In fact, they weren't given any exclusive privilege. You can hear me rant about that on my blog entry.
    This allows me to say your server can be successful without that hotchpotch of features (of which you'll use only a couple) provided you can be creative and keep an income of features to your server.

    However, while it is known I'm not a fan of eAmod, this topic is to have a polite, civil and appropriate discussion about this 3rd party paid modification. I won't allow any attacks or drama to be held on (I especially mean this for these people that make me think they're permanently angry when reading them) this topic, or I will start handing down warnings (and other proper punishments when needed) no matter who did it (be it a member of Hercules, someone defending eAmod or the Pope of Rome himself) or it'll get closed and removed if gets out of control.
  7. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from yakuu in Clientinfo Address tag   
    Check if you have a patch called somewhat like "enable DNS support". That one is supposed to let you use a domain name instead of a server IP.
  8. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Hadeszeus in HELP: How to see MAP CRASH error in linux?   
    Try launching both login and char servers by separate this way. Assuming you're on your Hercules folder:
    ./login-server && ./char-server  
    And launch map server so that all output is saved to a txt file:
    ./map-server > map_log.txt  
    All Map server output will now be saved to map_log.txt (you can specify the filename you want).
    Hope this helps.
  9. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from WalkingBad in Do a @command when equipped.   
    Try this:
    OnEquipScript: <" { atcommand "@aura999"; } ">OnUnequipScript: <" { atcommand "@aura 0"; } ">
  10. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from karazu in Do a @command when equipped.   
    Try this:
    OnEquipScript: <" { atcommand "@aura999"; } ">OnUnequipScript: <" { atcommand "@aura 0"; } ">
  11. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Felipe Brasil in need some help!! Groups.Conf   
    We'd need the contents of your groups.conf to provide support to it. We can't guess an error that isn't specified unless we see where it comes from.
  12. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from JulioCF in [Data&Hexed] Pedido   
    Voçe pode usar o cliente fornecido pelo @ossi0110 neste tópico: http://herc.ws/board/topic/3768-2013-12-23-full-client-download/
    Contém a data completa, 1 yourRO hexed já diffado e ferramentas para facer seu cliente (Full client) ou somente o yourRO diffado e os arquivos necessários para o funcionamiento (Small client).
  13. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Jamaeeeeecah in Dúvida sobre castelos   
    Isso não é um problema, somente funciona como os emuladores oficiais. Mas agora que o mencionou eu acho que o Hercules deveria ter uma configuraçao para isso. Em verdade, tudo castelo sem dono sempre estará em WoE desde o início do emulador até que alguém os reclame.
    A minha soluçao para isso é desativar tudos os npcs do castelos que eu não vou usar e pronto, mas eu tenho vistas outras como reclamar tudos os castelos pelo Staff.
    Para retirar os castelos conquistados voçê pode facer um script com comandos setcastledata para mudar de guilda proprietária ou pode facer @agitstart, que lançara WoE em tudos os castelos para que voçe poda conquistar Fadhgridh e Swanhild pelo o Staff. @agitend terminará tudas as WoEs lançadas por @agitstart, mas a ultima opçao é um pouco máis insegura.
  14. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Patskie in Endless Tower Problem!   
    Chances are it won't work on rAthena since our instancing system is differently built.
  15. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from WalkingBad in when talk to......   
    Check the cutin script command on doc/script_commands.txt.
    Sorry for short answer, I'm on cellphone.
  16. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from roxasodale91 in item_db2   
    You can try out this Item DB converter by our developer : http://haru.ws/hercules/itemdbconverter/
    I tried converting your item_db2.txt and there seems to be no problem with it except for the non-english characters, which you can recover back in a quick revision. I've told Haru about that.
  17. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to Virtue in Enable command upon reaching a certain 'Base Level'?   
    use this 
    ---------------------------------------*bindatcmd "command","<NPC object name>::<event label>"{,<group level>,<group level char>,<log>};This command will bind a NPC event label to an atcommand. Upon execution of the atcommand, the user will invoke the NPC event label. Each atcommand is only allowed one binding. If you rebind, it will override the original binding. If group level is provided, only users of that group level or above will be able to access the command, if not provided, everyone will be able to access the command."group level char" is the minimum group level required for the label to be used on others like a char command would, e.g. "#command "target" params", when not provided, "group level char" defaults to 99."log" whether to log the usages of this command with the atcommand log (1 = log, 0 = no log), default is to not log.The following variables are set upon execution: .@atcmd_command$ = The name of the @command used. .@atcmd_parameters$[] = Array containing the given parameters, starting from an index of 0. .@atcmd_numparameters = The number of parameters defined.Example:When a user types the command "@test", an angel effect will be shown.- script atcmd_example -1,{OnInit: bindatcmd "test",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end;OnAtcommand: specialeffect2 338; end;}---------------------------------------  
    there would be limitless possibilities using that command w/o having to edit the source. 
    for instance in your case
    - script certainlevel -1,{OnInit: bindatcmd "certainlevel",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnBaseLevel"; end;OnBaseLevel: if(BaseLevel < 10){ end; }; dispbottom "You can use the command"; end;}  
    if player is lower than level 10, nothing will happen.
  18. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from dhaisuke in Achievement System   
    Try it first and post if you see errors, don't be lazy
  19. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from VictorRox in [Data&Hexed] Pedido   
    Voçe pode usar o cliente fornecido pelo @ossi0110 neste tópico: http://herc.ws/board/topic/3768-2013-12-23-full-client-download/
    Contém a data completa, 1 yourRO hexed já diffado e ferramentas para facer seu cliente (Full client) ou somente o yourRO diffado e os arquivos necessários para o funcionamiento (Small client).
  20. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Hadeszeus in get the CLASS name of killerrid OnPCDieEvent   
    Or maybe:
    .@classname$ = jobname(Class);
    roclass and eaclass cancel each other, and the variable Class should start with uppercase as of scripting commands guide.
    @Topic Starter:
    Sources: jobname() script command documentation; character-based variable Class
  21. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from fourxhackd in Dastgir's Services   
    Topic approved. Best of luck!
    P.S.: I can assure you he's one of the best guaranteed paid services to date: you just have to check his previous career, and the reputation, dedication and past contributions he's had here at Hercules.
  22. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to Mumbles in Brief forum downtime & openssl "heartbleed"   
    15 seconds? Unforgivable. >:c
  23. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from ZerotoHero in No autoloot in level 50 or higher   
    Try this, a mixture of what everybody said here:
    - script atcmd_example -1,{OnInit: bindatcmd "autoloot",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end;OnAtcommand: if (BaseLevel >= 50) { dispbottom "You can't use this command."; } else { useatcmd .@atcmd_command$; } end;OnPCBaseLvUpEvent: if (BaseLevel >= 50) { atcommand "@autoloot 0"; } end;}
  24. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to evilpuncker in [Ayuda] Con Npc custom   
  25. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from KeyWorld in Scripting Standards   
    I like the standards, but maybe this could break that:
    announce "this is such a great and big announcement that can maybe be inside of an official script, how will you cut it out?",bc_all;  
    And only thing I don't like is that I'd prefer to see this on an if-else statement because I feel it's more clear:
    if (this) {}else if (that) {}else {}  
    P.S.: I can't seem to download the alberta text?
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