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Posts posted by fiction

  1. Hi, i've a confusion regarding to mob_item_ratio.

    In rAthena, i remember that when i add an item that a mob doesn't have, the item appear with the porcentage that i specifiqued.

    Currently in my items drops, i have all the etc, healing, equip in 100% possibility to drop. I'm looking for make specific drop for certain items, but isn't working that i expected.

    First, the item ins't appear in the mob drop

    Second, if i manually add the item in the mob, the mob_item_ratio ins't fuctionally, because the % still in 100.

  2. Hi @KirieZ thank you for answer.
    I removed the comma, but isn't fixed the problem.

    Note that the console isn't showing any warning o error, but when i apply some map in the mapcache, the error appear.

    [Error]: mob_read_db_optdrops: Invalid option drop group "MYITEM_M" on item "Knife_" in monster 1002, does this group really exists? Skipping...
    option_drop_group_db: (
     ************* Entry structure ********************************************
    	<Group Name Constant>: (
    		{ // Option Slot 1
    			Rate: (int) chance of filling option slot 1 (100 = 1%)
    			// Possible options for slot 1
    			// min/max value : int, defaults to 0
    			// chance : int, 100 = 1% if not set, will be 100%/number of possibiltiies
    			OptionName: value
    			// or
    			OptionName: [min value, max value]
    			// or
    			OptionName: [min value, max value, chance]
    			// ...  (as many as you want)
    		// ... (up to MAX_ITEM_OPTION)
    MYITEM_M: (
    	{ // Option Slot 1
    		Rate: 10000 // It has 100% of chance of being filled
    		// This slot may have one of the following options:
    		WEAPON_ATTR_WIND: 5,                // WEAPON_ATTR_WIND Lv5 (33.33%)
    		WEAPON_ATTR_GROUND: [2, 4]          // WEAPON_ATTR_GROUND Lv 2~4 (33.33%)
    		WEAPON_ATTR_POISON: [1, 4, 8000]    // WEAPON_ATTR_POISON Lv 1~4 (80%)
    	{ // Option Slot 2
    		Rate: 5000 // It has 50% of chance of being filled
    		// If filled, may have one of the following options:
    		WEAPON_ATTR_WATER: 4     // WEAPON_ATTR_WATER Lv4 (100%)
    	Id: 1002
    	SpriteName: "PORING"
    	Name: "Poring"
    	Lv: 1
    	Hp: 50
    	Sp: 0
    	Exp: 2
    	JExp: 1
    	AttackRange: 1
    	Attack: [7, 10]
    	Def: 0
    	Mdef: 5
    	Stats: {
    		Str: 1
    		Agi: 1
    		Vit: 1
    		Int: 0
    		Dex: 6
    		Luk: 30
    	ViewRange: 10
    	ChaseRange: 12
    	Size: "Size_Medium"
    	Race: "RC_Plant"
    	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
    	Mode: {
    		CanMove: true
    		Looter: true
    		CanAttack: true
    	MoveSpeed: 400
    	AttackDelay: 1872
    	AttackMotion: 672
    	DamageMotion: 480
    	MvpExp: 0
    	Drops: {
    		Jellopy: 7000
    		Knife_: (100, "MYITEM_M")
    		Sticky_Mucus: 400
    		Apple: 1000
    		Empty_Bottle: 1500
    		Apple: 150
    		Unripe_Apple: 20
    		Poring_Card: 1


  3. Hi @Zarbony, thank you for reply.

    The syntax is

    option_drop_group_db: (
     ************* Entry structure ********************************************
    	<Group Name Constant>: (
    		{ // Option Slot 1
    			Rate: (int) chance of filling option slot 1 (100 = 1%)
    			// Possible options for slot 1
    			// min/max value : int, defaults to 0
    			// chance : int, 100 = 1% if not set, will be 100%/number of possibiltiies
    			OptionName: value
    			// or
    			OptionName: [min value, max value]
    			// or
    			OptionName: [min value, max value, chance]
    			// ...  (as many as you want)
    		// ... (up to MAX_ITEM_OPTION)

    So, if i believe to this syntax, need to put an "}" at the end.

    Now that i pay more attention that i wrote, i think i put an extra comma here:


    Gonna test it at home :)


    Ok, i tested in my home with the same example, and isn't working for me.


    //================= Hercules Database =====================================
    //=       _   _                     _
    //=      | | | |                   | |
    //=      | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
    //=      |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
    //=      | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
    //=      \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
    //================= License ===============================================
    //= This file is part of Hercules.
    //= http://herc.ws - http://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules
    //= Copyright (C) 2018  Hercules Dev Team
    //= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    //= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    //= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    //= (at your option) any later version.
    //= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    //= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    //= GNU General Public License for more details.
    //= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    //= along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
    //= Random Option Drop Group Database
    option_drop_group_db: (
     ************* Entry structure ********************************************
    	<Group Name Constant>: (
    		{ // Option Slot 1
    			Rate: (int) chance of filling option slot 1 (100 = 1%)
    			// Possible options for slot 1
    			// min/max value : int, defaults to 0
    			// chance : int, 100 = 1% if not set, will be 100%/number of possibiltiies
    			OptionName: value
    			// or
    			OptionName: [min value, max value]
    			// or
    			OptionName: [min value, max value, chance]
    			// ...  (as many as you want)
    		// ... (up to MAX_ITEM_OPTION)
    MYITEM: (
    	{ // Option Slot 1
    		Rate: 10000 // It has 100% of chance of being filled
    		// This slot may have one of the following options:
    		WEAPON_ATTR_WIND: 5,                // WEAPON_ATTR_WIND Lv5 (33.33%)
    		WEAPON_ATTR_GROUND: [2, 4]          // WEAPON_ATTR_GROUND Lv 2~4 (33.33%)
    		WEAPON_ATTR_POISON: [1, 4, 8000]    // WEAPON_ATTR_POISON Lv 1~4 (80%)
    	{ // Option Slot 2
    		Rate: 5000 // It has 50% of chance of being filled
    		// If filled, may have one of the following options:
    		WEAPON_ATTR_WATER: 4     // WEAPON_ATTR_WATER Lv4 (100%)
    	Id: 1002
    	SpriteName: "PORING"
    	Name: "Poring"
    	Lv: 1
    	Hp: 50
    	Sp: 0
    	Exp: 2
    	JExp: 1
    	AttackRange: 1
    	Attack: [7, 10]
    	Def: 0
    	Mdef: 5
    	Stats: {
    		Str: 1
    		Agi: 1
    		Vit: 1
    		Int: 0
    		Dex: 6
    		Luk: 30
    	ViewRange: 10
    	ChaseRange: 12
    	Size: "Size_Medium"
    	Race: "RC_Plant"
    	Element: ("Ele_Water", 1)
    	Mode: {
    		CanMove: true
    		Looter: true
    		CanAttack: true
    	MoveSpeed: 400
    	AttackDelay: 1872
    	AttackMotion: 672
    	DamageMotion: 480
    	MvpExp: 0
    	Drops: {
    		Jellopy: 7000
    		Knife_: (100,"MYITEM")
    		Sticky_Mucus: 400
    		Apple: 1000
    		Empty_Bottle: 1500
    		Apple: 150
    		Unripe_Apple: 20
    		Poring_Card: 1

  4. @KirieZ Hi, i'm trying to implement this but isn't working for me.Hi, i'm triying to implement this but isn't working for me.

    I have the following in my option_drop_groups.conf:

    option_drop_group_db: (
    	ValkRandom: (
    			Rate: 5000
    			CLASS_DAMAGE_BOSS_TARGET: 5,                // 5% más de daño a MvPS
    			CLASS_DAMAGE_BOSS_TARGET: [6, 8]          // 6 ~ 8% más de daño a MvPS
    			CLASS_DAMAGE_BOSS_TARGET: [9, 15, 1000]    // 9 ~ 15% más de daño a MvPS
    			Rate: 2500
    			CLASS_DAMAGE_BOSS_TARGET: 25,                // 25% más de daño a MvPS
    	TEST2: (
    			Rate: 5000
    			VAR_MAXHPPERCENT: 5,                // 5% MAXHP
    			VAR_MAXHPPERCENT: [6, 8]          // 6 ~ 8% MAXHP
    			VAR_MAXHPPERCENT: [9, 15, 1000]    // 9 ~ 15% MAXHP
    			Rate: 2500
    			RACE_TOLERACE_HUMAN: 25,                // 25% resistencia Demi-Human

    Later, in the drops mob, i have the following:


    	Id: 1751
    	SpriteName: "RANDGRIS"
    	Name: "Valkyrie Randgris"
    	Lv: 99
    	Hp: 3567200
    	Sp: 0
    	Exp: 2854900
    	JExp: 3114520
    	AttackRange: 3
    	Attack: [5560, 9980]
    	Def: 25
    	Mdef: 42
    	Stats: {
    		Str: 100
    		Agi: 120
    		Vit: 30
    		Int: 120
    		Dex: 220
    		Luk: 210
    	ViewRange: 10
    	ChaseRange: 12
    	Size: "Size_Large"
    	Race: "RC_Angel"
    	Element: ("Ele_Holy", 4)
    	Mode: {
    		CanMove: true
    		Aggressive: true
    		CastSensorIdle: true
    		Boss: true
    		CanAttack: true
    		Detector: true
    		CastSensorChase: true
    		ChangeChase: true
    		ChangeTargetMelee: true
    		ChangeTargetChase: true
    	MoveSpeed: 100
    	AttackDelay: 576
    	AttackMotion: 576
    	DamageMotion: 480
    	MvpExp: 1427450
    	MvpDrops: {
    		Old_Violet_Box: 5500
    		Old_Blue_Box: 5000
    		Old_Card_Album: 2000
    	Drops: {
    		Valhalla_Flower: 5000
    		Valkyrie_Armor: (1600, "ValkRandom")
    		Valkyrie_Manteau: (3000, "ValkRandom")
    		Valkyrie_Shoes: (3000, "ValkRandom")
    		Helm_: (5000, "ValkRandom")
    		Bloody_Edge: 2500
    		Randgris_Card: 1

    At the first time, the console show no errors, but when i implemented a custom map with ./map-server --load-plugin mapcache --map , the console give me the following error:


  5. 9 hours ago, bWolfie said:

    dude new client since like 2012 use itemInfo.lua/lub that is the one you need to have working correctly

    yep, i can create/drop the item without error, and the sprite, bmp looking good. The problem is with the plugin, for some reason show all with apples.

  6. Hi, i'm wondering if i'm the only one who see his currency item list in unknown mode.

    The system is currently working, but it's annoying that the selling type show with unkown items.

    Zeny ID = 39000

    Cash ID = 39001

    Client Date = 20181226

    Plugin = ExtendedVending


    Things that i already tested

    1.- Verify iteminfo

    2- Verify if the sprite it's Ok

    3.- Testing in the old format, idnum2itemresnametable and idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt


  7. For my perspective, rAthena it's more involved in ragnarok scene, instead of herc, that doesn't have update in ragnarok scene, because it's more focused in the internal mechanism.
    rAthena have more developers instead of herc, and their pull request are merged more faster than herc xD

  8. Hi, i'm wondering if is possible to unlock menu option of a NPC with certain requeriments.

    For example, the NPC give 3 menu options.

    - The first one will be in black (available), because is the default option

    - The second one will be in gray (unavailable), until the character complete certain requeriment (quest chain for example).

        When the character complete the previous quest chain and talk again to the npc, the menu will turn in black meaning that the option is available for use.

    - The third option, is the same logic that the previous one (second option).


  9. 11 hours ago, Smoke said:

    This project is now alive again, since I've received many requests for it. I've decided to make it really cheap. If you're interested, check out my patreon page and subscribe to tier Motivator or above to get access to it. :)

    The cpanel includes master account system, password changes, account management and character management. Awesome tooltips for items/monsters/quests all via Laravel (the supreme php framework). However, it's still missing a donation system, online shop and monster/quest database.

    Good!, i'm become your patreon now!.

  10. 56 minutes ago, lllaaazzz said:

    well your numbers are that 14% hp is the original hp of the great demon baphomet


    cant you set these stats before you spawn him ? not sure 

    Yes, you can manipulate the monster statistic before or after the spawn.

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