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Everything posted by Dogpatch

  1. Hmm I use UTF-8. Tried ANSI too. Still no dice. *sigh*
  2. http://pastebin.com/UNf6b3TS
  3. @@Dastgir Just did that, and this is what popped up boss. Weird as hell. Ran it through Haru's script checker with no errors. Ran it on a fresh server and popped up with: [Error]: Missing 1 right curlys in file 'npc/vroevents/devilsquare.txt', line '1'. LMAO! How the hell am I gonna put a right curly on line 1 O_o Funny and weird and it pisses me off.
  4. Update and Bump We (Dastgir and I) came to a conclusion that it might be the old scripts using the goto function that is causing it. So I spent almost 6 hours going through all my custom scripts and replaced the goto with callsub functions. Still no dice though. I still can't load any new script.
  5. Please move if not in the proper section. Basically, I can't load any new scripts on my servers. The path is right, the script has no errors and map-server isn't giving me any error message. If I load via @loadnpc <path> the server returns with "Script Loaded" but the NPC doesn't load anywhere (the coordinates are right). And with @reloadscript, it's basically the same. All new scripts won't load. Now here's the funny part. If I embed the "new" script within an already loaded script, it works perfectly, no errors whatsoever and the function of the new NPC is 100% working. But like I said, when I add it as a separate script, it doesn't load. Already asked @@Dastgir about this but we were unable to determine what the issue was, so maybe someone else experienced a similar problem and/or has a solution for it. I can't continue to embed scripts within scripts cuz that's just messy and hard to maintain. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  6. Dogpatch


    Yup. It works on a single char when using @aura.
  7. Renewal or Pre-renewal? Pre-Renewal
  8. I can confirm this. I run 4 servers with Hercules and all 4 servers have the same problem.
  9. He updated his Rebirth System a few days ago. There's an option for those jobs now.
  10. It's fixed now. Just re-downloaded a fresh itemdesctable and pasted my custom descriptions. Weird how the original RO items were causing it but it's fixed now.
  11. I'm confused about this. Long story short, we decided to add a couple custom items on the server, mainly headgear (upper, mid, low) After patching the files, not only the custom items, but also the original items in game are not displaying any description. The slottable, slotcounttable, displaynametable, and resnametable all work after the patch. Just the desctable fails to function. My client is 2012-04-10 so it reads the txt files instead of iteminfo. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  12. Patchers fails on 2015-02-25data_true8378-8520 Tried it on 3 separate clean folders each on 2 different computers with different net connections.
  13. I'll have to disagree. I was with PLDT for the first few months when I moved to the Philippines. It wasn't horrible but it wasn't the best IMO. We currently have 4 servers all hosted in LA and my ping ranges from 170-200ms. The comment about servers hosted in Canada don't necessarily lag for players in the Philippines, I can't really say that's true. I've played on 2 servers hosted in Canada and I still lagged from time to time. Although that may be because of the issues I was having with PLDT. I haven't really had time to play on any other server since.
  14. If you aren't comfortable touching src files, gamitin mo nalang yung @go script. http://herc.ws/board/topic/3045-go-command/ (Courtesy of Mumbles) http://herc.ws/board/topic/14-added-feature-jtynnes-go-command-alternative-txt-format/ (Jtynees) Works the same way minus yung hassle of editing the source.
  15. Yeah lol. I tried that and it worked. I forgot to edit my post and put that there lol. My bad. Oh well, it works so this should do! Thanks a million!
  16. Yeah, I noticed it was something entirely different so I reverted back to the original files that I replaced. Any idea what's causing the "ERR 1" I like how it's err and not error lol
  17. Nice. I can add sites now but I can't vote lol Unable to vote for the server. Err no. 1 I tried the solution you posted in Feefty's thread but it didn't work.
  18. https://github.com/HerculesWS/FluxCP
  19. Can't add sites Catchable fatal error: Object of class Flux_Config could not be converted to string in /home/********/public_html/addons/voteforpoints/modules/voteforpoints/add.php on line 93
  20. I give up with trying to figure this out. I installed Jaypee's V4P addon to my Flux, but I can't seem to get it to work. I know some people here have a working V4P for Hercules Flux. I was wondering if someone can point me to a hassle-free V4P that actually works for Hercules or can someone help me fix the one I currently have. I've added the vote site already but when I login to test it (as a regular player) the vote sites don't show up and there is this error: Notice: Undefined variable: vp in /home/vegasrag/public_html/addons/voteforpoints/themes/default/voteforpoints/index.php on line 2 Notice: Undefined variable: vp in /home/vegasrag/public_html/addons/voteforpoints/themes/default/voteforpoints/index.php on line 41 No voting sites found The SQL is fine, the installation was fine, this just occurs when I try to vote. In case you are wondering what's in line 2 and 41 it's this <?php if($vp): ?> Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. Edit: Feefty's V4P is buggy. I just tried it before I posted this.
  21. Works now. Thanks guys! So I was missing the SQL_update table. Thanks a million to Dastgir and to you to Mhalicot!
  22. Some things to check1) check if `char` table have proper data(that's where character is stored). 2) PACKETVER set to 20120410 and recompiled the server 3) you are connecting to proper IP of migrated host. (Show Warning/Error of char/map-server if any) Thanks for replying. Checked, double checked, then triple checked. Everything seems to be intact and there are no errors popping up besides from the some NPC missing lines I have yet to fix. But that shouldn't be a problem since it was already like that before we migrated. Additional info, can't create new characters as well.
  23. Okay, now is a good time to wave the white flag. Long story short, we migrated to a new host and had to transfer all the files from the old host to the new one. Everything is 99% working! The 1% left is something I have spent a few hours on trying to figure out what caused it with no luck at all -which is why I'm here. The characters are missing from the character selection screen. I checked the CP and the SQL and they are all there, items, cashpoints, deathmatch points, everything. The only thing missing are the characters from the selection screen. Like I said the migration is 99% so, no, there are no errors that occur when I run the server. Just the missing chars. Does anyone know what might have caused this or have a solution? SVN: (obviously) Hercules Client: 2012-04-10 Not sure if the client version and svn are any use to helping solve my problem but I put it there anyhow. Thanks in advance!
  24. You are suppose to highlight the mapserver, charserver, loginserver and mapcache (CTRL+left click) Then right click then build selection.
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