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Posts posted by Wolfeh

  1. He's not complaining about the new item_db syntax, I think it's more the fact that we now have 7 sub folders when we used to have 3 (correct me if I'm wrong in thinking this was what you meant). I also find it very annoying. I like editing my files all at once, and what is the point of a sub-folder with one or two files? Seems pointless to me.

  2. So we are no longer able to edit the old wiki, and:



     1. Do not create pages or guides for custom content. Base client specific
    content is OK, as this is the main point behind Hercules. However, leave
    patchers, custom patches or plugins, setup of custom items or mobs, or
    control panels out.


    So where are we moving the custom guides to?

  3. Sorry about the late reply, I was not aware of this issue. @_@ I figured out how to get the actual Hercules mapcache working, turns out I had data included in my grf-files data folder path so that was what was messing it up... Finally figured out I could left click the command line to stop it and right click to continue the process (didn't know it had that feature, in the past we had to run it with an extra command which I've forgotten to make it so you could read everything) and was able to read that it could not find my resnametable.txt. So everything works without the potential of weird bugs now (hopefully). XD

  4. I'm using the new prontera map and noticed that around the fountain and along the weapon shop there are tiles that either take forever to move to or you simply cannot move to them. I opened the map in borf thinking they changed the gat tiles and all tiles are showing as walkable, so I have no idea what is going on. I thought that maybe there was a text file working like unwalkable gat tiles but I can't seem to find any. It does seem like it is using the old prontera gat map and no matter what I do I can't make it read the current one. ):

  5. Also thinking it is the server. You are on their basic and very low-cost plan which many other people could be using because of its low-cost. The more people using the same basic service the more lag you will experience, and they will be experiencing lag too. The higher you go on the price range the less lag because not as many customers and server overload, or so I've heard.

  6. Thanks everyone! @@Ridley that is weird that that item doesn't have a script but apparently it has a client function? O_o Decided to go with something like @@Legend script because I want the player to die and just be automatically resurrected, don't want the resurrection button and I don't need a message or anything for it (doesn't need to be too complicated). I do really appreciate the help though!


    Edit: Idk on second thought might actually just replace Sieg token, because that would be nice for the players to choose whether or not they actually want to use it, and keeps them from using it accidentally. HNNNG DECISIONS.

  7. You're welcome! I also like it, I really like the graphics it has too. While the actual game design may not have been Ragnarok esque I feel they did a very good job with the graphics, it feels very "Ragnarok", maybe because they are more RPG looking and less MMO looking. And yes it seems me and him share the same hobby: mass hoarding Ragnarok graphics. XD Found a post with his github and renders. I stole a "few". <w< >w>

  8. 4bda236e-6013-4800-a949-4617337f3689_zps


    Ragnarok Guild Masters was a game created by Gravity for Android. I do believe it briefly had a period of also being on the International server (as Ash Vacuum) but it did not last long and they are no longer active/have been discontinued.


    This file contains a ridiculous amount of images that I painstakingly downloaded one at a time from this site. Total file size is about 400 mbs. They are all transparent PNG format. Basically, there is illustrations of each class with 2 alternate palettes, and 3 alternate expressions, making for a total of 24 images per class. Let me know if I missed any so I can add them. Seeing as how the game no longer exists, I do not expect fansites related to it to last long (it is a miracle that this one even lasted this long), so I am gathering and uploading the images before they go down. Gravity isn't using them, so have fun with them. :P







  9. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=286

    File Name: Wolfeh's Spriting Tutorial

    File Submitter: Wolfeh

    File Submitted: 18 Aug 2016

    File Category: Other Graphics


    Another tutorial~ Open the .html file to view the tutorial, Tools folder has all that you will need (besides photoshop) for learning how to sprite and do spriting. Also goes through the basics of creating a .act and how to create the collection image, drop sprite, and inventory image.


    Click here to download this file

  10. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=285

    File Name: Wolfeh's Loading Screen Tutorial

    File Submitter: Wolfeh

    File Submitted: 18 Aug 2016

    File Category: Other Graphics


    This probably isn't the best guide out there, but I'm hoping it will help some. It goes through how I made the loading screen in the preview, as well as just a small guide on how to implement these things. It's pretty basic and easy but may help those who are new to photoshop learn how some things work. It covers basic text editing, photo adjustments, and how to apply brushes.


    The two pdf's in it are for you to learn from and use, you can do anything with them since I don't plan to use them. Same with any and all images in it as well. Open the .html file to view the tutorial, no internet required to view it.


    Click here to download this file

  11. Because existing link is dead, I edited and reuploaded. Use this instead of default exe to diff with.




    Edit: Skip service select diff WILL cause this client to crash! Be careful with the diffs you apply, if your client is crashing, try only loading recommended, if no crash, remove your diff's one at a time and just play with it (remove diff > error > reapply diff and try removing another diff > repeat, if continue to error try removing multiple diffs at a time, watch where you error (is it when you login? is it char select? service select? etc)) until it works.


    Also, be sure to copy files from System/Font from the Translation Project into your RO folder's System/Font directory, or it will give you a RixSquirrel10.eot error.


    And if you reallyyyy want to use this client, you will also need this GRF. It has Korean GRF, Translation Project, and the new prontera map with the split model files so the client can actually load it (forgot who made this, found it once and can't find it again). But do know you can use this client though the stability is questionable. It is less of a headache.

  12. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=284

    File Name: Realistic/Friendly Wolf

    File Submitter: Wolfeh

    File Submitted: 17 Aug 2016

    File Category: Sprites & Palettes


    (Animation speed varies slightly in-game from animated gifs.)


    The idea behind this sprite was that the default wolf sprite is extremely aggressive looking and horribly exaggerated. I wanted something a little more realistic. Some people think this is a "friendly" looking wolf, to me this is just realistic. The wolf will pant when running around, it listens to its surroundings, actually has a tail (I mean, unless it is part bobcat...), and has black eye rims and lips (though this gives a "cute" appearance in-game, this is just a feature of wolves). One frame even had the legs spaced so far apart as to give the wolf the appearance of being barrel chested, when wolves are the exact opposite. I would like to, sometime in the future, also create other wolf coloration's for this sprite (coat colors of subspecies and such), but that will come later.


    You are welcome to modify it if you do not like something about it or want it recolored. Just do not claim as your own (you can claim yourself as the editor) and do not sell this sprite.


    Anywho, here you are. Enjoy. Replace the actual mob with it, or make it a pet/custom mob, it's up to you.


    ~ Wolfeh


    Click here to download this file

  13. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=281

    File Name: Naruto Headbands

    File Submitter: Wolfeh

    File Submitted: 17 Aug 2016

    File Category: Sprites & Palettes


    Warning: Without recolors this will add 72 items to your server with recolors is a total of 180 (original release included in number). I have added files to make it less painful to add them but if you would like to modify, just be aware of this.


    Headbands inspired by the anime Naruto. There is black and blue recolors as well as nukenin (missing-nin, plate is striked through) and shippudden (with the long band ties instead of short, after Naruto's long headband in Shippuden) versions, for the ultimate customization for any Naruto fan. wink.png


    I included a text file with all of the stuff to implement these into your server too (such as item_db, idnum2itemresnametable, idnum2itemdisplaynametable, idnum2itemdesctable, accessoryid.lua, accname.lua, and the SQL server stuff/script), so you won't have to kill your fingers.





    Click here to download this file

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