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About Kenpachi

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/03/1984

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  1. Hi. Just add your code to the else if( sd ) block. case PR_MAGNIFICAT: case PR_GLORIA: case SN_WINDWALK: case CASH_BLESSING: case CASH_INCAGI: case CASH_ASSUMPTIO: case WM_FRIGG_SONG: if( sd == NULL || sd->status.party_id == 0 || (flag & 1) ) clif->skill_nodamage(bl, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, sc_start(src,bl,type,100,skill_lv,skill->get_time(skill_id,skill_lv))); else if( sd ) { if (skill_id == PR_MAGNIFICAT) { // Magnificat caster exclusive code. } party->foreachsamemap(skill->area_sub, sd, skill->get_splash(skill_id, skill_lv), src, skill_id, skill_lv, tick, flag|BCT_PARTY|1, skill->castend_nodamage_id); } break; ~Kenpachi
  2. Hi. The item skill system was updated in v2020.05.31. If you still find issues, please report them or join #2709 and add some details. Allow trading and chat room actions when dead will be added in the next release, but you can apply #2755 yourself if you need this feature urgently. ~Kenpachi
  3. Hi. Example for changing a character's sprite to Acolyte: disguise(Job_Acolyte); // or disguise(4); From doc/script_commands.txt: The description is misleading since it supports not only monster IDs, but also NPC sprite IDs or job IDs.... ~Kenpachi
  4. Hi. From doc/script_commands.txt: You have to enable this event for all maps you need. OnPCLoginEvent works fine for me. ~Kenpachi
  5. View File jRO Exclusive Monsters All jRO Exclusive, Event and Special Episode monsters. This file was originally posted by @fxfreitas at Midgard-Community. The archive contains the following monster sprites: abyss_arthur (corridor of abyss special instance boss) AMELIT (ghost carring a gemstone) ANGLERFISH (Mini-boss) CHAOS_DEVIL_DRAGON deviruchi_w (a white deviruchi, event) domovoi (custom pet, based on RO2 domovoi) ECHIDNA EMELIT (ghost carring a gemstone) giant_deviruchi (event monster) giant_deviruchi_w (event monster) headless_mule (remake of original brasilis monster, last kRO already implemented) HERA (Episode Monster) j_taini (tiny, event monster and pet) kraken_baby (marse edit) LILITH (Episode Monster) M_DARK_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster) M_FLAME_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster) M_ICE_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster) M_LIGHT_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster) M_STONE_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster) merman_se (merman edit) METAL_DRAGON (Pet and dungeon monster) MYTHLIT (ghost carring a gemstone) pad_fafnir (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_helheim (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_horai (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_ifrit (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_kinggold (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_kingmetal (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_leviathan (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_muspelheim (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_mythlit (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_niraikanai (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_shangrila (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_tamadora (Pet) pad_zaerog (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_zerog (Can't Move, Can't Attack) poseidon (strouf edit) RUBYLIT (ghost carring a gemstone) SAPPHLIT (ghost carring a gemstone) seiren (obeaune edit) SIREN (Episode Monster) tacnu (Mini-boss) TOPALIT (ghost carring a gemstone) Submitter Kenpachi Submitted 04/22/20 Category Sprites & Palettes  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    All jRO Exclusive, Event and Special Episode monsters. This file was originally posted by @fxfreitas at Midgard-Community. The archive contains the following monster sprites: abyss_arthur (corridor of abyss special instance boss) AMELIT (ghost carring a gemstone) ANGLERFISH (Mini-boss) CHAOS_DEVIL_DRAGON deviruchi_w (a white deviruchi, event) domovoi (custom pet, based on RO2 domovoi) ECHIDNA EMELIT (ghost carring a gemstone) giant_deviruchi (event monster) giant_deviruchi_w (event monster) headless_mule (remake of original brasilis monster, last kRO already implemented) HERA (Episode Monster) j_taini (tiny, event monster and pet) kraken_baby (marse edit) LILITH (Episode Monster) M_DARK_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster) M_FLAME_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster) M_ICE_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster) M_LIGHT_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster) M_STONE_KNIGHT (Mercenary monster) merman_se (merman edit) METAL_DRAGON (Pet and dungeon monster) MYTHLIT (ghost carring a gemstone) pad_fafnir (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_helheim (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_horai (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_ifrit (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_kinggold (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_kingmetal (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_leviathan (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_muspelheim (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_mythlit (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_niraikanai (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_shangrila (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_tamadora (Pet) pad_zaerog (Can't Move, Can't Attack) pad_zerog (Can't Move, Can't Attack) poseidon (strouf edit) RUBYLIT (ghost carring a gemstone) SAPPHLIT (ghost carring a gemstone) seiren (obeaune edit) SIREN (Episode Monster) tacnu (Mini-boss) TOPALIT (ghost carring a gemstone)
  7. Hi. That's a training dummy. 😄 Spawn is located in npc/re/mobs/towns.txt. //== Prontera, Training Dummy Area ========================= prontera,251,77,0,0 monster Lv 50 2409,1,5000,0,0 prontera,259,77,0,0 monster Lv 50 2409,1,5000,0,0 prontera,251,66,0,0 monster Lv 100 2410,1,5000,0,0 prontera,259,66,0,0 monster Lv 100 2410,1,5000,0,0 prontera,251,55,0,0 monster Lv 150 2411,1,5000,0,0 prontera,259,55,0,0 monster Lv 150 2411,1,5000,0,0 ~Kenpachi
  8. Kenpachi

    Buff Scroll

    Hi. More than one itemskill() invocation per item is not support due to the mechanics of server-client-communication. When using the item, the first itemskill() invocation makes the server send a packet (ZC_AUTORUN_SKILL) to the client. Now the item's script isn't attached to the character anymore and thus the second itemskill() invocation can't be executed. Use sc_start() for the first skill, to "fix" this. I have to investigate how Aegis handles this, since there are official items which cast more than one skill. For example Angeling Potion (ID=12350). item Angeling_Potion event OnConsume: SkillToMe AL_BLESSING 5 Skill AL_ANGELUS 5 return ~Kenpachi
  9. Hi. The error is caused by this line: setd getd("$@PVPKill"+$@PVPcounter),getcharid(3); The value of $@PVPcounter is 1. Thus getd("$@PVPKill"+$@PVPcounter) returns the value of a variable with name $@PVPKill1. Since $@PVPKill1 is not a string variable, a number is returned and causes an error in setd(). I assume your intention was to set $@PVPKill1 to the return value of getcharid(3). setd("$@PVPKill" + $@PVPcounter, getcharid(3)); ~Kenpachi
  10. Hi. You have to change the backgroud color from white to magenta (#FF00FF). See https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/wiki/Spriting. ~Kenpachi
  11. Hi. In src/map/script.c: Add this: BUILDIN(get_unique_id) { struct map_session_data* sd = script_rid2sd(st); if (sd == NULL) { script_pushint(st,0); return false; } script_pushint(st, sockt->session[sd->fd]->gepard_info.unique_id); return true; } Below: BUILDIN(resethate) { struct map_session_data *sd; if (script_hasdata(st, 2)) sd = script->id2sd(st, script_getnum(st, 2)); else sd = script->rid2sd(st); if (sd != NULL) pc->resethate(sd); return true; } And add this: BUILDIN_DEF(get_unique_id, ""), Below: BUILDIN_DEF(openlapineddukddakboxui, "i"), Don't forget to re-compile. ~Kenpachi
  12. From what I've been told, there's no in-game error. It's just spamming the server console. ~Kenpachi
  13. Hi. That should be fine. But don't forget, that IDs 4001-4219 (job classes) and 19001-20000 (clones) are reserverd. ~Kenpachi
  14. Hi. Add this: if (.@item_id < 5001 || (.@item_id > 5859 && .@item_id < 30000) || .@item_id > 31000) { dispbottom("---------------[Morpho Helper]---------------"); dispbottom(" "); dispbottom("Sorry, this headgear was not designed for this headgear slot."); dispbottom(" "); end; } Below: if ((.@keyword$ == "upper" || .@keyword$ == "middle" || .@keyword$ == "lower") && .@view_id <= 0) { dispbottom("---------------[Morpho Helper]---------------"); dispbottom(" "); dispbottom("Invalid headgear ID."); dispbottom(" "); end; } ~Kenpachi
  15. The only timer related modification I found in this PR is that now 0 is passed for data when assigning ud->walktimer. Prior to this PR, the amount of added ticks was passed. From: ud->walktimer = timer->add(timer->gettick()+i,unit->walktoxy_timer,bl->id,i); To: ud->walktimer = timer->add(timer->gettick() + timer_delay, unit->walk_toxy_timer, bl->id, 0); //TODO: check if unit->walk_toxy_timer uses any intptr data From: ud->walktimer = timer->add(tick+i,unit->walktoxy_timer,id,i); To: ud->walktimer = timer->add(tick + timer_delay, unit->walk_toxy_timer, id, 0); unit_walk_toxy_timer() doesn't use the data parameter, but at least unit_stop_walking() uses the TimerData->data field. I can't tell if those changes are causing the error, yet. Unfortunately I'm unable to get that error popping up while debugging. 😥 ~Kenpachi
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