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Posts posted by goddameit

  1. @@keripikotaku


    You need to have some coding technology if you want to use it, or you can hire someone to help you.

    (I'm lazy on checking it whenever herc updata)



    (Did you see something missing in here? yeap, just add it.)

  2. Preview:

    Just like what video show you, winner is who can own EMP when time out,
    so Attacker need to break EMP to be a new owner,
    Defender need to protect EMP until time out.

    .sett_totaltime = 180; // total gaming time
    .sett_waitenemydelay = 10; // wait for enemy
    .sett_opendelay = 10; // wait for game map open
    .sett_startdelay = 10; // wait for game start, defender can enter now
    .sett_restartdelay = 60; // when EMP is down, how long that setting will restart
    .sett_respawnHEARTdelay = 60; // respawn time for obstacle
    .sett_respawnBOMBdelay = 60; // respawn time for bomber
    .sett_reBOMBdelay = 60; // cd for bomber

    Another 1v1 KoE .txt





  3. My friend find something under 0x196

    WBUFL(buf,17)=val1; //<----WBUFL(buf,21)=val2; //<----WBUFL(buf,25)=val3; //<----

    so the server not only send the time but also value,

    is that mean we can write something like this to show those value on status icon?

    StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_BLABLABLA] = {	haveTimeLimit = 1,	posTimeLimitStr = 2,	descript = {		{ "blablabla ", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF },		{ "%s", COLOR_TIME },		{ "Val1: %d", { 255, 255, 255 } },		{ "Val2: %d", { 255, 255, 255 } },		{ "Val3: %d", { 255, 255, 255 } },	}}


    Info :

    After GM active this game, everyone can put their #CASH into the pool,

    the more you put into it, the higher chance you will win,

    for example, if I put 100p into pool, and total #CASH is 1000p, then I have 10% ( 100/1000 ) chance,

    if I add another 300p, then it will be 30.769% ( 400/1300 ).


    The default setting is GM active or end this game, and tax rate is 5%.


    Download :

    Script --- lottery.txt

    SQL --- http://pastebin.com/E86ETCbf

  5. Hp5Jd68.jpg

    In this video, you can see I get different bonus on same item (both item-id are 1101) after I change something in database,
    so you can set what you like on each equipment.

    code ---
    sql ---
    sample script ---

    How to use:
    1. add special command into your item_db
    callfunc "RandomBonusFunc", getuniqueid();


    2.Modify script to what you like


  6. Simple script Online exchange Point ?

    prontera,150,180,4      script  OnlineGamingTime        100,{        .@tick = 0;        query_sql "UPDATE `onlinetime` SET `total_sec` = `total_sec` + TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, `start_time`,  NOW()), `start_time` = NOW() WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3);        query_sql "SELECT `total_sec` FROM `onlinetime` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3), .@tick;        mes "Your online time is:";        mes "[ "+callfunc("Time2Str", gettimetick(2)+.@tick)+" ]";        @tick = .@tick;        if(prompt("[100t ---> 1p]", "[close]") == 1 && @tick >= 100) {                @tick -= 100;                #CASHPINTS += 1;        }        query_sql "UPDATE `onlinetime` SET `total_sec` = "+@tick+" WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3);        .@tick = 0;        @tick = 0;        close;

  7. Preview :


    You can click special NPC and put its location to your list,

    so you will be able to use this warper to go to there.



    How to put special NPC ?

    Open 2_Mark_Stone.txt and add new setting like this :


    <map>,<x>,<y>,<facing>%TAB%duplicate(GG_Record_Mark_Main)%TAB%<NPC Name>%TAB%<sprite id>

    All you need to notice is your npc name must look like this :

    " blablabla#blablabla_uz% " ( % = 1,2,3...9 )


    If you set this new npc is _uz2, then you will find it in "2" type when you use warper.




    Download :


    Update Info

    Edit placemark.sql1_Main_Func.txt

    -    script    GG_Clean_OutDate    -1,{oninit:onclock2359:    sleep2 60000;    query_sql "DELETE FROM `placemark` WHERE DATEDIFF(NOW( ), `time`) > 3"; // 3 days    end;}



  8. Great use of unit related commands. The only problem I can see is that there is a limited number of 'servants', maybe using the mercenary system to replace the npc as servant... Or even using a mob as servant, one mob = one npc instance to control it, and then use whisper commands to get buffs and such.

    modify core will be more easy, but I don't want to and need "click for some service", that's why I use npc

  9. Preview :




    Introduction :


    You can hire this npc, it will follow you and give you buff.


    Download :




    More NPC :


    First add new npc like this:

    Add new name define into .npc_name$
    setarray .npc_name$[0],"Dedicated Poring AAA","Dedicated Poring BBB","Dedicated Poring CCC";
    Time Set :


    60 seconds

    set getvariableofnpc(.npc_time[@id_use],"DedicatedNPCTimer"),gettimetick(2)+60;
    Update :


    2014/02/27 : http://herc.ws/board/topic/4107-dedicated-npc-v2/?p=27298




    2014/01/24 : Rewrite timer and npc runner.


    Edit :


    No repairall? >> reply

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