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Posts posted by Tokeiburu

  1. Alright, I've reuploaded the link and updated the files. There are no reasons why 2012 clients wouldn't be able to load this GRF. Models have been downgraded, again, for full support. It contains all the necessary files for the following maps :


    It is the same link as before : http://www.mediafire.com/download/7hcz6u9vl4vjhb4

  2. Yes, this can be done with ActOR.
    Script(S) > Edit... > 

    for AID = 0, GetNumAct() - 1 do    for FID = 0, GetNumFrame(AID) - 1 do        for PID = 0, GetNumPat(AID, FID) - 1 do            SetA(AID, FID, PID, 0x80);            SetB(AID, FID, PID, 0xff);            SetG(AID, FID, PID, 0xff);            SetR(AID, FID, PID, 0xff);        end;    end;end;

    > Run.
    With Act Editor : 
    Scripts > Script Runner > 


    > Run.

  3. I have try to secure a folder. But its will prompt error in game

    The folder is texture / À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º

    I try to secure the pallete, but its not working too.


    Could you be more specific? The encryption's working fine over here.


    Have you updated your client files (cps.dll and client) to enable the encryption?

  4. great =D btw I'm getting this error, any idea?





    attempt to call a nil value






    Seems like a lua issue to me! You can either delete the luafiles folder in newprontera.grf or you can update your effect file here : https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation/blob/master/Data/luafiles514/lua%20files/effecttool/effectfunc.lub

  5. There's a trick to identify these... thanks Olrox ;)! Anyhow, many of them are hard coded in the client.


    15    Soul Strike pok1.tga pok3.tga ring_blue.tga lens1.tga lens2.tga

    17 Magnum Break ring_yellow.tga ´ëÆø¹ß.tga
    27 Frost Diver (Traveling to Target) ice.tga pok1.tga pok3.tga smoke.tga
    28 Frost Diver (Hitting) pok1.tga pok3.tga smoke.tga
    226 Grand Cross Effect alpha_center.tga ring_white.tga ring_yellow.tga
    252 Reflect Shield ring_yellow.tga
    312 Heal Effect ring_white.tga pok1.tga pok3.tga
    336 Kyrie Eleison/Parrying Shield kyrie.str
    409 Meteor Assault purpleslash.tga
    Edit : You can view the resources of STR files using GRF Editor, ex :

  6. I'm currently using the Thor patcher, but i cannot patch de folder inside my grf because the patcher misspell the folder name, the folder name is À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º but it keeps changing some simbols to ? then my game don't recognize it and i cant add custom itens textures or even the 3rd job skill icons that are missing.

    Can anyone help me? Thank You


    Aaaah! People still confusing Unicode and Ascii ;).

    Ascii (is a mistake - should be ANSI) = À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º

    Unicode (Korean) = 유저인터페이스


    So since your path was À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º, you have to use Ascii when creating the patch. On a side note, you can make your patches with GRF Editor, the encoding is fixed automatically for you.

  7. You should uncheck "Ignore missing sprite errors" when diffing your client, you would be able to see what is the actual problem.


    accessoryid : ACCESSORY_Aegis_Name = #viewId,

    (Make sure no other items in that list uses the same #viewId.)


    accname :  [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Aegis_Name] = "_SpriteFileNameWithoutTheExtension",


    Make sure your lua/lub files are being read as well. Check in your db if the viewId is the same as your headgear and that the viewId in your itemInfo is set to the correct viewId as well.

  8. Edit : Ragno beat me to it, but oh well, don't want to erase my post!


    GRFs are "special" and they abstract the Korean versus Ansi problems you're having; that's why when you put everything in a GRF you don't get issues.


    If you're working with the data folder, you must use the Ansi encoding (the gibberish text you see), otherwise the client won't see the files. For some reason, that github repository is using Korean characters but it's an error, it should be set to Ansi so that the client can read it.


    The error the client shows you is accurate and it is what the file name should be named to.

  9. auhh i see..

    is there a way to save every frame with one click in this mode ?



    I doubt there's an automatic mode for it in Photoshop. If you don't mind uploading your images (via PM if necessary), I can convert them all rather easily (and quickly).

  10. Hello Hercules Community,


    maybe there is anyone who can help me.


    i want to create a pokemon sprite but there is a bug everytime. the black color is transparent .why?


    Check out this guide regarding sprite creation : https://rathena.org/board/topic/61862-guide-spriting-101-creating-a-sprite-and-act-file/


    To put it simple, your images need to be converted to "palette images (indexed)" with the first color being the transparent color. Paint automatically changes that one to black, photoshop doesn't. It is also fairly common to use pink (#ff00ff) for the transparent color.

  11. Well, why not use WinRAR's SFX feature to generate a self extracting executable? Open your archive with WinRAR > Tools > Convert archive to SFX. Then you can change the behavior in "Advanced SFX options..." such as the displayed text, the icon used, the recommended path (outside 'Program files'), etc. It doesn't have a file size limit as far as I know (I just made a 3 GB archive without issues, it does take a while though...). Anyway, there are plenty of guides online on how to use this if you're interested.


    Example (I messed up my left side image a bit, but meh) :


  12. this tool is so awesome =D do you have any plan on doing some tool to create/edit palette (.pal) files? that would be awesome since we don't have any tool for it anymore =/ (I'm talking about hair and dye colors)


    Well I already made a palette editor utility, which has undergone many changes over time. The last supported one has been implemented inside Act Editor and can be accessed via Edit > Palette editor... That being said, this tool may not do what you're looking (it's targeted to edit the palette of sprite files).


    So... what exactly are the features you're looking for? Automatic palette generation? Just a basic palette editor? Do you want the tool to be embedded within GRF Editor (with a preview tab for instance? or simply via the Tools menu?) or as a standalone application? If you have something specific in mind, that would be greatly helpful.

  13. Hi! I try to build a bridge with BrowEdit. My probem ist the GAT, because I can´t make 2 "levels" (one on the ground to walk under the bridge and one above). Is there a way to add a second GAT above the first?


    That's impossible to do. The gat file format doesn't support such a feature! But yeah it would be nice if Gravity allowed that somehow, that would allow some epic maps.

  14. Hi~Tokeiburu,

    I'd like to suggest that adding word's copy feature on search result window

    so that we can easily obtain the full file pathes without retyping again.





    You can use Ctrl-C after selecting an item in the search results. The same goes for the tree view and the other folder list view. In the next release, you'll be able to copy multiple items at once though, which will be more handy than one by one.

  15. Hi @Tokeiburu where you get this manifest as far i know it not included in the pack



    Use a hex editor to find the manifest, it usually starts with "?xml". Also, I made a mistake, the manifest I extracted was for The latest version is and the manifest does not require elevated privileges. My guess is this was changed because RO can be ran without admin privileges and this prevented users without admin rights to play the game. Is your installer installing outside of the Program Files' directory? This is necessary to avoid UAC/security issues. Choose a path such as "C:GamesYourRO".



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <assemblyIdentity version="" processorArchitecture="*" name="Aeomin.ThorPatcher" type="win32"/>	<compatibility xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:compatibility.v1">		<application>		 <supportedOS Id="{e2011457-1546-43c5-a5fe-008deee3d3f0}"/>		 <supportedOS Id="{35138b9a-5d96-4fbd-8e2d-a2440225f93a}"/>		 <supportedOS Id="{4a2f28e3-53b9-4441-ba9c-d69d4a4a6e38}"/>		 <supportedOS Id="{1f676c76-80e1-4239-95bb-83d0f6d0da78}"/>		</application>	</compatibility> <description>Custom Patcher for Ragnarok Online</description> <dependency>  <dependentAssembly>   <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" version="" processorArchitecture="*" publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" language="*"/>  </dependentAssembly> </dependency> <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">  <security>   <requestedPrivileges>        <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false"/>   </requestedPrivileges>  </security> </trustInfo></assembly>
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