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Posts posted by Mystery

  1. Oh I see, very very interesting post. But I have another question.


    Is there a popular server using Hercules?

    Not exactly sure to be honest. They haven't come to us saying 'Look at our server, we're using Hercules!' :P Only thing to do is check servers' server information page and see what Emulator they're using... thats if they have it stated xD

  2. What is it that you only want from Renewal? You don't want Renewal Mechanics and mechanics consist of the stats, ASPD, formulas, etc. If you just want Renewal Maps and NPCs, manually edit your (pre-re)scripts.conf (https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/npc/pre-re/scripts.conf)and add the renewal NPCs there. This way even if you didn't enable Renewal mode in the source, you can still load Renewal NPCs.


    As for the DEF differences in the Item Description, you're going to have to find an item description text file that's still pre-renewal.

  3. I think your problem is your map's name.. it should be "payon". You cannot rename it unless you edit it using BrowEdit.


    I haven't tried this but i think it will work


    try to open old payon's file using BrowEdit and save it as "pay2".

    Yup. You're a bit right on that! I had the same problem before when I just wanted to rename the map's file... but then it caused conflicts when I loaded it to the server. In order to fix it, try renaming the file when you 'Save As' in BrowEdit.


    Keep in mind that new or custom made maps are not hard coded into the server; you manually add them to the server.

  4. Hello,


    1. Homun S: http://herc.ws/board/topic/4199-why-doesnt-hercules-have-homunculus-s-skills/#entry38857
    2. I believe we're still in Eclage, 14.2 Bifrost, 14.1
    3. We do have Rebellion class... though I don't think all the skills are working 100% as of yet.
    4. I haven't seen issues with the Eden group quest here in Hercules... so I'm not sure about that.
    5. You can upgrade your Database with our SQL Updates: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/tree/master/sql-files/upgrades

  5. Topic moved. You're dealing with a CP which is a website, thus, this should belong in the website support.


    As for your question, I don't think it's a good idea to download themes meant for FluxCP (rAthena). I think there may be conflicts within the theme's code that has to be changed to suit Hercules'. I don't remember 100%... if just the main structure of Hercules' FluxCP has been changed and the theme section or just the main structure...

  6. I know this is a Filipino section... but I'll be writing this in English and if anyone wishes to translate it, by all means.


    However, from your other post (http://herc.ws/board/topic/6210-help/) I see you're able to write a bit of English... so I'm sure you understand a bit of English.


    When it comes to making topics, please don't just title it "help!!!"... especially since you have another topic titled that as well (http://herc.ws/board/topic/6210-help/). I was about to remove one because I thought you duplicated your topic... So, please remember to title your topic with a bit of more information please :)

  7. I second that of Frost... I haven't seen those ones before.. ;o


    Also, at your design. I say it's missing a name in the middle... or at least something... right now it's open space and it's killing my OCD :< I like the fading you did with the kafra though.

  8. Hay folks, Riddles here. I was used to be a developer back in eathena and beginning of rathena time.

    I sneak around the Herc board for quiet a while, but i was never active here. Since i started to work on a new project I want to change that. Back there i had an other Nickname, but i think i just start from 0 with a new one 


    I'm used to rAthena but Herc looks like a way better choice for me. I found some of mine scripts in rA's download section with removed / fake credits, another reason for me to not participate there anymore.


    My skills are limited to scripting, spriting and mapping. I have basic knowledge about java, php and html. 


    Nice to meet you all.

    Hello and welcome aboard! It's nice that you finally showed your face :>

  9. June Digest 2014

    The following digest covers the month of June 1st - June 30th 2014.


    Development Highlights

      [*]Fixed memory in the accinfo packet (0fd3eda) [*]Added new NPC Constants (eee93ba) (P2: 1b45943) [*]Removed ZENY_HACKER (2fb3c85) [*]Changes in npc_parsefile (354a5b1) [*]Changes in npc_parse_shop (0c40a49)


    Scripting Highlights

      [*]Fixed issue with Biochemist quest (78b0650)


    Documentation Highlights

      [*]Update of script_commands (17382d3)


    Database Highlights


    June Statistics

      [*]During the period there were 20 Commits. [*]Of these 20 commits, 5 included bug-fixes. [*]3 Commits from Pull Requests [*]In this month, there were 391 Additions and 254 Deletions.

  10. Item like Gym Pass can not be destroyed, dropped, or sold to NPC.

    They taking up weight in inventory or space in storage.

    How to remove it from inventory & storage?

    Thats because by default, it has these options:


    RE: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/master/db/re/item_db.conf


    Id: 7776

    AegisName: "Max_Weight_Up_Scroll"

    Name: "Gym Pass"

    Type: 3

    Buy: 0

    Weight: 10

    Trade: {

    nodrop: true

    notrade: true

    noselltonpc: true

    nocart: true

    nogstorage: true

    nomail: true

    noauction: true





    Pre-re: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/master/db/pre-re/item_db.conf


    Just change it to false accordingly.

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