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Posts posted by Tokeiburu

  1. Not sure which version of Thor Patcher you're using, but the latest one uses the following manifest file shown below (as you'll see it already requires elevated privileges to run).


    I know one version of Thor Patcher had issues overwriting files, but that's been fixed already. So... I doubt your players' issues have anything to do with admin privileges.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">  <assemblyIdentity    type="win32"    name="CodeGear RAD Studio"    version="11.0.2627.5503"     processorArchitecture="*"/>  <dependency>    <dependentAssembly>      <assemblyIdentity        type="win32"        name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls"        version=""        publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df"        language="*"        processorArchitecture="*"/>    </dependentAssembly>  </dependency>  <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">    <security>      <requestedPrivileges>        <requestedExecutionLevel          level="requireAdministrator"          uiAccess="false"/>        </requestedPrivileges>    </security>  </trustInfo></assembly>

  2. Line 79560, the quotes are not escaped properly. Replace with 

    "거대한 뱀 "요르문간드"의 늑골. 믿을 수 없을 정도의 강도와 크기를 자랑한다.",


    Same with line 79576 :

    "오딘의 사역마 중 하나인 사고를 관장하는 까마귀 "후긴"의 혼을 형상화 한 것.",


    And line 79594 :

    "오딘의 사역마 중 하나인 기억를 관장하는 까마귀 "무닌"의 혼을 형상화 한 것.",


    You could also use the replace feature within Notepad++ and use "Replace all" :


  3. Thanks! 


    I managed to find a site that's able to decompress these strings to exactly that. This is the site: http://i-tools.org/gzip

    Unfortunately, it seems impossible to turn text back into a similar (numeric) string, when I attempt to use that site to compress it gives me this format which SQL can not read:





    $L|E g9FL#JJ_ B&5RرqsIn~ύ5^wlEC.aݘNF7jO~V



    If there is another tool out there to achieve a correct numeric translation (like in the query), I'd love to see it. Sadly i had no luck thus far.


    You won't find such a tool because it makes no sense to show a string like that. Also, gzip is not the same as zlib (they do share many similarities though!). Anyway, if you have .net 3.5 or more recent installed, you could use that (attached file), should be pretty straightforward to use :



    Zlib Compression.zip

  4. It's not encrypted, it's compressed. The 0x78 0x9c is a typical zlib header for compressed streams. Before I keep going though, I'd like to mention that... if this is indeed passed as a string rather than a byte array, then... it's actually a horribly bad idea. You lose the gain of the compression and creates a useless overhead, so basically this whole string is a pure waste of time for everyone lol, but yeah let's move on!


    I used my own libraries to 'decrypt' it, but I'm sure you can find a zlib library yourself quite easily (isn't there already one provided in the 3rdparty folder of Hercules?).

    string stringData = "789C8590416B83301886EF85FD871776F0B062EB400AC509D2DAD5B5DB61B3EB39EAA70682491357F0DF377643687730A72F79DE27096F04A328E74CA0265654C434724DACA5E217943C67427428A5C65EEA023B564BB8AE8B632DE94CDA7AE0C67D980499C62C9C7CA59F78823F45F291F6C300BE937EEFCDA7885E93EB34A0FD61670F9E2D7A5FC79B5BB612CC182C03A35803D376825E9C5C0AA997785C5C971362FBF7F760D6C7C2415E53498DA131DDBFF7E2D30F57CA76209B31F76073FFDE3D12AFEA764CF5E6F75EA494B0856782F026B3313FB6F5777D70B8E602B59D866E";byte[] byteData = Methods.StringToByteArray(stringData);byte[] uncompressedData = GRF.Core.Compression.DecompressZlib(byteData);string output = Utilities.Services.EncodingService.Ansi.GetString(uncompressedData);


    Which gives you : 

    A special headgear created specifically for Lord Kaho ... Whoever he is.<br />STR + 5, INT + 5<br />VIT + 10, AGI + 10<br />LUK + 20, MDEF + 10<br />Class :<span style='color: #777777'> Headgear</span><br />Defense :<span style='color: #777777'> 5</span><br />Equipped on :<span style='color: #777777'> Upper</span><br />Weight :<span style='color: #777777'> 10</span><br />Applicable Job :<span style='color: #777777'> Every Job</span>

    Good luck!

  5. Heya!


    Do anyone have any idea why those are appearing on some headgears?

    Exe: 2010-07-30a


    I checked ACT and SPR and didn't found anything unusual /swt


    Thanks for any idea!



    These appear because of the 1 pixel border surrounding the left and right side of the sprite. The X offset, after applying the anchors, appears to have an effect as well in this issue when it's between -1 and 1, from what I've seen anyway.


    The easy solution is to add an extra margin of 1 pixel around the images (removing that transparent border would actually change how the sprite is being rendered ingame). For instance, try the sprite attached in this post. It's the 'straw hat' looking one.




  6. is there is specific thor patcher version to use or it can be used in all version ?


    It should, in theory, work with all recent versions of Thor Patcher. Although that cannot be guaranteed forever as I do not have control over the thor format. I doubt it'll change anytime soon and if it ever does, I'll simply update the software to support it anyway ;].

  7. It can, sure. I wouldn't recommend doing so though... It's tedious to maintain, as every application or newer versions of your client will expect the System folder to be there. You'll have to do this everytime.


    Get a hex editor, look for all the occurrences of the words System/ and System, and replace them with whatever you want (data/). Be very careful not to erase, but rather replace. The amount of characters afterwards must be the same, just add 00 trailing characters.


    For example :


  8. So how does the grf encryption works? Thanks in advance!


    You will need the latest version from the mediafire link ( : http://www.mediafire.com/download/aflylbhblrzpz0h


    There are two ways to encrypt files, but first, you'll want to setup your client.

    • Go in Tools > GRF Encryption
    • Put your encryption password in the first box (you can save the credentials to a .grfkey format if you plan on using the encryption often, but make sure this file is not shared with anyone else).
    • Select your client executable (the name of the executable cannot be changed afterwards).
    • Put your new cps.dll name. This cannot exceed 7 characters. You can simply leave it as "cps.dll", which won't require an edited client.
    • Click on Generate files. If everything went well, a window should show up with your new cps.dll file selected (and the client, if it needed modifications).
    • Screenshot below after you generate your client files.
    • Copy the new generated files to your client folder.





    That's it for the client configuration.


    As for the GRF actual encryption now... Open your GRF in GRF Editor. If you want to encrypt your entire GRF, go in Tools > GRF Encryption, click on Encrypt GRF (might ask you for your password). The process should be rather quick, the output GRF is your new encrypted GRF.


    You can also encrypt specific files if you want : right-click the items you want to encrypt and use Encryption > Encrypt. Save your GRF.





    Encrypted files will show in orange. When opening up an encrypted GRF, GRF Editor will prompt you for your credentials (hence why it's useful to save your password somewhere, then you can quickly load it with Key... > Load recent > your key.grfkey) :




    To make encrypted Thor patches, create a new Thor file from File > New > New Thor. Add a data folder and add your files in there. This is the same process as above : right-click, Encryption > Encrypt. Make sure you use the same password/key. Go in the Container options tab and set your target GRF (as shown below). Once saving, you will no longer be able to modify your encrypted Thor patch though (the files will become unreadable). Also, always test your Thor patches to make sure everything is working fine.



    That should cover most of it xD! If you have further questions, go ahead.

  9. The item or mob name is not unique; some mobs and items have the same name so you should be searching by their id instead.


    For example, wth ice pick, it is indeed being dropped by RSX. But as you can see below, it's being dropped twice, except these are actually two different items. One has a slot and the other doesn't.



    Same thing for angel wing, it's being dropped twice, but these are not the same mob!



    Hope this made things clearer ;P.

  10. Make sure your client reads your files first (before reading the bmps from the official GRF).


    For example, if you added your files in the data folder and the client doesn't read the data folder, then your new images won't show up. If your data folder isn't being read, then verify the order of the GRFs in your data.ini file and make sure the GRF that contains your new files is at the top of the list.


    Edit : the location you used is correct (datatextureÀ¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽ºcancel_waiting.bmp, etc).

  11. Hey, Tokeiburu; Do you plan to make the Client Database Editor compatible with the newer syntax of Hercules' item_db? Thanks a lot!



    Also, the exported Lua file from the Client Database Editor is making a broken file: when the description of an item has a quotation mark, the Lua needs a backslash before the quotation mark, but the exported Lua doesn't have it and the file itself is broken.




    Sorry for the delay, CDE is already compatible with the newer syntax of Hercules (unless it has been changed again). The extension of the item_db must end with .conf though, otherwise it will use the default parser. The exported lua/txt files won't be broken anymore either, thanks for the bug report! (The file is pending validation, the link should be up soon enough.)


    I remade CDE from scratch pretty much and it's now much easier to manage/modify. If you have specific requests about it, please let me know.

  12. i made the patcher its working fine.. but can any1 tell me how can i pass grf thru patcher(THOR PATCHER).. for example i want to pass palette.grf thru thor patcher how to pass ? please help


    If you don't mind having your older palette.grf being overwritten, you could use : File, Single File > palette.grf, Ascii, Generate > [root].


    If you absolutely have to merge it, then extract your GRF somewhere and use : RO - GRF > palette.grf, Directory > select your data directory, Generate.


    If you want to patch palette.grf to your main GRF instead (not very convenient), you could just add this line in your patch list : 

    1573 ...

    1574 palette.grf


    The number being your patch id.

  13. i Tried making another exe(2012-04-10) which is version 30, i made it but when i login put username and pass select chara when it goes in map and BOOM error exe stopped working


    You probably deleted the bytes instead of overwritting them (which you cannot do). Before modifying, you should have : 



    After, if you're removing "Edacity", you'll want to overwrite with "Ragnarok Online0" on top of it and make sure your string ends with 0x00, like this :



    The remaining characters after 0x00 won't show, you can ignore them. You can replace them with 0x00 if you want, it doesn't matter. As long as you're not adding or removing bytes, you'll be fine.



    unfortunately it did not work = / 
    I tried with this and several other versions of browedit, someone has some clue?
    PS: I just want rename my map, not edit. There's another way?
    PS2: Can anyone test for me? idk if is my machine or some kind of black magic :/


    There are many ways of achieving this. Using the version 620 of BrowEdit usually works, but you could also edit the RSW map file yourself with a hex editor and rename the two strings at 0x2e and 0x56, then rename all your files.


    You could also use GRF Editor if you wanted to. Drop your original map files in a data node, then use "Save map as..."




    Then just extract the new map (with extract or drag & drop) : 



    Both of these methods will not modify the maps at all, so you shouldn't have any black blocks issues!

  15. Grf encryption

    This feature has been disabled, only decryption is possible.



    Why disabled Grf encryption :( This is very functional which many user want it.

    And can let this tool to support other language like big5?. (change to utf-8 code should be better)


    You can change the encoding to anything you want. You just need to know the codepage associated with it! In your case, Big5 is 950, so go in Tools > Settings > General > Display encoding > Other... > 950. As for UTF-8, the fontstyle doesn't support it. You'll want to use UTF-7 instead, which has the codepage 65000 (edit : don't use, it will break your GRF when saving, you can use it for extracting though). A fair warning though : if the encoding isn't supported or if you see many "???", reload the GRF immediatly. It will break your GRF when saving otherwise (because the GRFs save the paths in ANSI - codepage 1252). You should be more than fine with just ANSI and Korean codepages though.


    As for the encryption feature, it's still disabled because of some incompatibility with newer clients. I would like to reenable it, but testing every single client takes a long time.

  16. sir how to use it ? :(


    it cant convert idnum2desctable ,resname and playname table to iteminfo ?>?? :( help


    Hey there,


    I would just like to point out that this is possible with GRF Editor ( http://herc.ws/board/files/file/138-grf-editor/ ), but it does require more configuration than the tool Dastgir provided.


    Open GRF Editor > Tools > Client database editor

    Go in the Settings tab, drag and drop the folder containing your text files (should normally be 'data') in the resources box (TK Path).

    You can set your item_db.conf (or item_db.txt) to preserve the view ID of the items when converting.

    Finally, you need to load the database, so click on any tab on the left or you can just do Edit > Undo all changes


    To convert, use File > Export > Export project to txt files


    The same thing applies for txt to lua.

  17. how to fix this because when i change shortcuts and exit then log in again it will be again default


    Probably an UAC issue. If your client is located in the Program Files' folder, you will need to run the game as admin (right-click, Run as administrator). If you install the game elsewhere, such as C:GameRO... you shouldn't have that problem.

  18. Thank you everyone!


    Amazing, Tokeiburu! Do you plan to release the newer source? Thanks!


    Yep, I just updated the code to the latest version. Some projects have been removed from the original solution though.

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