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Posts posted by Mystery




    I'm confused. Why are you bumping if you "edited" your above reply saying 'SOLVED' and it's marked as answered? Is there something we're missing?


    >yeah me too wondering why, but when i looked into the time when he edited the Solve its 7:38AM while the bump is 6:58AM


    sorry :( in the first place i though i cant do it but i already figure it out sorry guys :( im verrrry verrrrrryy sorry


    Yes, but don't forget it'd be nice that you post your solution here as well because other people might have the same issue ;3




    [Error]: Duplicate message: ID '656' was already used for 'Tomb'. Message 'Unknown Job' will be ignored.[Error]: Duplicate message: ID '1475' was already used for 'You cannot use this item while storage is open 





    Please check also if this error is related to this?



    update your message.conf

    Yup. This is possibly (should be) related to this bug that was recently fixed: http://herc.ws/board/tracker/issue-8057-jobname-with-invalid-id-return-tomb/?gopid=22123#entry22123


    Commit: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/87b6c8f196897b72d98de2b1d4716bee1af99c3b

  3. File Name: Poring Summoner

    File Submitter: Mysterious

    File Submitted: 05 Mar 2014

    File Category: Events & Games


    Hey everyone,


    I thought I should re-introduce my Poring Summoner event script from back in the eAthena days... however, I took down the script in eAthena for certain reasons but when rAthena came along... I decided to re-introduce it again... but then, again, I removed it D:


    Anyways, I'm here once again to release it to Hercules and I think it'll stay now for the Public.


    You can find it on eAthena (only if you're a moderator):

    Or, see the commotion from rAthena when I took it down:

    Anyways, here is some information regarding this lovely event!




      [*]Basically the event is on an hour-based schedule, you can change the time you wish for the event to start in the script.

      [*]The game basically is controlled by the server staff.

      [*]Staff put a certain amount of Special* Porings and Normal Porings

      [*]* Special Porings drop the prize set by the staff

      [*]The map chosen is hard-coded in the script and can't be controlled VIA NPC In-game

    Known Issues:

      [*]There's an issue where there's no set number of special and normal porings when the script is loaded... thus, if you don't set the number of special porings and normal porings before the event starts, the script won't summon anything.

      [*]Also, there's no set prize when the script is loaded.

      [*]Don't forget to set these when you load the script!


      [*]I know there are ways to optimize the script and fix the above issues, but the above issues isn't such a big concern so I didn't really bother to adjust it :P


      [*]If you wish to redistribute the file, please be polite and let me know where you plan on doing so ;3

      [*]You may not redistribute this file for selling purposes.


    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License


    Click here to download this file


    PS: If you used this event before and liked it, don't forget that +1 ;3!

  4. Is it possible to increase the zeny capacity of the players?


    The current is 2b how about to make it like 10b  or more hehe

    I remember the max is 2b because of client restrictions (won't properly display anything above that amount... from what I remember back in the day) o_o But the max amount for the bank seems to be 2.1b.

  5. Hello there.


    I would like to know if Paypal changed anything forcing us to update our PaymentNotifyRequest.php.


    Source information: http://rathena.org/board/topic/92216-flux-donation-problem/?p=245429


    Please, can you confirm this? Thanks

    You could always check manually on the file: https://github.com/HerculesWS/FluxCP/blob/master/lib/Flux/PaymentNotifyRequest.php


    According to its history, it hasn't been changed / updated / touched since (about) a year ago when we first forked it:



    On a side note, the code could be the same:


    // Close connection.

    // Check verification status of the notify request.
    if (strtoupper($line) == 'VERIFIED') {
    $this->logPayPal('Notification verified. (recv: VERIFIED)');
    $this->txnIsValid = true;
    return true;
    else {
    $this->logPayPal('Notification failed to verify. (recv: %s)', strtoupper($line));
    return false;




    One more outstanding month passed.


    Waiting for next outstanding month....

    Whoa... for a minute there I thought you meant I missed a month D:
    haha. Is my english soo bad?

    Not necessarily haha! I read it too fast and I didn't give my brain time to process the information xD Guess thats what staying up for 18 hours and a half does to you... o-o

  7. February Digest 2014
    The following digest covers the month of February 1st - February 28th 2014.


    Team Changes

      [*]@AnnieRuru has joined the team as a Scripting Moderator. [*]@bgamez23 has been awarded a Community Contributor title for continuous contribution throughout Hercules. [*]@Olrox has joined the team as a Graphic Moderator. [*]@pan has joined the team as a Core Developer.


    Development Highlights

      [*]Whopping clean up of messages.conf (87b6c8f) [*]Improved mapindex_name2id errors (0732f55) [*]Introducing #define NPC Constants (950e3eb) [*]Removed Option_ constants from const.txt (a5728fd)
        [*]Input directly from the source [*]Compounds are always up to date regardless if new members are added, also added a new compound OPTION_COSTUME

      [*]MEMORY SLASHER IN TOWN! (142a8f4) [*]Fixed animation for dead players respawning (fb82304) [*]Unit removed from map animation (866427a) [*]Updated skill_require_db.txt structure (58544d7) [*]Modified successrefitem script command (9d1f80e) [*]Bind atcommands are now case-insensitive (92be98c) [*]Improved script case check reports to include more accurate source info (7b19f96) [*]Fixed vending title escaping (891bd05) [*]Improvements on the script commands sscanf, axtoi. Added strtol. (1cf7c1e)

        [*]Added script command strtol (conforming to the ISO C90 function) [*]Modified script command axtoi to internally use strtol instead of an unnecessary own implementation. [*]Fixed sscanf behavior to conform to the C specifications in case the input string is empty. It now correctly returns -1, or 0 if the format string is also empty. Fixes bugreport:8009, thanks to AnnieRuru

      [*]Fixed millenium shield crash with clones (144a9eb) [*]Updated HPMHookGen with a HPMDataCheck generator (35e1b99) [*]Fixed item combo bypassing disabled item restrictions (00ef66f) [*]Introduction to HPM Datacheck! (d334696, 250ec31) (Topic)

        [*]This introduces automatic data integrity insurance between plugins and the core, allowing the core to reject loading plugins whose data structures mismatch those in the core thus preventing potential crashes and loose data read/write, it goes a long way towards making this issue being inexistent.  [*]In short: its a feature that enables the core to reject "outdated" plugins, "outdated" meaning that a data struct used by the plugin has been modified in the core while the plugin was not recompiled to reflect the change.

      [*]Inter Server asking Login Server for account information instead of a query to the login table (da233d5) [*]MvP Devotion Fix (8a05e61)


    Job / Classes Skill Development Highlights

      [*]Renewal Mechanics Rebalance Update! (6f26451) (Topic)
        [*]" More than I could list! Following is what I could pick out, I'm going only as far as to mention the names that have been modified/added due to the length of the commit, I apologize for the lack of detail -- includes updated mechanics, formulas, entirely new skills and so on! "
          [*]1st/2nd Class Skills [*]Rune Knight Skills [*]Arch Bishop Skills [*]Warlock Skills [*]Ranger Skills [*]Mechanic Skills [*]Shadow Chaser Skills [*]Royal Guard Skills [*]Sura Skills [*]Wanderer / Ministrel Skills [*]Sorcerer Skills [*]Genetic Skills [*]Guillotine Cross Skills [*]- All Class Skills


    Client Support Improvements Highlights

      [*]Improved client_hash_check (e4a1ca2)
        [*]Added option to disable hash check by GM group_id (specify 'disabled' as hash for a certain group_id to let them log in with any client, even if client_hash_check is enabled [*]Updated and reworded related documentation for the feature, following user feedback about certain parts being incomplete or confusing.

      [*]Added /stat+ commands support for 2013-12+ clients (42b5c04)


    Forum Structural Changes
    Script Releases now have new sub-forums with proper descriptions to keep things organized. Sub-forums are:

      [*]Utility Releases [*]PvP, WoE, GvG, & Battleground Releases [*]Event & Game Releases [*]Quest, Shops, Functions & Algorithms



      [*]During the period there were 115 Commits. [*]Of these 115 commits, 25 included bug-fixes. [*]6 Commits from Pull Requests [*]In this month, there were 10,532 Additions and 8,814 Deletions.

  8. but its already 5% in there( without link?? ) .


    my stalker got linked and can strip 1 by 1 with FCP [ The Stalker Can Strip ] like 80% chance o-o

    Well of course. 5% is the minimum rate:


    //Rate in percent

    if ( skill_id == ST_FULLSTRIP ) {

    @@ -6139,6 +6140,8 @@


             if (i < 5) i = 5; //Minimum rate 5%

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