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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. Also a note: If your skill id is out of range, the client would still put them on etc tab. (client have hardcoded the skill id range for 1st class, 2nd class and 3rd class)
  2. if the item image is not showed properly on inventory: your texture folder is messed up If it is not showed properly while dragging/dropped: your sprite drop folder is messed up.
  3. hardcoded: fix (data or parameters) in a program in such a way that they cannot be altered without modifying the program. we don't have Client source as such, so if you are not able to achieve via server side editing, it probably isn't possible without any client mod. also be sure that client does not like out of range skill ID's either. alternatively, you can modify source such that when your new skill is used, trick the client and send bash skill id to client.
  4. Most of the Sprite animations are handled by client and is hardcoded in client itself.
  5. Remove the quotes. Constant's are without quotes
  6. Dastgir

    PvP Monsters

    Not yet, I guess you need to check BG guardians and make plugin something like that
  7. Problem is the item constant. Item constant cannot contain ' (which was allowed previously) most probably, just the ' is removed, so you can Replace "Goat's_Horn" with "Goats_Horn", however, you should double-check if constant exist in https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/stable/db/re/item_db.conf (the AegisName field is the constant)
  8. Tried it with same file, no error. Maybe your hercules is too old?
  9. Line 24 in script: mesf("Would you like to make 1 ^FF0000%s^000000 for the %dth Month of this year ?", getitemname (.Zodiac[gettime(6) -1]), (gettime(6))); It is mesf, I don't know how your script have mes command instead of mesf
  10. The line you mentioned does not even exist in the script, download the new version and try.
  11. To be honest, those table won't even reduce your storage space significantly. Just merely few MB (considering there are many account that were active before and have tons of item in storage and inventory)
  12. I don't know why this is tagged as urgent. (Not at all urgent) Client is not related to Pre Renewal or Renewal, it's about the features you need. Every client is stable enough else it won't even be released. Hercules support most of 2018 clients (recent one's too) Check 4144 Fork of NEMO (topic in client-side release/project section)
  13. check your map-server.conf and char-server.conf, might be some mistake on putting WAN IP. also in network.conf, put only your local IP in "allowed: ("
  14. 1) The webserver is on linux, that means case sensitive "test != Test" 2) Your main.ini points to other url "http://hltracker.com/RO/patch/"
  15. Probably that means no one translated it yet, you can help translate and make PR to those repo
  16. Conf Files: https://habilisbest.com/raspberry-pi-and-ragnarok-online-private-server (Just follow that "Configure your Server" step to understand .conf) Hercules-11,12,14.sln depends on your Visual Studio 2017. Hercules-15 would support Visual Studio 2017, which is currently reviewed (https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/2131), Although you can just run Hercules-14.sln and it would show you Upgrade to latest format(or something like that), and it would work fine.
  17. Why not use sc(already defined and assigned in that function)? it would check with any other unit having status instead of just players. if (sc != NULL && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK] != NULL && sc->data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_HUNTER)
  18. Which revision are you using? I don't see that line anywhere nearby, modded? probably sd is null.
  19. gdb map-server r when it crashes, type "bt full" and post the output here.
  20. Wouldn't recommend that, but you need these changes: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/499745c3eb6d79573e627433bd77881bd26afb7c
  21. Your hercules should be atleast updated till 2018.01.14
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