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  1. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Mystery in Midgard-Community   
    Yea, we have both RE and PRE.
  2. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to evilpuncker in alterar b/jlvl max e stats max   
  3. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Mystery in Midgard-Community   
    Midgard Community is introducing brand new support for Favicons across multiple platforms (favicons support). When browsing around our forums, you can notice it is mobile responsive. Yet, our Favicon wasn’t and wasn’t suitable across all platforms.
    Instead of having a single favicon.ico file, we have all the pictures and HTML code needed for a cool, mobile- and tablet-ready favicon. Our favicon is now perfect for all platforms:
    PC and Mac, as usual iPhone and iPad Android phones and tablets Windows 8 tablets And more…

    Here is what our icon looks on platforms:

    List of Favicon files for platforms being used:

  4. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to mleo1 in Tree of Savior   
    ToS Eng is greenlight now, just months now it will be xD

  5. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Dastgir in Champion monsters   
    Implemented @ https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/c2cc23c157efa2be4698329b5fab127f7f3a8e16
  6. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Inochi in eAthena - The End?   
    no me /gg
  7. Upvote
    JulioCF got a reaction from cared in [PEDIDO] DATA+HEXED   
    No meu git tem algumas coisas que pode te ajudar: https://github.com/JulioCF?tab=repositories
    Tire como base.
    A data é simples, veja que no meu git tem algumas, a mais recente é a 2012, só baixar e atualizar seu bRO, abrir a GRF dele e pegar os mesmos arquivos e substituir.. simples. Erros vão acontecer, só ir mexendo daqui e dali que eles vão ser consertados e você vai aprendendo.
  8. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to evilpuncker in Problema ao Compilar a nova revisão (de novo)   
    seu emulador não está atualizado até 08/05/2015 as 17:15 de maneira alguma pois o último hercules não possui erros de compilação
    oq ocorre é q vc alterou apenas um dos seis arquivos q foram alterados neste commit,vc precisa aplicar todas as outras mudanças tbm:

  9. Upvote
    JulioCF got a reaction from Inochi in eAthena - The End?   
  10. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to evilpuncker in so gravity has finally implemented lhz aura as item   
    so after years of we using custom sprites, I just noticed that there is an item called "»ç³äÀÇ¿À¿À¶ó" that is lhz aura now lol

  11. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Mystery in Midgard-Community   
    Another design update! We feel this design is more "lively" compared to our plain boring previous one. Once browsing our site, you'll notice I've added FontAwesome which is a big step to our design update. It cuts our useless tiny images and saves browsers' time loading pages.

  12. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Jguy in HAT - The Hercules Admin Tool!   
    Yeah, I've been seeing that error sometimes too. It's still residual left over craps from the CodeIgniter upgrade I did last commit that completely changed the session class on me. I've tried something in the database and then cleared out all active sessions. Try again now.
  13. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Jguy in HAT - The Hercules Admin Tool!   
    Hi folks,
    I had a server die on me at work, then I needed to re-work my home server because of some issues, and I've been out of town a lot for work.
    I should be back into regular feature and fix commits here in the next few days. I should have a demo up by the end of the week hopefully. Reworking my server has given me an opportunity to get some more resources out of the server now.
    Sorry for the delays.
  14. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Kurare in Npcs que andam, duvida   
    É possível das duas formas, tanto com NPC tanto com MOB:   unitwalk <GID>,<x>,<y>; unitwalk <GID>,<target_GID>;   Para obter o GID do MOB você deve setar uma variável com o return da função, ou seja:   set .@mob_id, monster "Prontera",150,150,"Poring",1002,1;   E depois usar a variável para conduzir o mesmo:   unitwalk .@mob_id,150,160;   Lembro que o .@ como prefixo de variável, faz com que a mesma seja de escopo, ou seja, ao finalizar o script ela será apagada, então se o trigger do comando de walk for localizado em outro momento, você deverá usar outro tipo de variável, podendo ser de NPC com o prefixo "." (.mob_id) ou então "$@" ($@mob_id), que será uma váriavel global temporária, ou até mesmo uma array no NPC em caso de múltiplos mobs.
  15. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Kurare in erro ao ser atacado   
    Da forma que está não dá pra saber qual o erro que você tomou, o arquivo que falta, etc.
    O que o JulioCF sugeriu é que você rediffe o seu executável desmarcando a opção : Ignore Missing File Error
    Não adianta pegar o arquivo da pasta do jogo, tem que pegar o 2014-03-05bRagexe.exe 'limpo' sem ser o patched 
    e depois aplicar o diff que você aplicou, mas sem a opção Ignore Missing File Error
    Tentei explicar de uma forma que você entendesse.
  16. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to cared in [solved]erro geral   
    estou com um problema
    compilei apenas mudando a versao do PACKETVER
    adicionei os arquivos no DB configurei removendo as "//"
    coisas simples, nao mechi muito, só para fazer o emulador rodar mas quando fui levantar ele deu uns erros e nao faço ideia por onde começar.
    estou enviando em anexo os arquivos de texto dos erro.
    quase tudo resolvido, pois dei uma revisada e vi alguns erros de conf que deixei passar.
    mas tem um outro erro que surgiu.
    ver print em anexo

    os erros foram o seguinto
    login e senha do S1 P1 estavam mal configuradas e a tabela logs.sql tinha que importal para um DB separado do DB do ragnarok
    podem fechar o topico.

  17. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to • TSilver • in [WIP] TProtect for Ragnarok Servers   
    Hello everyone in Hercules ,

    Im Kiri/TSilver (formerly Ran Online Developer) , i was here to make my gameguard better and ofcourse this gameguard will be free.

    TProtect is an GameGuard coded in C++ and C# , i have two versions of it in alpha stages in ragnarok one is the dll version (you can hook this directly to exe.exe/game.exe so it will be unbypassable and the exe version (but alot don't want to use this even me) .
    Okay lets get straight to the point here's some features

    Features :
    Easy to use CRC Scanning the Game files Easy to configure (Fixing this atm , found alot of bug here) Process Hider (Hides Game.exe/exe.exe process) Server side logging system (Currently in alpha) Many scanning method , so no cheats can go thru Hack Detected Splash (Web type & windowed type) BANNING System (Currently Coding PHP for this) And more to come

    Current Developers :
    TSilver/Quiirex (TProtect Coder) IYS-Security (Dragon Shield Coder)

    Download Links :
    Version 0.2 (Alpha) : Releasing tommorow , messed up the source.

    Updates :
    Version 0.2 : - Splash Screen on start.- Hack Detected Splash Screen On www.linked-host.com/detects/ (Disabled ATM)- Window Name Scanning (Added)- Class Name Scanning (Added)- Bad Words Scanning (Added) - Bad Words Windows Scanning (Added)- Hide Tools Scanning (Added) - Detect generic Hide Tools like Cheat engine and many more.- Vitrual Memory Scanning (Added) - Memory changing blocking 

    Suggestions (To be implemented) :
    Dastgir : Suggestion: make it send Mac and hardware Id. (Implementing ATM)

    Requests :
    Can you detail me about list of cheats/hacks for ragnarok online to be blocked.

    For those who want to work with me , hit up the message button must have atleast great knowledge in c++..

    Donations are alot of help for the development though.
  18. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to K4m4r40 in [solved]Mistérios do setcell - Suporte Help!   
    pode deixar,vou estudar as outras funções do setcell e vou fazer o tutorial explicando ela por completo.

    sobre barreiras, basilicas e como fazer só um local específico no mapa ter pvp.

    +uma vez, vlw pelo suporte.
    @@evilpuncker @@JulioCF
  19. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to evilpuncker in [solved]Mistérios do setcell - Suporte Help!   
    fico contente q deu certo, mas sua resposta foi um tanto confusa pra ser a marcada como "solved", sugiro q poste o script q realmente deu certo no post abaixo / e explique brevemente pra quem possa vir a ter esta dúvida/problema no futuro pra ter onde encontrar xD
  20. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to K4m4r40 in [solved]Mistérios do setcell - Suporte Help!   
    obs. antes na tabela eu tinha colocado 114,121 - o certo era 214,121(inferior direito) - já editei

    usei este comando:
    prt_fild01,212,123,5 script ba_cell 139,{OnInit:setcell "prt_fild01",210,125,214,121,cell_basilica,1;} e o resultado foi este, 


    Explicando... o setcell que usei na npc, ele esta bloqueando a area verde e a area azul junto Oo.(veja o mini mapa)

    Criei um cramp e fiz ele me seguir, fui andando e testando o setcell, e consegui pegar as coordenadas do quadrado gigante da basilica, segue abaixo:
    Cordenadas finais criadas pelo setcell: (O.O){omg!}
        123,212                                              212,212
                º ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ º
                l                                                           l
                l                                                           l
                l                                                           l
                l                                                           l
                l                                                           l
                l                                                           l
                l                                                           l
                l                                                           l
                l                                                           l
                l                                                           l
                l                                                     212,127
                l                               210,215 -> º ~~~ º ~~ º <-- 214,125
                l                                                 l                l
                l                                                 l                l
                l                                                 l                l 
                º ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ º ~~~~~~~ º <- 214,121
        114,121                                 210,121

    Se você ficou confuso, imagina eu que nunca usei setcell kkkkk....

    Investiguei e cheguei  nesta conclusão:

    temos somente esses números de coordenadas usadas no npc:
    (1)     (2)     (3)    (4)     (5)    (6)
    212   123   210   125   214   121

    pensando nisso, cheguei nesta visão:
            (2)(1)                                                  (1)(1)
       123,212                                   212,212
                º ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ º
                l                                                           l
                l                                                           l
                l                                                           l
                l                                                           l
                l                                                           l
                l                                                           l
                l                                                           l
                l                                                           l
                l                                                           l
                l                                                           l
                l                              (3)(4)            212,127<- (1)(???)
                l                         210,215 -> º ~~~ º ~~ º <-- 214,125
                l                                                 l                l
                l                                                 l                l
                l                                                 l                l       (5)(6)
                º ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ º ~~~~~~~ º <- 214,121
      114,121                                   210,121

    o que você consegue entender disso?

    Obs. Pode confiar, eu andei com o mob junto me dando miss e rastreei toda a arena da basilica.
    Tudo que envolve a coordenada da npc,(1)(2) tem haver com a diferença do tamanho...
    pensei em usar algo do tipo,

    mais deu isso:
    [Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown syntax in file 'npc/breakro/buffer/basilica.txt', line '49'. Stopping... * w1=-    script    cell_basilica    -1,{ * w2= * w3= * w4= sem idéias. help!

    descobri o segredo....
    funcionou direito aqui...                        
    Agradeço o suporte.
  21. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Aeromesi in Andro: Ragnarok client emulator for Android - Some help   
    So I went upon myself to unpack the apk file of Andro and check it out, seems like a lot of stuff is encrypted and I found somethings in Aeva Ragnarok Onlines AndRO version. First in the res/raw folder there's a packets.h file with the packet structure of Hercules(So it's obviously made to support Hercules now) (even has the Hercules signature you see in our packets from the team)

    And the client info looks like this:

    <connection>    <display>RagnarokDeep-Asia</display>    <address></address>    <port>6900</port>    <version>29</version>    <langtype>0</langtype>    <registrationweb>http://ragnarokdeep.com/mreg</registrationweb>    <desc>For Asian players</desc>    <website>http://ragnarokdeep.com</website>    <type>Deep</type> <packetver>20120712</packetver> <nationality>th</nationality> <nationality>ph</nationality> <nationality>sg</nationality> <res>asia.ragnarokdeep.com</res> <res-port>4121</res-port> <res-subdir>deep-130303</res-subdir> <grf>deep.grf</grf> <grf>deep_pal.grf</grf> <grf>data.grf</grf> <patchserver> <http>http://ragnarokdeep.com/res/pl/patch.txt</http> <ftp>ftp://ftp.ragnarokdeep.com/patchk</ftp> <grf>data.grf</grf> <inf>Patch.inf</inf> </patchserver> <patchserver> <http>http://ragnarokdeep.com/res/pl/patchd.txt</http> <ftp>ftp://ftp.ragnarokdeep.com/patchd</ftp> <grf>deep.grf</grf> <inf>dpatch.inf</inf> </patchserver> <iteminfo>deepitem</iteminfo>    <luafiles514>true</luafiles514>    <eathena>true</eathena>    <support_stop_packet>true</support_stop_packet>    <support_billing>true</support_billing>    <loading>        <image>loading00.jpg</image>        <image>loading01.jpg</image>        <image>loading02.jpg</image>        <image>loading03.jpg</image>        <image>loading04.jpg</image>        <image>loading05.jpg</image>        <image>loading06.jpg</image>        <image>loading07.jpg</image>        <image>loading08.jpg</image>        <image>loading09.jpg</image>        <image>loading10.jpg</image>    </loading>    <ping>asia.ragnarokdeep.com</ping>    <pingport>5121</pingport> </connection>

    Now I tried editing it but I get an error with not having a signature whenever I repack it into an apk (as simple as renaming the *.apk to *.rar

    Is there anyway to decrypt the files to change it to different servers? Any possible way? I tried for 8 hours toying around with it and got nowhere today.

    I feel like Ragnarok would be more alive again if these were able to be put on Android for users who aren't a fan of PC but fans of mobile technology, aka Android, etc.

    I don't know what can be done, I'm lost on leads for anything, here's the unpacked client I got from AevaRO if it can help anyone with more experience than me.

    Download for the unpacked version:

  22. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Jguy in HAT - The Hercules Admin Tool!   
    The panel has the option for different main and log databases. It actually shouldn't be the same (at least not on large servers). Having a bunch of log data in the main database has the potential to slow down the main database.
    You can use the same database for both main and log by setting both of those settings in hat.php to the same database group.
    in hat.php:
    $config['ragnarok_servers'] = array( '1' => array( 'main_database_group' => "ragnarok", // The database group in database.php config file that holds this database connection info for all char/map databases (less logs) 'log_database_group' => "ragnarok", // the database group that holds the log tables for this server.  
    and in database.php you only need one database group:
    $db['ragnarok'] = array( 'dsn' => '', 'hostname' => 'localhost', 'username' => '', 'password' => '', 'database' => '',  
    I'm currently also working on a more in-depth user guide which should be coming in a near future commit.
  23. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Jguy in HAT - The Hercules Admin Tool!   
    Hello all,
    I've just finished a major update to CodeIgniter 3.0.0, which took quite a long time to get everything right.
    The reasoning this update was pushed as soon as this was because of the licensing. I need to include some GPL'd code, and such code was not compatible with CodeIgniter's 2.2.x license. CodeIgniter 3.0.0's license was modified to use the MIT license, which means I can include GPL'd code in my control panel. I may just modify the license to GPL as well, but for now, work can continue.
    Things to do in the near future include:
    * Guild Emblem display.
    * GM Command Entry
    * Item/Mob DB modifications
    * Configuration file management/editing
    * Finishing up the guild module features.
    If there's anything that you wish for me to work on ahead of time, please speak up in this topic. I will hopefully start making some "stable" releases of the panel while it's in Beta so folks know what is stable and what's not. I will also start to work on that demo I've been saying I'll put up.
  24. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to Jguy in HAT - The Hercules Admin Tool!   
    Hi folks,
    Multiple what's it's now?!???!?!???!
    This update adds the ability for the HercAdminTool to be able to administrate multiple char/map databases with one login database.
    At the top right of the page, next to your username, you will find a server selection box. Dropping this down you will be able to select the Char/Map server to use.

    As of right now, you could potentially administrate as many char/map servers as you wanted, I have not found any limit.
    The plan is to have your admin panel groups restrict access to specific servers. So, you can lock everyone out of another server if you wanted to. But as of right now, each group would have the same permissions on each server. This may change depending on what I see the need for.
    The configuration for this is accomplished in two places, both in the config directory. hat.php has the configuration array for setting the main things up, like the human readable server name and the database server name. The remaining configuration is done in database.php. Add a separate group for each server you have. The 'database_group' setting in hat.php MUST match up with what you name the database in database.php.
    Hope everyone enjoys!
    NOTE: I've received some questions regarding this. When I say "Multiple Char/Map servers" I mean that there is 1 login server, and then 2 character servers connected to it, and from there, each character server has a map server connected to it, NOT One login, one char, and multiple map servers. Kind of like this:
    |==========| |=========| | char | | map | /========| server |======| server | |--------------| / | s1 | | | | | / |==========| |=========| | login |/ | server | | | |==========| |=========| |--------------| | char | | map | ========| server |======| server | | s2 | | | |==========| |=========|
  25. Upvote
    JulioCF reacted to evilpuncker in [solved]Tradução FluxCP hercules   
    ele já vem com tradução, basta vc ativar
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