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  1. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from jTynne in Which shield ( anti-bot ) is best now ?   
    Average player wouldn't try to bypass any shield
  2. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from jTynne in Which shield ( anti-bot ) is best now ?   
    Its written in c#, Decompile it, make a fake one using same protocol, and tadaa, you bypassed hashield.
  3. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from iCORE in Plugin Collections   
     All Plugins Updated to reflect recent changes
    Travis Report has been added to repo, so that I would get to know of crash upon runtime(or compile warnings/errors)
  4. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from luan122 in Special Shop[Implement it in Hercules.]   
    Reference topic : http://rathena.org/board/topic/84169-specialty-shops/
    Pull Request : https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/232 (Tested it out, and its working.) 
    Diff File: SpecialShop_v1.2.diff (In case someone want to use it early/dev rejected it.)
    I have tested this source, and it works fine, anyone who wants to try can test it.

    Although in cashshop rearrangement, we would like if format is this
    <map name>,<x>,<y>,<facing>   pointshop <NPC Name> <sprite id>,<"points">,<"description">,<itemid>:<price>{,<itemid>:<price>...}  Where description is the name of point put, like if variable if PkP and description is PvP Points.
    Then when we open shop it will show in chat box (not npc dialog box), that "This shop uses PvP Points for purchasing items. Current PvP Points:123"
  5. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Lord Ganja in Mini item description window   
    At bottom right of window, you can drag and resize the window...
  6. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from iCORE in Plugin Collections   
    Yes, HPM recently got update, I need to update all plugins to reflect those changes.If you are in hurry,
    Removing all GET_SYMBOL lines will fix it.
  7. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Shatowolf in [Release] ExtendedBG for Hercules (with eAmod BG modes)   
    The queue mode that this eBG uses is full Hercules queue. Although, we don't have smart algorithm yet(nobody suggested it, and we never thought of it).Currently only @joinbg and @leavebg is there.
  8. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Nagad in [Release] ExtendedBG for Hercules (with eAmod BG modes)   
    Development of this had already started... 
    For more technical changelog along with date :http://server.athenacore.net/getrss.php?q=ebg
  9. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from RagnarokOnline2015 in Exe   
    I'd say , go with 2014-02-05 currently.
  10. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Sasuke Uchiha in Item_db.sql Error   
    Performance wise there's no difference, since items are only read at runtime.
    About item_db.conf
    It's far more readable, loads fast, and is easy to manage at times.
    @@Sasuke Uchiha
    On side note, this error is fixed on last version,
    Though, using conf is more reliable. As you cannot apply any updates too(without losing changes, if you have changed some item) if there are any update to item_db
  11. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from REKT in Exe   
    I'd say , go with 2014-02-05 currently.
  12. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Yazoo in Rebirth System   
    File Name: Rebirth System
    File Submitter: Dastgir
    File Submitted: 05 Apr 2014
    File Category: Utility
    It is Rebirth System , which allows to rebirth unlimited times
    Some of its features on how it works
    It does not give any Extra StatusPoints(Adjustable via Config)
    Requires Some Item to Rebirth
    Rewards are given when you rebirth with x% chance
    You can Only Rebirth when you are Max Level (3rd,2nd job Configurable Option)
    RebirthSystem Ranking(To know who has Rebirth How many times)
    Master Rebirth System(When you have Rebirthed for x times, You can do Master Rebirth. You can add ItemReward and ItemRequirements, only for MasterRebirth too..)
    GM can reset the Rebirth Rankings(Affects StatusPoint Given)
    Can Force the User to be rebirthed to Novice/High Novice.
    Can Give x status point every Rebirth.
    Can Give y status point every Master Rebirth.
    Can Limit Number of Rebirth/Master Rebirths.
    Can rebirth to Any Jobs(Job Adjustable via Config)

    I made this script because it was requested to me by someone.
    Click here to download this file
  13. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from ρixєℓ in Help in NPC CTE.   
    BG is suited for it, make them join in 2 teams of bg.Other options are, if they are on same party/guild, you can have gvg mapflag and so on..
  14. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from sonyk2 in [Release] ExtendedBG for Hercules (with eAmod BG modes)   
    Hello Hercules Community,
    Let me explain it first.
    It is ExtendedBG, which tends to contain all eAmodBG modes and extra modes(as and when coded).
    Some Previews:
    Ohh, and the last thing I forgot to tell,
    Its 100% Plugin and Script, no Source Edits ..
    Special Thanks To:
    jaBote co-founded this project(and really thanks to him , that he motivated me at start at provided some functions and idea of how the base should be, and what we should do it to give flavor of Hercules in it).
    Repository Link: https://github.com/dastgirp/eBG (Please read README.md for installation steps)
    Leave Comments/Suggestions if you find something.
     There might be some(/many) debug messages left in map-server which will be cleaned up. I will add battle.conf soon (you have to add it yourself for now or edit the plugin) The plugin might be a big mess to read/understand (I did many experiments over the year) There might be some bugs Thanks to @Rebel and @Myriad for testing and providing initial feedback
    Contact me on Discord: @Dastgir#1460 if there's some urgent issue or else open the issue in github. keep this topic for support.
    Want to encourage me??

  15. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from tmav94 in Query_sql to check if the players is online   
    why use query_sql
    you can use this method
    .@acc_id = charid2rid(.@char_id);if (!.@acc_id){ debugmes "Char not online"; end;}//DO anything with .@char_id and .@acc_id here.(Character is Online)
  16. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Triedge in Command @go is not working correctly   
    Maybe there's some custom source/script which is rewarping them to prontera?
  17. Like
    Dastgir got a reaction from simplexjay2 in Plugin Collections   
    Hello Community,
     I am feeling like, there's many plugin on forum, but not been actively used, due to out-of-date plugin
    I have updated Shikazu's Plugin first(as it was requested on the thread from 25th April), maybe Shikazu busy on his rl.
    Also I have included My Plugins there.
    I would like to add more plugins there(which are not updated on hercules forum <- please suggest if you find some outdated plugin and want me to update it )
    List of Plugins and Owners:
    Repository: https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-Plugins
  18. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Aethelingaeg in [Release] ExtendedBG for Hercules (with eAmod BG modes)   
    Hello Hercules Community,
    Let me explain it first.
    It is ExtendedBG, which tends to contain all eAmodBG modes and extra modes(as and when coded).
    Some Previews:
    Ohh, and the last thing I forgot to tell,
    Its 100% Plugin and Script, no Source Edits ..
    Special Thanks To:
    jaBote co-founded this project(and really thanks to him , that he motivated me at start at provided some functions and idea of how the base should be, and what we should do it to give flavor of Hercules in it).
    Repository Link: https://github.com/dastgirp/eBG (Please read README.md for installation steps)
    Leave Comments/Suggestions if you find something.
     There might be some(/many) debug messages left in map-server which will be cleaned up. I will add battle.conf soon (you have to add it yourself for now or edit the plugin) The plugin might be a big mess to read/understand (I did many experiments over the year) There might be some bugs Thanks to @Rebel and @Myriad for testing and providing initial feedback
    Contact me on Discord: @Dastgir#1460 if there's some urgent issue or else open the issue in github. keep this topic for support.
    Want to encourage me??

  19. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Mystery in [Guide] Adding New Status Icons   
    Hello Hercules Community,
    Here's a Guide to Add a New Custom Status Icons(the one displayed on the right)
    What you Need?
    Knowledge of Editing and Compiling Server(and ofcourse custom icons)

    1) Server Side Edits:
    SC_MAX  Add Before
    SI_MAX, Add Before
    SI_MYCUSTOMBUTTON = ID_OF_BUTTON, (ID of Button can be any, but I suggest to have them > 2000, so not to avoid any updates with kRO(which is at 900) now)
    P.S: Remember that ID_OF_BUTTON, we gonna need them later.
    status->IconChangeTable[SC_DECORATION_OF_MUSIC] = SI_DECORATION_OF_MUSIC; Add Below
    2) ClientSide Edits
    Get a CleanCopy of statusicon folder (https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/tree/master/Data/luafiles514/lua%20files/stateicon)
    Open efstids.lub
    __newindex = function()error("unknown state") Before it add,
    EFST_MYCUSTOMBUTTON = ID_OF_BUTTON,  P.S: ID_OF_BUTTON should match the one on source(status.h)
    Open  stateiconinfo.lub
    StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_JUMPINGCLAN] = {  Add Before
    StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_MYCUSTOMBUTTON] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { { "My Custom Button Heading", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF }, {"%s", COLOR_TIME}, --do not edit this, this shows time remaining { "Description 1" }, { "Description 2" }, { "Description 3" } }} Open
    [PRIORITY_RED] = {  OR
    [PRIORITY_WHITE] = {  (Depending on what background your Custom Button is)
    Add below
    [EFST_IDs.EFST_MYCUSTOMBUTTON] = "MYCUSTOMBUTTONFILE.TGA",  P.S: Your Button File must be in .TGA form only.
    .tga file must go to data/texture/effect/ Folder
    And Its DONE!!!
    NOTE: Replace MYCUSTOMBUTTON with your own Icon/Effect Name
  20. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Neffletics in [Release] ExtendedBG for Hercules (with eAmod BG modes)   
    Hello Hercules Community,
    Let me explain it first.
    It is ExtendedBG, which tends to contain all eAmodBG modes and extra modes(as and when coded).
    Some Previews:
    Ohh, and the last thing I forgot to tell,
    Its 100% Plugin and Script, no Source Edits ..
    Special Thanks To:
    jaBote co-founded this project(and really thanks to him , that he motivated me at start at provided some functions and idea of how the base should be, and what we should do it to give flavor of Hercules in it).
    Repository Link: https://github.com/dastgirp/eBG (Please read README.md for installation steps)
    Leave Comments/Suggestions if you find something.
     There might be some(/many) debug messages left in map-server which will be cleaned up. I will add battle.conf soon (you have to add it yourself for now or edit the plugin) The plugin might be a big mess to read/understand (I did many experiments over the year) There might be some bugs Thanks to @Rebel and @Myriad for testing and providing initial feedback
    Contact me on Discord: @Dastgir#1460 if there's some urgent issue or else open the issue in github. keep this topic for support.
    Want to encourage me??

  21. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from minx123 in NPC Punching Beg auto respawn when die   
    - script Punching Bag -1,{OnInit:monster "invek",143,148,"Punching Bag",1905,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnDummyKill";monster "invek",153,140,"Punching Bag",1905,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnDummyKill2";monster "invek",161,169,"Punching Bag",1905,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnDummyKill3";end;OnDummyKill: monster "invek",143,148,"Punching Bag",1905,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnDummyKill"; end;OnDummyKill2: monster "invek",153,140,"Punching Bag",1905,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnDummyKill2"; end;OnDummyKill3: monster "invek",161,169,"Punching Bag",1905,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnDummyKill3"; end;} You were using wrong npc name, since npc name was having 2/3 at end, but better merge them all into one npc, like shown above.
  22. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Akaneharuka in RoBrowser play Ragnarok in the browser is it real ?   
    roBrowser is far better than AndRO, but not as complete as PC version.
  23. Upvote
    Dastgir reacted to Jedzkie in NEMO - Client Patcher   
    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    BTW additional report, if i diff Remove Hourly Message, the client crashes when i tried to log in in-game.
  24. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Nagad in Hercules WPE Free - June 14th Patch   
    If it shows passed, that means its strong, you can use those
  25. Upvote
    Dastgir got a reaction from Ehwaz in [Function] random item/variable   
    File Name: [Function] random item/variable
    File Submitter: Dastgir
    File Submitted: 23 Jul 2014
    File Category: Quest, Shops, Functions & Algorithms
    This Function does something which is useful for some scripts.
    This function gives you item or adds/substract the variable value.
    mes "Random between 7227,1 and 502,2 and 7227,2"; callfunc "rand_add",1,7227,1,502,2,7227,2; next; mes "Random between 1 Cash Points and 2 PvP Points"; callfunc "rand_add",2,"#CASHPOINTS","Cash Points",1,"pvp_points","PvP Points",2; next; mes "Random items that are mentioned in function"; callfunc "rand_add",0; close;
    Setting the value negative for variables will decrease them, while doing so for items, will not delete the item.
    Click here to download this file
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