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Posts posted by Alayne

  1. Hello peoples,


    Here's a new release I'm wishing to do.

    You can see this as an advanced housing system.


    Basically, on each server I've been, there have been a housing system which allowed guilds to rent a place for a certain amount of time. But this was only made for a specific purpose: allow guilds to stay "somewhere else", somewhere where others won't go.


    I find this...Not enough, simply. Guilds weren't supposed to get hide somewhere to stay between them.

    So I've decided to create the Dungeon Hall.


    This content allow a guild to manage an entire town. Right now, this script version is based over town I didn't use on my own server (brasilis, dicastes, mora, dewata, malangdo, manuk and splendid).

    Each Hall is initially ruled by the monsters available on the maps. But those who clear these places' (the dungeons') monsters will grant the right to buy the Hall for their own use. And by the Hall, I mean the town, the fields and the dungeons.


    Why would they do that? Cause they'll have the possibility to personnaly manage it, and create a dungeon the think the way it'll be the more efficient to protect a Guild Chest, that they'll have to fill themselves.


    For that, they'll have to capture monsters, to be able to summon them directly in their dungeon. Each monster summoned need to be paid, and the part of this fee will be added to the dungeon chest.

    On the other hand, players who want to reach the Hall may have to pay to be granted access to the Hall. This will be entirely given to the guild. Therefor, the higher the reward, the higher the gain will get back to the guild.


    On top of that, the more players will join the Hall, the more the city will become reknown. So if at start, there'll only be a healer and a kafra, bringing people to challenge you will make npcs join the town. You'll be able to have a buffer, some dealer, and even some specific npc which will rule a Tavern, a Bakery or a Restaurant. By bringing base items to the Stock manager, those npcs will be able to create advanced cooking dishes or brewing to be sold.


    So I guess some will ask "But why should I do that for others?"

    There's a lot of reason. As a guild member, you're allowed to fight on the dungeons maps to defend your own Hall. Or to conquer others. Basically, it's a permanent PvPvE content. You can also capture monsters and add them in your dungeon, at your own will. Use them as a defense for your chest, or as a training ground for your newcomers. You can even use them as a personnal loot area if you want so.


    Dungeon Hall v1.0

  2. Well it can also be that the mapflag as already been added somewhere else. It often occures when you use several custom scripts.

    @melv0, add "map_name<tab>mapflag<tab>loadevent" on first or last line of your script.


    Then, add the script section:

    if (strcharinfo(3) == "ENTER YOUR MAP HERE") {
    mapannounce "ENTER YOUR MAP NAME HERE","" + strcharinfo(0) + " joined the map!",0;

    just before the last "}" as "True Zeal" told.

  3. Yeah if you're playing in easy mode, you don't have to clear a floor to access the next one's fields. On the other hand, you'll still have to clear it once to complete the raid itself, but it'll allow you to hunt news monsters inside the raid, or gain access to new informations.


    When the raid is completed, the datas aren't resetted. But it can easily be added if you want it to work this way.

  4. Well you'll have to ask your questions here then ^^ As I said in my last mp, the link contains actually a wrong dir (installation in Server > npc dir). I'm cleaning it and I'll will reupload another one after that.


    For the others features, what do you wanna hear about? Folkvang? The Dead Stone? The Crystals? Others?

    Feel free to ask anything, and I'll answer if possible ^^ (well it should, as I'm the one who created this, but still X°)

  5. @@Legend, yep, guess so too, but there's no "general section". And as those scripts may enter in different categories...Well I don't where to put it.

    @@True Zeal, well I don't now how to say that differently. It's just a matter of asking peoples what release may be the more interesting to give it priority. They're all going to be released sooner or later, but it'll be better if those which can be used are released first.

  6. Hello peoples,


    well first of all, modos, sorry for this post. I don't know where to place it, as I've seen no section dedicated to that so...I there's another place, which fits better to this kind of post, please just move it there.


    So basically, this post has been created to list all the script release I'm available to make. I've got all the scripts I'm about to list, and like to share it all with you guys. 

    But as they list is pretty long and that most of these release will requires a guide of installation and guide of use, I'd like to know which one are the most susceptible to interest people here, on the board.


    So here we go. 


    Edit: As I've been asked already, NaN is used to say "Not specified". Sorry for that.


    Pattern: Title - Small description - predicted release or working date (link to showcase or release)


    Event Package - Contains 12 automated events. Some are just a small mod of the official ones, others are fully custom - NaN


    Instance Package - Contains 5 custom instances and a small modified version of Endless Cellar - NaN


    Quest Package - Contains 10 customs quests, for item or exp - NaN


    Utilities Package - Contains a list of usefull functions or npc (anti afk, anti bot, currency handling...) - NaN


    Dungeons Package - Contains 7 customs dungeons, including one fully handle by scripts poping death players clones - NaN


    Achievement System - Contains an achievement system with 9 modes and a total count of 125 achievements ready to use - NaN


    Ase Fruits - Contains a feature system based over the Demon Fruits from One Piece, using ~40 new items (low headgears) - NaN


    Celestial Tower - Contains a PvP exclusive content, where players must climb a tower to gain money, or bet on fights. Based other Hunter x Hunter arc of the same name - NaN


    Danma - Contains a unique Raid based over Danmachi. - NaN


    Guilds System - Contains a list of 10 crafting job, which can produce over 100+ items (as a Mastersmith will do for instance) - NaN


    Mercenary System - Contains a feature enabling players to rent their time for loot, support... - NaN


    Bounty Hunter - Contains a feature enabling a player to chase a target (can also be use with pk system) - NaN


    Legendary Quest - Contains 3 particularly long and hard quest, used to give high grade reward - NaN


    Rift - Contains a feature which invok a mvp through a rip in the world fabric - NaN


    Apparition - Contains a feature which invok a monster through randomly around the world - NaN


    Yggdrasil Crystal - Contains a feature based over Dragon Balls. Retrieve the 7 crystals to invok the Wish Dragon - NaN


    Yggdrasil Memories - Contains a feature base over Greed Island, from Hunter x Hunter. Collect 100 cards through quest, mob killing or PvP action / spells - NaN


    Scaled Yggdrasil - Raid based over Aincrad dungeon, from Sword Art Online. Contains a small replica of Yggdrasil, where the 9 Realms has to be freed to access the Yggdrasil Root. Death isn't authorized there, as no resurrection will reset your progression - Sunday 29/05/2016 (http://herc.ws/board/topic/12660-scaled-yggdrasil-raid-showcase/)


    Reborn - System enabling a player to restart his base lvl while gaining a bonus stats points. Up to 10 times - NaN


    Evolving Souls - System enabling players to bind his soul to a weapon kind, and make it grow, gaining bonus at some lvl floors. Coupled to a Relic Weapon with Power Word Shard carving, enabling to use and empowered up to 4 skills (3rd class only) inside the weapon - NaN


    Race - System enabling a player to join a race (Jotun, Muspelheimer, Ase, Vane, Mist Alfe, Light Alfe, Sombre Dwarves). Gain bonus through a special class item (no palette), and access to special race item - NaN


    Sealed Gates - Raid based over Yureka's Demon King arc - NaN


    Guild Towns - System enabling a guild to capture and rule a whole city, including fields, dungeons and inhabitants. Use a copy of existing maps but can be adapted to customs - NaN


    Metalimie - System enabling players to gain an extra class (Allomancist, Ferrochemist or Hemallurgist), obtaining bonus throught cunsommable, equipement or pvp kill - NaN


    Fury Energy - Enable player to capture monsters and use some of their powers through Power Beads. Based over Codex Alera, itself based over Pokemon - NaN


    Battle Area - Special area dedicated to PvP. Contains for now a 3 PvP Modes, but will in the end contains 7-8 different modes (battle royal, royal rumble, last survivor, Chaser...) - NaN


    And I think it should be all. Keep in mind that some contents needs to add client mods (maps, items), server mods (item, mobs) or database mods (new table, table edition...)


    If you're interested by some content, please just tell me. I'll try to update the list with links and release date. Also, if you want some more informations, just ask as a reply to this topic.

  7. Well not at home right now and I don't have your items so it's a bit hard to test, but this should more or less do the job. You also should be able to factorise it a bit (especially the forge part).

    prontera,156,326,4	script	Craftsman::alacra	1_M_SMITH,{	set .@npcname$, "[Craftsman]";	mes .@npcname$;	mes "What can I do for you, young adventurer?";	if (select("Insert an Power Item","Power items?") == 1)	{		next;		mes .@npcname$;		mes "Sure.";		mes "Which kind of item do you wanna insert a gim in?";		set .@[member="choice"], select("An armor","A footgear","A shield","A garment") - 1;		next;		mes .@npcname$;		switch(.@[member="choice"])		{			case 0:				//armor				copyarray .@itemId[0], $quintsId[0], getarraysize($quintsId);				if(getequipid(EQI_ARMOR) == -1)				{					mes "Sorry, but you need an equiped armor for me to empower it.";					close;				}				break;			case 1:				//footgear				copyarray .@itemId[0], $glyphsId[0], getarraysize($glyphsId);				if(getequipid(EQI_SHOES) == -1)				{					mes "Sorry, but you need an equiped footgear for me to empower it.";					close;				}				break;			case 2:				//shield				copyarray .@itemId[0], $sealsId[0], getarraysize($sealsId);				if(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R) == -1 || getequipweaponlv(EQI_HAND_L) != 0)				{					mes "Sorry, but you need an equiped armor for me to empower it.";					close;				}				break;			case 3:				//garment				copyarray .@itemId[0], $marksId[0], getarraysize($marksId);				if(getequipid(EQI_GARMENT) == -1)				{					mes "Sorry, but you need an equiped garment for me to empower it.";					close;				}				break;		}		mes "Allright. So which item do you want to insert?";				set .@menu$, "";		for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@itemId); set .@i,.@i+1)		{			set .@menu$, .@menu$ + getitemname(.@itemId[.@i]);					}		set .@itemChoice, select(.@menu$) - 1;				next;		mes .@npcname$;		mes "So, you wanna add a " + getitemname(.@itemId[.@itemChoice]) + ", on your  right?";		if(select("Yes","No") == 1)		{			if(countitem(.@itemId[.@itemChoice]) == 0)			{				next;				mes .@npcname$;				mes "Sorry but...You don't have this item. I need at least to be able to work.";				close;							}		}		else		{			next;			mes .@npcname$;			mes "Oh...Thought so...";			close;		}			//update		switch(.@[member="choice"])		{			case 0:				//armor				//retrieve compounded cards and refine				set .@cardId1, getequipcardid(EQI_ARMOR,0);				set .@refine, getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_ARMOR);								next;				mes .@npcname$;				mes "Perfect. Wait a second.";				getitem2 getequipid(EQI_ARMOR), 1, 1, .@refine, 0, .@cardId1, .@itemId[.@itemChoice], 0, 0;				delitem .@itemId[.@itemChoice], 1;				break;			case 1:				//footgear				//retrieve compounded cards and refine				set .@cardId1, getequipcardid(EQI_SHOES,0);				set .@refine, getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_SHOES);								next;				mes .@npcname$;				mes "Perfect. Wait a second.";				getitem2 getequipid(EQI_SHOES), 1, 1, .@refine, 0, .@cardId1, .@itemId[.@itemChoice], 0, 0;				delitem .@itemId[.@itemChoice], 1;				break;			case 2:				//shield				//retrieve compounded cards and refine				set .@cardId1, getequipcardid(EQI_HAND_R,0);				set .@refine, getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R);								next;				mes .@npcname$;				mes "Perfect. Wait a second.";				getitem2 getequipid(EQI_HAND_R), 1, 1, .@refine, 0, .@cardId1, .@itemId[.@itemChoice], 0, 0;				delitem .@itemId[.@itemChoice], 1;				break;			case 3:				//garment				//retrieve compounded cards and refine				set .@cardId1, getequipcardid(EQI_GARMENT,0);				set .@refine, getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_GARMENT);								next;				mes .@npcname$;				mes "Perfect. Wait a second.";				getitem2 getequipid(EQI_GARMENT), 1, 1, .@refine, 0, .@cardId1, .@itemId[.@itemChoice], 0, 0;				delitem .@itemId[.@itemChoice], 1;				break;		}				next;		mes .@npcname$;		mes "Here you go.";		mes "Hope to see you soon again.";	}	else	{		next;		mes .@npcname$;		mes "I can carve some items which will grant you new powers directly into your armor pieces.";		mes "I can add a Quint into an Armor.";		mes "A Glyph into footgears.";		mes "A Seal into a shield.";		mes "Or a Mark into a garment.";		mes "Just talk to me with the correct Power Item in your inventory, and the item you wanna to engrave equiped.";	}	close;	OnInit:	setarray $quintsId[0],28060,28061,28062,28063,28064,28065,28066,28067,28068,28069;	setarray $glyphsId[0],28050,28051,28052,28053,28054,28055,28056,28057,28058,28059;	setarray $sealsId[0],28040,28041,28042,28043,28044,28045,28046,28047,28048,28049;	setarray $marksId[0],28030,28031,28032,28033,28034,28035,28036,28037,28038,28039;	end;}


    Second Edit: I've completed it just before refreshing and see you've changed the request...Thought you can probably update it by yourself now, to fit the new changes. If not, just tell me.

  8. Hum just a question before you go any further, did you try a simple killmonster? meaning before entering the instance, use killmonster command on a specified map that they HAVE to go through (to prevent killing other monsters you don't wanna kill).


    Something like that. Cause if you use the clone command, you won't have the clones as slaves. They'll move freely on the map.

  9. Okay. So the only thing I can think of is to call the clone deletion over a OnPCLoadMapEvent. Now honestly, I don't know how to remove this kind of clones, as I don't use them... Sorry but I'll have to leave someone else to give you the answer :/


    The only use I had ever made of this command was through a gm command poping a clone of each class. But the jobchange kill them. Maybe you can check in this way, but that's not really...a 'clean' way to handle it. Suppose there's another option than just changing class to another one then back again to the actual class the player have.

  10. ah...Thought you were creating them through the "clone" command...Hum...Needs to think of it again then...

    And when I say "access the map", how do players go to the event map? Through a warper? or a warp npc?

  11. How do you create the clones? And how do you access the event map? As I said, as long as you provide an event to the clone creation, just kill it over warping. 

    If it's from other feature than simple script, I need to figure it to try to bring you answers ^^

  12. Well just think that adding items as "cards" won't be possible on any item which has 4 available card slots. Well it will be available, but it'll change a slot from "available" to "unavailable", meaning players won't be able to compounde a card in it (never tried it thought so I don't if the mentionned slot won't be offered at all or if it will override the existing data)

  13. Well the easiest way to do it is to kill all monster by event. When you pop clones, you affect them a dummy event (used only for killing), and use a killmonster command on that event.


    Or you want something really specific?

  14. Otherwise you can loop throught all players in team and force them to use @autoloot throught 'charcommand', when you start poping the chests.


    It'll disable their autoloot system for the incoming mob kills.

    On the other hand, it won't prevent them from re-using it, as long as you don't forbid commands on the map using the 'nocommand' mapflag.

  15. I never used it, but I'd more likely use an OnTouch event or something like that. As long as the distance provided for the touch area is high enough. If you enter in an area of 10*10 around the npc (or more), the popup will trigger.


    It should work and prevent players to reload the map or force warp them. 

    But still, the OnLoad should work too.


    To make it disappear, I suppose you just have to recall the showevent on dialog completion.

  16. Hello Hercules members!


    Well it's been a while since I started using this board, and I've corrected a bunch of problem thanks to peoples here.

    Therefor, I've decided it was time for me to share some of my work. I'll release some contents from time to time, and once I'll found them clear enough to get used / shared.


    So basically, here's a showcase of the first release I'll made.

    It's not allready completely cleared now, but it'll soon be, so I'll start here with a showcase.


    So please, let me present you: Scaled Yggdrasil


    (I'm really a dumbass for banner and other picture editing so, sorry...No banner for my release ^^)


    Scaled Yggdrasil was initially created for a server which never really started, PYRO. It's basically a giant dungeon based over Sword Art Online, and adapted to Ragnarok and the North mythology.

    Basically, it's a 45 floors dungeons, which requires players to clear a floor to access to the following. There's a bit more than "simply" that, but it's the main idea.


    The dungeon itself count 45 floors, 9 town, and a total of 123 maps. All of them are bounded to free maps, or to existing ones.
    Therefor, you'll have to install 80 maps. I know it's really big, but that's the way I built it.

    I do not own any of those maps, and I greatly thanks all people who provide these maps to the community.



    Let's talk a bit more about the process itself.



    To start, you'll just have to speak to the Scientist, in prontera. He'll give you some explanations about the whole process, and, more than anything, will allow you to choose a game mode.




    Two modes are available: Easy and Hard. On Easy mode, you can visit any floor that has already been cleared by other players. On Hard mode, you'll have to clear each floor yourself to gain access to it. Of course, the final reward will be greater on hard mode.




    Once you'll accept to enter, you'll get warped to the Entrance area. There, the Cardinal System will explain you a bit more about how the dungeon works.




    Basically, the dungeon is constructed as a scaled version of Yggdrasil. You'll have to clear the 9 worlds to be known, each one counting 5 floors.

    For each floor (which can count several maps, and have it's own monsters), you'll have to fullfill a condition to grant access to a Power Stream. The Power Stream allows you to access to the Maze, the entry of the Floor Guardian place.




    By using it, you'll access to a map, where the System can bring you to the boss area.




    By killing it, you'll free the floor and grant access to the following one.




    Every step is explained through a tutorial, on the entrance map.

    Once the tutorial is complete (if the player choose to follow it), the real climbing starts.




    There's a lot more of things to talk about, but with this, the main system is defined.

    If peoples are interested into this release, I'll add more pictures and explain secondary contents (Teleportation system, death stone, crystals...)





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