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Posts posted by AnnieRuru

  1. 22 hours ago, iCORE said:

    thanks again @AnnieRuru , please add (Random Option, Fixed Option, Replace Option) and still fix to only accessories and str only. and can add upto 5 options.

    1. elaborate your question further

    2. you post in script support so I assume you know how to fix yourself
    if you don't know how to write it yourself, should post in script request

  2. getinventorylist;
    while( .@i < @inventorylist_count ){
    	if ( !@inventorylist_identify[.@i] ){
    		delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i],1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;
    		getitem @inventorylist_id[.@i],1;

    bad code

    actually there are some items that are drop with cards, or item options (example crimson weapons)

    we either need a getitem3/delitem3 script command or identifyall script command ... we missing both of them right now


    and for your answer
    just add if ( agitcheck() || agitcheck2() ) ... something like that

  3. message script command obviously doesn't work ...

    if the player not within the vicinity when the player cast the portal, they can only see the portal, not the message

    that's why chat-room might be the only choice to show it like a signboard, that can move into any location, and remove anytime

    On 3/12/2019 at 1:22 AM, skyundersea said:

    No, just the 2d npc sprite..... The npc and npc file exists, but player cant see the Name and cant click on the npc, just it

    if you don't want to show npc name, make the npc name like #asdf, any characters after # will hide the npc name
    but making an npc that you can't click on it, impossible

    in fact, I don't know any object that can control server side that will pop up an object on the client that you can't click on it

    enum bl_type {
    	BL_NUL   = 0x000,
    	BL_PC    = 0x001,
    	BL_MOB   = 0x002,
    	BL_PET   = 0x004,
    	BL_HOM   = 0x008,
    	BL_MER   = 0x010,
    	BL_ITEM  = 0x020,
    	BL_SKILL = 0x040,
    	BL_NPC   = 0x080,
    	BL_CHAT  = 0x100,
    	BL_ELEM  = 0x200,
    	BL_ALL   = 0xFFF,

    yup, none, all these objects will change the cursor

  4. prontera,153,180,4	script	Option Master	4_DOG01,{
    	mes "blah";
    //	dispbottom getequipid(EQI_ACC_L) +" "+ getequipid(EQI_ACC_R);
    	if ( getequipid(EQI_ACC_L) == -1 && getequipid(EQI_ACC_R) == -1 ) {
    		mes "You don't have Accessory equipped";
    	.@s = select( getequipid(EQI_ACC_L)? getequipname(EQI_ACC_L) : "",  getequipid(EQI_ACC_R)? getequipname(EQI_ACC_R) : "" ) + 6;
    //	dispbottom .@s +"";
    	if ( getequipoption( .@s, 1, IT_OPT_INDEX ) ) {
    		mes "this Accessory has already enchanted with Item Options";
    	mes "do you want to add +STR to this Accessory?";
    	if ( select( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) close;
    	setequipoption .@s, 1, VAR_STRAMOUNT, 1;


  5. I'm sorry, I can't really answer this kind of question

    On 2/28/2019 at 7:06 PM, AnnieRuru said:

    just use reduce damage taken ...

    imagine if the player having 199 attack speed, and trigger the hunter fly card effect every time, that effect kinda spammy

    I give you some links if you don't understand what LAG means





    2 hours ago, iCORE said:

    so this will only work with 190 attack speed and below?

    it works fine on my computer when everything is set offline (

  6. now support BF_ flags


    6 hours ago, iCORE said:

    it heals but after a few seconds the regen hp lose

    can't do anything about it, the server cap your attack speed at 190 for a reason
    attacking with 199 attack speed, some packet definitely going to lost this way
    relog, move to another map, or wait a while for the hp to regen will resend the packet to refresh the status

  7. already tested with

    	bonus2 bHPGainRateWhenHit, 500, 50;
    	bonus2 bHPGainRateWhenHit, 500, 50;

    total up 100% chance to recover 100% hp

    this formula is the same as hunter fly card, the chance and the value are just sum up

    if doesn't work for you, no idea, it works on my test server

  8. mf_nomobloot and mf_nomvploot only disable item drop on specific map ... useful for events

    if you want to give item away via scripting then do

    	getmobdrops killedrid;
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@MobDrop_count; ++.@i )
    		if ( rand(10000) < $@MobDrop_rate[.@i] )
    			getitem $@MobDrop_item[.@i], 1;


    no, like I said, don't touch the drop rate in battle config, leave it as it is ...

  9. 1. place mf_nomobloot and mf_nomvploot mapflags on all maps


    2. change this condition into if(0) in mob_dead function

    	if( !(type&1) && !map->list[m].flag.nomobloot && !md->state.rebirth && (
    		md->special_state.ai == AI_NONE || //Non special mob
    		battle_config.alchemist_summon_reward == 2 || //All summoned give drops
    		(md->special_state.ai == AI_SPHERE && battle_config.alchemist_summon_reward == 1) //Marine Sphere Drops items.
    		) )
    	{ // Item Drop


    btw you shouldn't change the rate if you want to give away via scripts
    there is a script command *getmobdrops , the rates are affected by that battle config

  10. Spoiler


    then I also repeat again ... I never seen this kind of bonus
    not even in Diablo 2

    if you know a game that has this kind of bonus, I like to see a video how its done


    - fix this bonus can only use 1 time

  11. Related commit: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/2391

    this is part of *setunitdata script command clean-up
    the UDT_MAPIDXY and UDT_WALKTOXY constant has been deprecated so this script command only dealing with 1 INTEGER value
    now it has been standardize, all (int) has been removed from the documentation


    Example 1 : setunitdata UDT_MAPIDXY (old)

    	.@mobgid = monster("this", -1,-1, "--ja--", PORING, 1);
    	setunitdata(.@mobgid, UDT_MAPIDXY, "guild_vs2", 50,50);

    now should be

    	.@mobgid = monster("this", -1,-1, "--ja--", PORING, 1);
    	unitwarp(.@mobgid, "guild_vs2", 50,50);


    Example 2 : getunitdata UDT_MAPIDXY (old)

    	.@mobgid = monster("this", -1,-1, "--ja--", PORING, 1);
    	getunitdata(.@mobgid, UDT_MAPIDXY, .@pos);
    	dispbottom(sprintf("%d %d %d", .@pos[0], .@pos[1], .@pos[2]));
    	// apparently we don't have *mapid2name script command ... doesn't matter anymore

    now should be

    	.@mobgid = monster("this", -1,-1, "--ja--", PORING, 1);
    	getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, UNITTYPE_MOB, .@mobgid);
    	dispbottom(sprintf("%s %d %d", .@map$, .@x, .@y));


    Example 3 : setunitdata UDT_WALKTOXY (old)

    	.@mobgid = monster("this", -1,-1, "--ja--", PORING, 1);
    	setunitdata(.@mobgid, UDT_WALKTOXY, 158,185);

    now should be

    	.@mobgid = monster("this", -1,-1, "--ja--", PORING, 1);
    	unitwalk(.@mobgid, 158, 185);


  12. no.1 ... wait until I fix OnPCUseSkillEvent
    that modification allows to manipulate everything with a skill cursor ....



    1 hour ago, skyundersea said:

    And for this, do you know any way to make just the sprite appears? not the name and the chat cursor....


    you mean like adding 3D object into the game without telling player that object is manipulate from server side ?

    none, perhaps you can try with browedit if you want to customize the map

  13. I do have 2017-05-17aRagexeRE, and I couldn't even make the npc sprite shows up


    it reads client/data/questid2display.txt, though, so I don't think npc sprite or navigation system are supported <-- correct me if I'm wrong

    client stuff isn't really my thing ...
    can you show me how you get the item thing shows up ? on this ... outdated quest log system ...
    because newer ones like 2018 only read 1 file and its more flexible

  14. try extract your KRO's data.grf and read the format
    or maybe post it here .... so we could solve the mystery together ....

    which file does it read ? my sample quest log script ...
    0.3 says its client/data/questid2display.txt
    1.0 says its client\system\OngoingQuestInfoList_Sakray.lub


    and why some people still using outdated hexed KRO...

  15. https://rathena.org/board/topic/117831-showcase-weapon-skin/.

    got people ask how to do that ...
    so I write a plugin for it

    Download: 1.1

    also need to add a file in conf/import/change_equipment_skin.conf

    change_equipment_skin: (
    	Type: "LOOK_WEAPON"
    	ItemID: 24001
    	SkinID: 1238
    //	Type: "LOOK_SHIELD"
    //	ItemID: 24002
    //	SkinID: 2101

    When player equip a shadow weapon ID 24001, will show the weapon look 1238, which is Zeny_Knife

    "@reloadequipmentskin" will reload this file ...


    Note: yes, the clif->sendlook is extremely messy, I attempt to make this support change shield skin
    but for dunno what reason, equip a shield telling the client changing LOOK_WEAPON ... WTF !!
    if anybody knows how to make it support shield, I'm open to suggestion


    - initial draft

    - apply the libconfig format

    - apply vector

    0.4 - plugin
    - shield are send as LOOK_WEAPON .... bullshit

    1.0 - plugin
    - release with just the weapon look

    1.1 - plugin
    - display a message for file not found
    - fix memory leak on VECTOR_ENSURE


  16. I was using 2018-06-20Re when I wrote Sample Questlog script


    On 12/9/2017 at 0:32 AM, thanna said:

    The thing is how can I show the sprite of the npc/monster on the quest window? please see attached for example.


    the newer quest window, edit the file -> client\system\OngoingQuestInfoList_Sakray.lub
    supports navigation system, including <itemlink>

    	[49908] = {
    		Title = "Poring Problem",
    		IconName = "ico_lq.bmp",
    		Description = {
    			"Poring has invaded Prontera town last night",
    			"Help out the town by killing them.",
    			"Submit to the <NAVI>Guard<INFO>prontera,147,28,</INFO></NAVI> when finished."
    		Summary = "Kill 10 Porings",
    		NpcSpr = "8W_SOLDIER",
    		RewardEXP = "1000",
    		RewardJEXP = "1000",

    NpcSpr is the npc sprite
    monster sprite ... no idea ... after all you can have multiple target mobs in 1 single quest

  17. I don't understand what topic request talking about


    1. I get his/her server allow every player has warp portal skill, but warp portal require /memo to be use efficiently
    so that means every player can have different set of portal location ? just like every priest memo differently
    this means every time acolyte cast a warp portal skills, above the portal creates a temporary chat-room that tells where's the destination ?

    2. then why you request having an npc sprite with non-targetable ?
    if this is cast from player skill, there is no need for an npc

    ok I'm confused

    if anyone understand this topic, please help me rephrase his/her sentence

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