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Everything posted by Mumbles

  1. Enable logging in conf/logs.conf and set up the database by importing sql-files/logs.sql. Additionally, make sure database communication is properly configured in conf/inter-server.conf. // MySQL Log SQL Databaselog_db_ip: 3306log_db_id: ragnaroklog_db_pw: ragnaroklog_db_db: ragnaroklog_codepage:log_login_db: loginlog
  2. I wouldn't count on your host to get you the latest version of Hercules. Here's a download link straight from our repository: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/archive/master.zip If your server is running on Linux, download the ZIP using wget. Here's an example if you're using a terminal in a desktop environment: cd ~/Desktopwget https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/archive/master.zipunzip master.zip
  3. Would you happen to have some settings floating around in conf/import/char_conf.txt? Also, what's your build's GIT hash (if you don't know it, just approximate the day you downloaded Hercules)?
  4. Guess I should have gone through the commit log. Glad you resolved your own issue by updating. d:
  5. I always pull the latest builds when testing, so as of that posting I was at 284a163 (18 Jan 2014, 20:59). The differences in my version of Euphy's script are minimal, and don't impact any functionality whatsoever; they're just vanity changes I made while reading the script because I find it highly annoying when people don't put spaces between operators. By removing that section, you're deleting the check that determines if your item sold was a card. I'm not sure what to tell you other than that you might not have enough zeny to process a transaction (i.e. you need 100z on your character to buy a Ghostring Card, even though it won't take it) - that's just how it works. I'm not sure if it'd be relevant since your problem is with selling items, but perhaps the variables aren't even being stored. This issue might arise when your emulator is attempting to read from a nonexistent global_reg_value table in the database, since we changed those to char/acc* _reg_num_db and _reg_str_db. Try updating your emulator, and don't forget to run your upgrade SQL files as well (from sql-files/upgrades/); if you had Hercules prior to 1 January and updated your emulator, you'll need to run SQL updates too. Run the char-server by itself to see which ones you need.
  6. Seems to work fine. Try giving yourself some zeny and seeing if it still doesn't work. Here's my copy of the script; there are no differences in functionality from yours: http://upaste.me/1727999529afe4d9 Note: There's a segment towards the end where I give myself 1000 card points using one of my utilities; I didn't feel like selling 1000 Poring Cards or so, but every other functionality of the script is demonstrated in this video. Additionally, I edited the topic title for improved readability.
  7. Works just fine as-is. I'm able to sell and purchase cards without an issue.
  8. It's untested and unsupported; you may encounter some errors by using Emphaino with fluxcp-re. please commit it http://herc.ws/board/topic/3996-fluxcp-for-new-sql-table/ Committed in 4cc6996; @Emistry, it's supposed to be like that, but the comment for it is confusing.
  9. This isn't quite complete, but as far as fitting the criteria you explained, I've written a basic concept. If you want to add different jobs or bonuses, follow the format used under the OnPCBaseLvUpEvent label. /*=========================================================Utility: Level-up!by Mumbles===========================================================Description:Player is prompted after base or job level criteria is met.Bonuses can be added corresponding to base or job level.Third classes are not supported in this release.===========================================================Compatibility:Optimised for Hercules emulators.===========================================================Changelog:v0.1 - First version.=========================================================*/- script lvl_up -1,{ /*----------------------------------------------------- Script -----------------------------------------------------*/ OnPCBaseLvUpEvent: // Rebirth if (!Upper && JobLevel == 50 && BaseLevel == 99) { menu "Reborn to High Novice", -; jobchange Job_Novice_High; end; } // BaseLevel bonuses switch (BaseClass) { case Job_Novice: switch (BaseLevel) { case 99: // Super Baby/Novice menu "Change to Super "+ (Upper ? "Baby" : "Novice"), -; jobchange (Upper ? Job_Super_Baby : Job_Super_Novice); close; } break; case Job_Archer: switch (BaseLevel) { case 33: // Gakkung Bow getitem Kakkung, 1; break; } break; } end; OnPCJobLvUpEvent: // Rebirth if (Class > Job_Thief && Class < Job_Crusader2 && JobLevel == 50 && BaseLevel == 99) { menu "Reborn to High Novice", -; jobchange Job_Novice_High; end; } // Job changes switch (BaseClass) { case Job_Novice: if (JobLevel < 10) { close; } // Determine Class Type .@type = Upper * 2; break; case Job_Gunslinger: case Job_Ninja: case Job_Taekwon: close; default: if (JobLevel < 40) { close; } // Determine Class Type .@type = Upper * 2 + 1; break; } // Class selection message strcharinfo(0), "Please select a job."; menu implode(getd(.type_name$[.@type] +"_class$"), ":"), -; .@index = @menu - 1; // Change job jobchange getd(.type_id$[.@type] +"_class_id$["+ .@index +"]"); end; /*----------------------------------------------------- Configuration -----------------------------------------------------*/ OnInit: // Class Types setarray .type_name$[0], "first", "second", "first_trans", "second_trans", "first_baby", "second_baby"; setarray .type_id$[0], "f", "s", "ft", "st", "fb", "sb"; // First Class names setarray .first_class$[0], "Swordman", "Mage", "Archer", "Acolyte", "Merchant", "Thief", "Gunslinger", "Ninja", "Taekwon "+ (Sex ? "Boy" : "Girl"); // First Class IDs (corresponding) setarray .f_class_id[0], Job_Swordman, Job_Mage, Job_Archer, Job_Acolyte, Job_Merchant, Job_Thief, Job_Gunslinger, Job_Ninja, Job_Taekwon; // Second Class names setarray .second_class$[0], "Knight", "Wizard", "Hunter", "Priest", "Blacksmith", "Assassin", "Crusader", "Sage", (Sex ? "Bard" : "Dancer"), "Monk", "Alchemist", "Rogue", "Star Gladiator", "Soul Linker"; // Second Class IDs (corresponding) setarray .s_class_id[0], Job_Knight, Job_Wizard, Job_Hunter, Job_Priest, Job_Blacksmith, Job_Assassin, Job_Crusader, Job_Sage, (Sex ? Job_Bard : Job_Dancer), Job_Monk, Job_Whitesmith, Job_Rogue, Job_Star_Gladiator, Job_Soul_Linker; // First Transcendent Class names setarray .first_trans_class$[0], "High Swordman", "High Mage", "High Archer", "High Acolyte", "High Merchant", "High Thief"; // First Transcendent Class IDs (corresponding) setarray .ft_class_id[0], Job_Swordman_High, Job_Mage_High, Job_Archer_High, Job_Acolyte_High, Job_Merchant_High, Job_Thief_High; // Second Transcendent Class names setarray .second_trans_class$[0], "Lord Knight", "High Wizard", "Sniper", "High Priest", "Whitesmith", "Assassin Cross", "Paladin", "Professor", (Sex ? "Clown" : "Gypsy"), "Champion", "Creator", "Stalker"; // Second Transcendent Class IDs (corresponding) setarray .st_class_id[0], Job_Lord_Knight, Job_High_Wizard, Job_Sniper, Job_High_Priest, Job_Whitesmith, Job_Assassin_Cross, Job_Paladin, Job_Professor, (Sex ? Job_Clown : Job_Gypsy), Job_Champion, Job_Creator, Job_Stalker; // First Baby Class names setarray .first_baby_class$[0], "Baby Swordman", "Baby Mage", "Baby Archer", "Baby Acolyte", "Baby Merchant", "Baby Thief"; // First Baby Class IDs (corresponding) setarray .fb_class_id[0], Job_Baby_Swordman, Job_Baby_Mage, Job_Baby_Archer, Job_Baby_Acolyte, Job_Baby_Merchant, Job_Baby_Thief; // Second Baby Class names setarray .second_baby_class$[0], "Baby Knight", "Baby Wizard", "Baby Hunter", "Baby Priest", "Baby Blacksmith", "Baby Assassin", "Baby Crusader", "Baby Sage", (Sex ? "Baby Bard" : "Baby Dancer"), "Baby Monk", "Baby Alchemist", "Baby Rogue"; // Second Baby Class IDs (corresponding) setarray .sb_class_id[0], Job_Baby_Knight, Job_Baby_Wizard, Job_Baby_Hunter, Job_Baby_Priest, Job_Baby_Blacksmith, Job_Baby_Assassin, Job_Baby_Crusader, Job_Baby_Sage, (Sex ? Job_Baby_Bard : Job_Baby_Gypsy), Job_Baby_Monk, Job_Baby_Whitesmith, Job_Baby_Rogue; end;}
  10. Still wouldn't work, as you'd need to have a trigger for Job/Base level-up events. Try using OnPCBaseLvUpEvent and OnPCJobLvUpEvent.
  11. Even if it this is pseudocode, you need to use parentheses ( ) for if expressions, and you should enclose the contents of that switch inside curly braces { }. The approach is entirely wrong as well, as the OP requested a dialogue to pop up upon a Job level-up event.
  12. Updated for compatibility with 82b583b.
  13. Mumbles

    Hello :)

    Have we met? Either way, welcome to Hercules! Have a look at @Mysterious's topic on popular requested links; it's a great resource for new and old members of the community. See you around!
  14. It's untested and unsupported; you may encounter some errors by using Emphaino with fluxcp-re.
  15. You can adjust the time(s) that the event begins by adding or removing OnClockXXXX labels at (and after) line 131*. OnClock0100: OnClock2100: // Start invasion donpcevent strnpcinfo(3) +"::OnEnable"; end; Currently, the event starts at 1:00 AM and 9:00 PM (@time). *Line references as of v1.0.2
  16. Are you using a custom theme? If so, refer to commit c546cc9 for all needed changes to your custom theme.
  17. If you're using SVN checkout, use this link: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules That 502 error you're getting is because you're requesting data from an invalid URL.
  18. Pulled in 8a0bda3. Thanks @mleo1, that was a bit of an oversight on my part. Also keep in mind that if you're using custom themes with an updated FluxCP, you'll have to update your custom theme files as well.
  19. Commands are enclosed in ACMD() functions. While I wouldn't say you could typically add a new command anywhere in atcommand.c, you can add a new command before or after these functions. Example: ACMD(searchstore){ int val = atoi(message); switch( val ) { case 0://EFFECTTYPE_NORMAL case 1://EFFECTTYPE_CASH break; default: val = 0; break; } searchstore->open(sd, 99, val); return true;}ACMD(mynewcommand){//...}
  20. The only confusing part about this question is: I would think that you are looking for the vending_tax setting in conf/battle/items.conf
  21. If you're using a custom theme with Hercules FluxCP, you'll have to update your theme's item module manually. Refer to f3eed0e for these changes.
  22. You're getting socket bind failure messages because you're trying to run the additional char/map servers on the same ports as your main char/map servers. Modify the ports in conf/map-server.conf and conf/char-server.conf to something 5122 and 6122 or something.
  23. This script would work in Hercules (as written).
  24. You could make a custom item called a "Proof of Donation" and make it the only item they can buy in your item shop (with credits).
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