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Everything posted by Dogpatch

  1. Add this line after the "reset" command on your reset NPC. StatusPoint = StatusPoint + (getvariableofnpc(.StatusM,"Rebirth_NPC_Name_Here") * master_rebirth) + (getvariableofnpc(.StatusN,"Rebirth_NPC_Name_Here") * rebirth_no);
  2. Whenever I open the skill tree I get this message It doesn't crash the client or anything but it's kinda annoying since everytime I open the skill tree it pops up. This is the 1st time I've seen it and have no idea what it is. Anyone have an idea? My guess is lua error but I haven't touched the lua files in almost 2 months. Changes I did before the error popped up: Re-diffed client but the only diff I added was to enable "spaces" when creating a guild. I also tried putting back my old client and the same error pops up. Thanks in advance. Update: Found out the same error pops up when opening a trade window Update #2: Fixed. It was a problem with the custom DLLs since my GRF is encrypted. Re-did the GRF encryption and it's fixed.
  3. Change shop ID and a little hint // Dummy shop data -- copy as needed.//============================================================- shop qshop1 -1,909:-1- shop qshop2 -1,909:-1- shop qshop3 -1,909:-1- shop qshop4 -1,909:-1- shop qshop5 -1,909:-1
  4. Dogpatch

    GVG damage

    Yup. That's the one.
  5. To not duplicate replace callfunc "qshop"; with what ever you want to name your shop. e.g "newqshop"; To use pvppoints, replace setarray .Points$[0],"#CASHPOINTS","Cash Points"; with setarray .Points$[0],"#PvPPoints","PvP Points"; To use the points in the shop, read this line: Quest items -- do NOT use a reward item more than once!// Add(<shop ID>,<reward ID>,<reward amount>,// <Zeny cost>,<point cost>,// <required item ID>,<required item amount>{,...}); example: Add(1,20622,1,2000000000,999,20078,5,7227,150,673,60,969,500,20145,2,670,20); where 999 is the #PvPPoints
  6. Yeah mine was just a quick fix and never really had the time to edit it. Thanks for optimizing it. I'll use the version you made.
  7. No source mods needed. Already posted a script for it which includes all the MVP cards in Pre-RE.
  8. But that controls all drops. There are items that are useless that drop at a 0.01% chance so it will be included in the announcement. I use this for MVP cards. http://pastebin.com/QqwPbean
  9. Wow that is one messy script. Here. No more errors but I haven't tested it on a server. http://pastebin.com/BhKxufFh
  10. With the hairstyles while creating a new char, that's beyond my knowledge. I've never really tried messing around with it as all my servers have stylists in game.
  11. What client version are you guys using? Re-diff your client with Nemo to increase the hairstyle number that your client is able to read.
  12. You can use @@Emistry multi-shop and configure it to use the PvP variable.
  13. http://herc.ws/board/topic/302-introducing-hercules-map-zone-database/ If you have any trouble, post again and we'll help you out.
  14. You saved it as 32bits. It's suppose to be 24. Try this one scr_logo.bmp
  15. Open GRF data > sprite > Àΰ£Á· > ¸Ó¸®Åë ¿© = Female ³² = Male Just place the corresponding files within that folder. Then edit your conf/battle/client.conf Looks something like this: // Valid range of dyes and styles on the client.min_hair_style: 0max_hair_style: 68min_hair_color: 0max_hair_color: 533min_cloth_color: 0 max_cloth_color: 533
  16. Just use this one, easier to read and easy to configure. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/npc/custom/warper.txt
  17. I give up on trying to fix this by myself. Basically, my old patch files/folder backup got wiped along with my hard drive some time ago. And since I need to update the server, I downloaded Thor Patcher again. 1st the Patcher wasn't launching at all and was giving me errors but that's resolved. Now that I got the patcher to run, I get this Basically, it won't pack the patch in the target GRF. What I've tried: Tried with default patcher theme Remade the patch file about 50 times Run as administrator ( -__- ) Remade the Patcher about 50 times too All of which have failed to resolve the problem... The file patches all the way. Progress bar moves and gets the patch from my site, but it just won't pack the **** thing in my GRF. Funny part is, if I run the patcher outside of my RO folder, it patches all the way and even makes it's own VegasRO-BJ.grf and the .dat file. Anyone wanna take a swing at it? IMPORTANT EDIT: Downloaded older Thor Patcher version (courtesy of my Master -Dastgir) and it works now.
  18. http://herc.ws/wiki/Timers_(Scripting)#Label_Timers Answer is in that link.
  19. Sorry. I'm still not accustomed to the changes in Hercules. Yeah it's RC_DEMIPLAYER.
  20. Dogpatch

    Asura Problem

    What exactly do you mean by nerf? There are numerous ways to nerf a skill. e.g. Add a cooldown, reduce the damage, needs a certain item, etc. The list goes on. Provide more details on exactly what you want done with it.
  21. Simple difference Your script case 4: mes .@n$; mes "Here are the color sets you saved:"; mes "Which one do you want to wear ?"; mes Slot 1 : <clothcolor>,<haircolor>"; mes Slot 2 : <clothcolor>,<haircolor>"; mes Slot 3 : <clothcolor>,<haircolor>"; Fix to it in the one I posted case 4: mes .@n$; mes "Here are the color sets you saved:"; mes "Which one do you want to wear ?"; mes "Slot 1 : <clothcolor>,<haircolor>"; mes "Slot 2 : <clothcolor>,<haircolor>"; mes "Slot 3 : <clothcolor>,<haircolor>"; You were getting DIRECT INPUT errors as you forgot to add a starting quotation on the Slot lines.
  22. In src/map/skill.c Look for this case UNT_MAGNUS: if (!battle->check_undead(tstatus->race,tstatus->def_ele) && tstatus->race!=RC_DEMON) break; skill->attack(BF_MAGIC,ss,&src->bl,bl,sg->skill_id,sg->skill_lv,tick,0); break; And replace with this: case UNT_MAGNUS: if (!battle_check_undead(tstatus->race,tstatus->def_ele) && tstatus->race!=RC_DEMON && tstatus->race != RC_DEMIHUMAN) break; skill_attack(BF_MAGIC,ss,&src->bl,bl,sg->skill_id,sg->skill_lv,tick,0); break;
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