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Everything posted by Echoes

  1. Thank you! Also another question: seeing this file, ¿what is the difference between these and system/towninfo.lub?
  2. Hi, Anyone knows where I can find the information about these chat-like messages? First time seeing them, so I am curious about them, may be of some use. Thank you.
  3. Ah, thank you for the clarification. Time to test some newer versions of the clients, I hope I can find one stable.
  4. Well, for the icon itself, I convert a PNG image (200x200 pixels) to 8bpp 256 colors 32x32 pixels .ico file using GIMP2, but the output is some ugly pixelated photo. Will search resouce hacker, thank you Dastgir for your response. ____ EDIT When I try to launch the .exe with the icon modified it says Windows can't run the program :c
  5. Hello again, This time I am asking about how to solve the errors I am getting, using 2015-12-30aRagexeRE client found in Asheraf's post under Client Releases. I am using the translated data and System folder https://github.com/Asheraf/Translation. The first three errors I am getting just are just right after clicking the .exe to play. The 4th one is some sprite error I am getting. I understand as for the first error, there is a function called, but that's it, I don't know how to fix it; here is the code of that error: if nil ~= DESC.costume then result, msg = AddItemIsCostume(ItemID, DESC.costume) if not result then return false, msg end end Please help C:
  6. Hi! I have a question about the quality of the .ico file needed to diff actual clients using NEMO (4144's fork). I have seen a lot of Clients with a decent custom icon quality, but when it comes to diff and add my own custom icon, I can't manage to get half of the quality those icons have... so, I wanted to ask: how can I improve the quality of the icon to use with NEMO, but keeping the requirements it has? Or I would have to diff it manually? Thank you!
  7. Echoes

    New Server

    About the Healer option, it would be a great QoL since yeah, there are inns that charge 5k for each heal, what could go wrong if just moving that npc to the spawn area of every city? @autotrate and @autoloot are by far the most used commands on general servers right now, I would opt to avoid not including them, or at least include them parcially. For everything else, I think it's fine.
  8. The second doesn't work. As for the first one.. yes, as I said on OP, ClassNum is 16, and that is the normal Hat. Both item_db and iteminfo has the same. Where do I find the correct ClassNum?
  9. My problem has nothing to do with itemdb (I think..), I can already equip the item on every class (human/doram), but it wont show up as the sprite it says it to be. When I equip this poring pag, it equips in the costume section, in the right slot, but it shows up this item sprite instead: http://ratemyserver.net/item_db.php?item_id=2220&small=1&back=1
  10. Hello all, Today I come here to ask something about item appearance. I can't manage to make the item Costume Poring Bag (and some others) to appear ingame as is. This is the code you can find in itemInfo.lub: [20507] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Garment", unidentifiedResourceName = "Èĵå", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unknown Item, can be identified by using a ^6666CCMagnifier^000000." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Costume Poring Bag", identifiedResourceName = "Æ÷¸µ°¡¹æ", identifiedDescriptionName = { "A bag made based shape of Poring.", "Class:^6666CC Costume^000000", "Location:^6666CC Garment^000000", "Weight:^009900 0^000000", "Level Requirement:^009900 1^000000", "Jobs:^6666CC All classes^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 16 }, I do find 'Æ÷¸µ°¡¹æ' sprite information and showing the Costume itself, but it's bound to jobs, some jobs are bound to their own Poring Bag sprite, but when I equip it ingame, it just shows the sprite according to the number 16 in ClassNum, the normal Hat. So, my question is, how can I manage to show the sprite as it has to be, for all jobs and classes? Didn't manage to find any sprite related in accname.lub nor accessoryid.lub. Any help will be appreciated. ____ EDIT The sprites in question are located on a different folder from other costumes, this being path: 'data/sprite/·Îºê', not in the usual 'data/sprite/¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®' and related sex' folder.
  11. Hola y bienvenido a este foro. Lo que intentas hacer es que un ítem se vea ingame, o que el pj cambie de sprite al equipar el objeto? Mmm no se mucho del tema pero podria ayudarte en lo que entienda 🙀
  12. My problem with 'changebase()' is that when applied, the skills for the job sprite also appear in the skill tree, thing I don't want, or would avoid to happen. But yeah, something like that.
  13. Yes, I was able to change sprites, but with this, it changes the Job also, with the skills and stuff, thing I don't want :c @Asheraf I write the exact script, but it does change the Job and skills.. (used 'changebase(Job_Whitesmith)') So, this post is open again. EDIT: I investigated some more, and by doing changebase(Job_), the skills are supposed to appear, but this is a detail I don't want to happen , is there another way?
  14. And if the sprite is not related directly with the job, like the new costumes for 3rd, how to wear them ?
  15. Awesome! The Job specified must be in the job_db.txt right? If the player log off and on with the Costume equiped, the effect will remain, or he/she will have to re-equip it? EDIT Well, I guess I know those answers, will mark the thread as answered for now
  16. Hello. Today I was wondering, is there a way to make an item (costume effect) that when wearing it (like tuxedo/wedding dress used to work) it makes change the sprite to the character? For example: me, as a Priest, have a Novice Clothes Costume in my inventory, and when I wear it, I will change clothes to look as a Novice, but just the Sprite, my job will be still Priest, with my skills and everything but sprite touched. Thank you in advance
  17. Let's learn how to use this with hex editor
  18. Echoes

    New life for RO

    Awesome idea, and for a custom client, wohoo! You would count on me for testing aswell !
  19. I will guess this is your personal test server.. so: Do you got any warnings or erros on map server? Also, which client you using? How much time do you take to choose a character?
  20. Hi. Is there a way to avoid a player (actually, all the players involved) to attack monsters? I want the players to not be able to attack in a specific map, this would be done via a mapflag, but there is no such mapflag at the moment (like 'noattack' or something). I don't even know if this is the right section for this question. At the moment, I can avoid them to attack by making the monsters actual NPCs via script and so, but I want them to be alive and roam freely on the map I'm working on Any help will be appreciated.
  21. I have been told the error was because the data wasn't up to date.. I haven't tested it though
  22. Hello all The question I have is not a problem, but a doubt.. related with the Client Releasers, how do they do their work? I will have some "free" time soon, so I want to learn all about the code part of Ragnarök Online, and the question above came up to my mind.. What if, by learning it's roots, I could help hercules community getting an awesome client release? I'm learning japanese at the moment, and may use this to extract stuff from the data from jRO. I know Hercules is based on kRO, but that is a start So, where/how did the Client Releasers learned their stuff.. I'm really looking forward to learn how to work on this game, and I'm willing to learn new code and programs. I don't want to take the work of the people working on Realising Clients lightly, I do not take their work lightly, but I can't express myself better than this since english is not my first language Any tip, or "guide" will be greatly appreciated
  23. Thank you Cyro for replying. Yeah, my data.grf is up to date, will add rdata.grf now as 3. Was able to solve this issue by downgrading the client to an older one, 2014-02-05 to be specific.
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