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Everything posted by Jedzkie

  1. Quazi!, Thank you for test. I do not know more... normal operation of replacing the equipment location. EQI_SHADOW_ARMOR (failed) EQI_ARMOR (success) Someone please help~!!! Can you please elaborate your problem? Didn't get it.
  2. What is the BEST type of VPS for you? and why?
  3. Yeah, you have a point on that @@Haru, @@4144 is it possible to increase the item slot of MVP Drops and Drops?
  4. @@kyeme, Instead of adding only the Orc_Load_Card in the monster information in mod_db2.conf, Why you don't insert all of its drop and don't add the Orc_Load_Card? @EDIT: I tried it and it's working.
  5. Hi! Can you help me fixing my custom skill? After i add the skill in skill.h and add a entry in skill_db.txt, the skill still wont show in the skill tree. The behavior of the skill is like Return to El Dicastes skill, if I equip a item the skill will only show in my skill tree, and also I add the skill description, skill id in the lub files. please help @@Winterfox Thanks!
  6. actually, the skill is like a Return to Eldicastes skill. when i equip a item, the skill will show.
  7. Not only in skill_db.txt @@ossi0110 but if I add the skill in all skill databases, the server does not recognize it.
  8. Hi! is it possible to add in Hercules a check hardware id script? Thanks!
  9. sv_readdb: Count not process of line 1098 of "db/pre-re/skill_db.txt". Can someone help me? I add it already in skill.h but still the error in console is showing. no error in compiling. Im using MVSE 2013 Express Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit
  10. Suggestion: How about we merge the mob_skill_db? Example.
  11. Currently at kRO Sakray, They've changed the Training Ground Quests the map name is 'int_land'
  12. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/db/mob_item_ratio.txt
  13. -> I have two hosting, how to run two servers in two hosting that would have been one login
  14. Hi Guys, I just want to ask if the Mail Box System can still do exploits in your server? If yes, How? What is the cause? Regards,
  15. Damn! You're good @@kisuka, but you forgot this http://herc.ws/board/tracker/issue-7750-official-server-startpoint/ and this http://herc.ws/board/tracker/issue-8115-starting-items/
  16. pls specify your client date and the version of your emulator.
  17. Hi all, pls help me with my problem, how can I make a script like this. If the npc sets sc_start (that has a time) on me, also all the characters that is online by that time will have my sc_start too.. if online, they will acquire it automatically, if not.. the OnPCLoadMapEvent (i think) will trigger the sc_start once the other character that does not have the sc_start. sorry for my bad english. Thanks!
  18. How did you? Hi Mysterious, Is there a 'Stock' feature in item shop? if no, can your add it? Thanks!
  19. please note that it will just change the current (entire) value to a random amount, instead of increasing it actually you're right, i forgot to say that randomly increase, but i already fixed it. Thanks BTW Hi Garr! thanks for the quick response, how about a message to tell how much Points you get? Edit: NvM I figured it out the message of how many points you get, but I want to add another message that tells what is the total points in your account. example: query_sql("SELECT `cash_point` FROM `cash` WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3)); is this right? i have a error message after executing this script. 'script:query_sql: Too many columns. discarding last 1 columns.'
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