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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. For newish client like early 2018(ragexeRE) clients you can edit System/OngoingQuestInfoList_Sakray.lub, I guess quest lub which you are currently editing was introduced on early 2013. The file you are editing does not show npc image if it's on progress, you have added it in ep14.1, so if you check there, it would show npc I suppose(if those Lua/lub is even read by 2016 client)
  2. Check char table, normally char_id starts from 150000, your server might be having char id less than that.
  3. Checked item_db2? Pretty sure that error is due to that bonus only
  4. That's what I wrote, it's due to item having bonus "bAddRaceTolerance"
  5. You might be using "bAddRaceTolerance" bonus in pre-renewal, that bonus is available only for renewal, you might need to switch that with bSubRace.
  6. My mistake, it seems that's correct name. Which client are you using? (By the looks of screenshot, it seems it isn't reading Lua file).
  7. Get updated lua files: https://github.com/Asheraf/Translation Edit: It seems you are using "Enable Custom Player Skills" patch from NEMO. but forgot to add "Support/Luafiles514/Lua Files/SkillInfoz/SkillType_F.lub" to your grf
  8. You mentioned file name as "epsoid141_list" pretty sure that's not the name in kRO
  9. You should focus on client crashing. Try another client with only recommended patches? Or check if data/rdata are fully updated?
  10. If your friend exe crashes, that means it's client problem. They might be missing some texture or sprite. That's why I suggested to show screenshots of login,Char and map-server. But as you have mentioned client is crashing, show screenshot of crash message too. It's not problem of network.conf, it should always be LAN IP (it's related to from where can map,char and login server to each other)
  11. Multiple things to consider: 1) I think ragexe checks clientinfo instead of sclientinfo 2) show the map/login/char server console (any message in those when your friend tried to connect?)
  12. You probably should have avoid it, I mean I just visited his site and found many flaws: 1) it still have placeholder text "Lorem ipsum" 2) contact us have email address with domain: yourdomain.com 3) address is of london (Buckingham Palace) 4) About us page is also dummy page (https://phytonhost.com/about-us.php) So pretty much, unfinished site and false info, number 1 indicator of red flag.
  13. I haven't encountered any problem with recent clients. Try using Nemo by 4144
  14. Update the client, I guess it itas introduced sometimr after April 2018
  15. Fixed @ https://github.com/dastgirp/eBG/commit/aaa190f69b12d7ed0941c5b9ea1645d21c3c4256 It was due to https://github.com/dastgirp/eBG/commit/098e13bb00e0ea2250b591e15f57bd89b1c67784, where I swapped some numbers too.
  16. I would say you need something more to advertise or more descriptive features. If I see something like you mentioned, it just feels like yet another RO opening soon.
  17. Although that's just warning(with no effect on anything), it will be fixed and pushed later today. Edit: Should be fixed https://github.com/dastgirp/eBG/commit/9fe7a5a07a789a37be1cd5ae11edb8cb86bdaa7b
  18. Not Only nvidia, it's known bug for RO client, happens to everyone with resolution is not divisible by 4
  19. Must be something custom. Maybe you have some shield or something?
  20. 100Mbps should be enough.
  21. afaik, it can be used in PvP Maps, it just cannot be used where noteleport flag is set.
  22. Everything is same as before, except the step to build the mapcache plugin and to run it. Configuration is same, you still need to edit the grf_files.txt and can use grf and/or data folder. For building mapcache, you need to compile plugin named "mapcache", which is provided in the guide I listed above. For running the mapcache, the guide states that as well
  23. Possible, just need to strip card values for item
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