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Everything posted by rans

  1. Hi, my server just crash any possible reason? i'm using latest git ver. the only error i see in map-server before the crash is this [Error]: skill.c:12179: 'bst' in function `skill_unit_onplace_timer' [Error]: ./map-server(assert_report+0x78) [0x82855b8] [Error]: ./map-server(skill_unit_onplace_timer+0x440) [0x81fe6e0] [Error]: ./map-server(skill_unit_timer_sub_onplace+0xae) [0x820853e] [Error]: ./map-server() [0x8143db6] [Error]: ./map-server(map_foreachinshootrange+0x34) [0x814d194] [Error]: ./map-server(skill_unit_timer_sub+0x28a) [0x820c81a] [Error]: ./map-server() [0x827c682] [Error]: ./map-server() [0x827bf23] [Error]: ./map-server(skill_unit_timer+0x3e) [0x820864e] [Error]: ./map-server(do_timer+0x276) [0x8289cf6] [Error]: --- end nullpo info ----------------------------------------
  2. Hope someone can make this plugin possible
  3. After changing its position you need to atleast warp or @refresh or Recon in order to wear them. or else it will say "You can't put this item on".
  4. Hi there, @pk does not work - no error in map-server but in game nothing happens still not pvp on for both players use @pk
  5. Hi dastgir i was trying to do that but i am not sure for extended vending system if which to edit inside the file edit i've just re d your comment on other post
  6. Hi anyone using the extended vending system right now? i'm having trouble running it. no error but it does not work ingame
  7. @Dastgir how can i enable the feature extended vending system? I've already installed the plugin and added the db and conf but it seems not to work. nothing happens in game. but no error in mapserver and it does load the plugin in map-server
  8. So how will you able to sync it with the actual guild skill? idk? i ddnt use this cause it has a bug and the author is not active
  9. @dheerajsyz i think its fixed in https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/53dcedee75954229dcd56c2f04e42e725a1a7359
  10. Hi guys how can i create like this npc window? When you click the linked text it will show the description of item. http://imgur.com/a/9CQBn
  11. It is still not fixed in the latest version of herc as of (9/15/16) Image #1: http://imgur.com/a/E09kW Image #2: http://imgur.com/a/loFwN
  12. Well not so sure about that.. we wait for the author or someone who knows very well the script.
  13. Okay another bug to this script Its not sync with the Actual Guild skill If your cast was interrupted for example someone attacked you or u cancelled it (pub) the script timer still run and does not cancel so with would not be sync with the actual guild skill.
  14. Im experiencing bug with the hit-delay when you die and go to save point is not work and you still in 5 seconds delay. I believe that is normal is the normal behavior even in the first version of hit-delay plugin?
  15. Hi can anyone please create another @flooritem script? this one http://herc.ws/board/topic/6924-request-plugin-flooritem/ is not working anymore
  16. Okay i found solution to make it work needed to change dx and dy into px and py while (checkcell(.@m$[.@i],.@px=rand(.@min_x, .@max_x),.@py=rand(.@min_y , .@max_y), cell_chknopass)); makeitem .@dropitemid,1,.@m$,.@px,.@py; - script test1235678 FAKE_NPC,{ end; OnInit: bindatcmd "flooritem", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnFI", 60,90; end; OnFI: .@hditemid = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]); .@damount = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[1]); if ( !.@damount ) { message strcharinfo(0), "@flooritem <Itemid or itemname> <amount>"; end; } if ( .@damount < 0 ) { message strcharinfo(0), "@flooritem -> Invalid amount"; end; } if ( getitemname(.@hditemid) == "null" && !searchitem(.@temp[0],.@atcmd_parameters$[0]) ) { message strcharinfo(0), "@flooritem -> Invalid Item ID"; end; } if(.@temp[0]) .@dropitemid = .@temp[0]; else .@dropitemid = .@hditemid; .@r = (sqrt(.@damount) > 16 ? 16 :sqrt(.@damount)); getmapxy(.@m$,.@px,.@py,0); .@min_x =((.@px-.@r) < 1?1:(.@px-.@r)); .@max_x =((.@px+.@r) > 512 ? 512:(.@px+.@r)); .@min_y =((.@py-.@r) < 1?1:(.@py-.@r)); .@max_y =((.@py+.@r) > 512 ? 512:(.@py+.@r)); freeloop(1); for(.@j=0;.@j< .@damount;.@j++) { while (checkcell(.@m$[.@i],.@px=rand(.@min_x, .@max_x),.@py=rand(.@min_y , .@max_y), cell_chknopass)); makeitem .@dropitemid,1,.@m$,.@px,.@py; } freeloop(0); end; }
  17. Its because WOE is not running? How about making the temporary solution Check if its woe before proceeding to "@cddebug reset";
  18. If want cooldown to not end upon logout, use this http://upaste.me/0812a8 How to make it so that instead of displaying "Skill Failed, Emergency Call still in Cool Down"; you'll display the time remaining before you can cast emergency call again? ex. ("Cool down still active for 3 minutes 29 seconds") This will be a very helpful command with a time notifier. Thanks Hi there, You may want to change this line set .Ecall_Delay,10; //Do not change this into set .Ecall_Delay,5; //Do not change this I believe this is the Casting time (ecall casting time is 5seconds only) and then go to the //Check Cool Down make make it something like this //Check Cool Down if( ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) == getcharid(0) ) && ( Ecall_Delay > gettimetick(2) ) ){ set .last, Ecall_Delay - gettimetick(2); set .@min, .last % (24*60*60) % (60*60) / (60); set .@sec, .last % (24*60*60) % (60*60) % (60); message strcharinfo(0),"Skill Failed, Emergency Call still in Cool Down"; message strcharinfo(0),"Wait for "+.@min+" minutes "+.@sec+" seconds"; end; } Goodluck
  19. The group requirement is bypassable if u type @go 10 for example it will block and says your level does not allow but if u type @go amatsu. you can bypass it hehe
  20. Yes even in normal BGM. I often encounter this case when i download mp3 and make it bgm. in this case i convert the old mp3 format into new mp3(Don't know what is the diffrence really) using some software.
  21. Waiting for @warp like this
  22. Hi i tried to put an npc path on the conf but it does not work. even for "all" here is a screenshots. (This version was only clone yesterday 9/11/2016) #1 - conf http://i.imgur.com/gZk5aJN.png #2 - console http://i.imgur.com/H7eJCtx.png #3 - Ingame http://i.imgur.com/eNIw1zI.png I noticed an error on console when reloading [Error] db_put: attempted to use non-allowed NULL data for db allocated at map.c:4139
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