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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. Fixed the login warning @ https://github.com/dastgirp/eBG/commit/ad582b7f82700ee000cdd65e18324ba809a2ba74
  2. Download that and save to your grf. You might have used @bodystyle atcommand which changed your appearance.
  3. Probably re-read the last sentence? You might have unknowingly used body style command or npc or UI, and changed to other style, so it's been saved, so when you login again, it tries to use that body style and it cannot be found. Surely on other emulator you are trying, they might not be pointing to same database, so for them, it's normal character with no body style attached to them.
  4. It clearly states that it's missing some file. It isn't server side error, rather it's client side error. You should probably check your client setup. You might have body style saved and those files aren't present in your client.
  5. I don't think there's any way now (also I think current level is enough to add all guild skills with skill points remaining)
  6. It's better to have langtype 0, other langtype are usually buggy and may not even start in some cases
  7. Dastgir


    Sorry, I won't do that(it needs to be updated too frequently), but it's easy to see plugin code(pre/post hook) and change to src
  8. Dastgir


    It's better to ask this kind of thing at rA forum itself. If there's something which is common to both emulator, you can ask it anywhere, but since your request is rA specific, just ask there (and I am sure there already might be topic for this)
  9. I am aware of that warning, I will fix it ASAP.
  10. Syntax is wrong if ( strcharinfo(PC_MAP) == "prontera" || strcharinfo(PC_MAP) == "06guild_01" || strcharinfo(PC_MAP) == "morocc" ) {
  11. Better ask at rA forum ?
  12. Fixed, also added BG Type Announce (check .bg_common array for configuration of time) I do have bg items coded in source, but currently no way to create it, can you explain how NPC Telma works?
  13. Fixed https://github.com/dastgirp/eBG/commit/544b9b6ec8f4f2416991a771f64a3172a2f4abff
  14. I need to rework on restock, it seems, I pushed a unfinished work before, which plugin?
  15. yes, that would happen if you remove data from array, because the BGTypes are assigned constant, which would be looked up in the array. To disable the arena, you need to set false in respective index of setarray .bg_enabled[BGT_CTF], true ,true ,true ,true ,true ,true ,true ,true ,true , true;
  16. show your data.ini and patches you diffed with.
  17. For 1) online peak: make a script to log peak count on Sql and read that from website 2) server status; check if port is open 3) server time: set timezone in web script which matches your server timezone. 4) account count; you need count query (follow habilis guide to ensure there can't be any other access)
  18. query_sql(sprintf("SELECT amount FROM storage WHERE account_id='%d' AND nameid='%d'", getcharid(3), .@item_id), .@amount);
  19. well, the new system have individual files. You can just get the .mcache file and put in maps folder and it would work (provided you added map name in other required files, like map_index and maps.conf) It's easier to track the changes, as if mapcache was updated before, you didn't know which all maps changed, but now you would get to know and without conflict , download the new update
  20. It might also mention file name or table name in error
  21. Will fix it soon, for extendedVending, the function just need extra parameter with value 0
  22. The data folder and/or GRF should lie where your map server is. So if you want to do it in your PC, compile the mapcache plugin and map-server in your PC
  23. What you use? I use resource hacker and it works fine everytime
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