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Legend last won the day on January 10 2017

Legend had the most liked content!

About Legend

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/02/1995

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  • Location:
    Heaven ♥
  • Interests
    Scripting and mapping
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  1. Legend

    I miss Ind :'(

    I'm still hoping that he would come back.
  2. Hello there @Noele! Welcome to Hercules Community!
  3. thank you for your wonderful contribution
  4. Thanks for your wonderful contribution
  5. @meko Yea, I thought of the same thing.
  6. @Disgaea Replace .request_item = Apple; .to .request_item = 512;
  7. @Myriad I guess it needs src mod/plugins to achieve that. Anyways, I found @ping command "request" for plugin way back 2015, here's the link:
  8. @Myriad, Im not quite sure but I think this isn't possible.
  9. TS's last visit was 2015, lol probably dead
  10. I don't recognize this bug since I always modify the job_db.conf for it's HP/SP table. I usually use this to generate new HP/SP table:
  11. I hope @Dastgir updates and includes this in his Plugins Collections http://herc.ws/board/topic/11587-maxlvexpgain/
  12. @RumbleBee You must use this to remove shake effect.
  13. Have you tried using Nemo? Patch your client with "Disable Quake skill effect"
  14. @meko Oh I see, I don't know what does getfreecell actually do *since I dont use rA* was just pointing about compatibility of his script tho
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