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Posts posted by Tranquility




    hi guys. can someone teach me what tools i need to secure my server from cheats? such as nodelay and etc

    there's a hashield/harmony/internal/gepard but is there a way for us not to spend any money?


    yeah there's hercules anti wpe but my friend bypassed it by using own made rpe custom packet.

    As @@Aeromesi mentioned, RagnaHosting provides you with their gameguard (RagnaShield) for free. However, you'll need to host your server there. Other 'protection' options naturally cost money, or benefits to the creators of it somehow due to the time and effort spend on the project. In linux itself, you can use iptables to lock up your server and set up the ports to your own liking. You can find elaborate guides on 'teh g00gle' about this subject.

    You can do MAC address logging if you use a (customised) launcher so you can ban players specifically on their hardware ID(s).

    Other than that, think outside the box and figure out what and how you want to optimise your server. If you're more specific, you'll receive more specific answers.



    actually i was a customer on ragnahosting back then..


    I was not that satisfied because of the client.exe issue and lag issue in Tokyo server


    about the client.exe issue. ragnahosting  just gave me  a fix client which i need to use because if i use my own exe then my players will connect to the DDOS IP

    (well i looked for some help on your website but they just told me that "just use our client "


    well i have a lot of features that i like to implement but you don't have it on your patched client.


    and about Tokyo server we got spikes and lag especially during woe.

    These are things I can't meddle with. I am using their service too and use a server that's across the ocean, without lag.

    If you have lag during WoE it could mean there's either congestion (not enough bandwidth available) or a lack of resources (hardware not up-to-par for your targetted player base).

    Either way that usually is not the host's fault.


    Anyhow back to the original topic. You are limited by paid options, which in general all offer the same solution. If you want things for free, you'll have to invest time yourself in to it, which in a way is paying for it too :)

  2. hi guys. can someone teach me what tools i need to secure my server from cheats? such as nodelay and etc

    there's a hashield/harmony/internal/gepard but is there a way for us not to spend any money?


    yeah there's hercules anti wpe but my friend bypassed it by using own made rpe custom packet.

    As @@Aeromesi mentioned, RagnaHosting provides you with their gameguard (RagnaShield) for free. However, you'll need to host your server there. Other 'protection' options naturally cost money, or benefits to the creators of it somehow due to the time and effort spend on the project. In linux itself, you can use iptables to lock up your server and set up the ports to your own liking. You can find elaborate guides on 'teh g00gle' about this subject.

    You can do MAC address logging if you use a (customised) launcher so you can ban players specifically on their hardware ID(s).

    Other than that, think outside the box and figure out what and how you want to optimise your server. If you're more specific, you'll receive more specific answers.

  3. it this the right way to fix the problem? this will show server online ALL THE TIME even offline.  is there any other way to fix this? :(

    There is another way, however, you'll require some tweaks to pull it off.


    I personally have separated the information in two files (one config, one navigation), however, you can merge it into one.

    Alter the $host, $user, $pwd & $db variables as needed.

    Here's the config file:

    // Server Timedate_default_timezone_set('America/Chicago'); //Change your timezone to your server's timezone.$today = date("H:i", time());// Server configuration$host		= "SERVER_IP";$user		= "SQL_USER";$pwd		= "SQL_PASS";$db		= "SQL_DATABASE";// Login, Char & Map Server ports$login		= 6900;$char		= 6121;$map		= 5121;//PHP Data Objects -> onlinePlayersCount & serverOnline// Players Online$server = new PDO("mysql:host={$host};dbname={$db}",$user,$pwd);$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS players_online FROM main.char WHERE online > 0";$onlinePlayersCount = $server->query($sql)->fetchColumn();// Server Statusfunction getServerStatus() {	//global $host,$login,$char,$map;	  $host		= "SERVER_IP";  $login	= 6900;  $char		= 6121;  $map		= 5121;	$loginStatus = @fsockopen($host,$login,$errno,$errstr);	$charStatus = @fsockopen($host,$char,$errno,$errstr);	$mapStatus = @fsockopen($host,$map,$errno,$errstr);	if($loginStatus == false || $charStatus == false || $mapStatus == false){			return false;	}else{		fclose($loginStatus);		fclose($charStatus);		fclose($mapStatus);		return true;	}}$serverOnline = getServerStatus();?>

    And here's my navigation file:

    <?phprequire_once('serv_config.php');?><ul class="pull-right">  <li>Time: <?php echo $today; ?></li>  <li><span>Players: <?php echo $onlinePlayersCount; ?></span></li>  <li><span>Server: <span id="<?php if($serverOnline == true) { echo "server-online";} else {echo "server-offline";}?>"><?php if($serverOnline == true) {echo "Online";} else {echo "Offline";} ?></span></span></li></ul> <!-- pull-right -->

    The CSS for the online/offline indicators (green&red):

    .main-navigation #server-online {	color: green;}.main-navigation #server-offline {	color: red;}

    All these tweaks I have applied to Herc's FluxCP with the emphaino theme. There's more CSS involved with this, however, it's not relevant for the code you wanted and just visual positioning etc.

    Good luck.

  4. @@Tranquility hello, wasn't able to check this. can you please teach me how or is there a guide for it?  i just want my GM level 99  account view it the WOE damage, for skill balancing purposes.. been checking it in google, and found this . is there any other guide? thank you..

    That one is pretty accurate. Use a hexing program (XVI or Hexworkshop are the ones I've used in the past). Search for that bolded hex in your client, replace the "74" with "EB" and then save your changes.

    You'll have to enable WoE damage in your server settings too though.

  5. In that case source has to be modified or a plugin written for it.

    Personally I was/am trying to create the original cashshop with the option to use items as currency.


    What I've deduced so far is that you could set the currency by assigning npc->trander_funds[0] or npc->trander_funds[1] to an assigned/custom value.

    Using pc_pay_cash, pc_get_cash & clif_cashshop, you'll have to make some modifications to allow your changes to be pushed through.


    This is what I've got so far, but none of it is working at all ;p

  6. Yommy replied in an old topic (2013) about this in here. I do know the hex to replace, however, seeing it isn't publicly mentioned by our client legend, I prefer to not do it either.

    It can be done manually though and there are sources on the internet that reveal you how to do it.


    For me this is a known bug without any solution so far, requiring administrator rights to run it already is a bit awkward to start with.


    I could solve my problem after several days of testing.
    Using older versions. Preferably, previous []

    Then it's an issue with the latest version, good to know! If only there was still some development on that patcher ;p

  8. any news?

    Haven't been able to work on the addition yet, but there is a @storeitem command that probably will be used for the conversion to a script.

    I think Ind made that one quite a while ago, could look at it yourself and add the code if you're able to!


    although its possible to do this on the source, but I'm client noob

    I know how to delete item directly when make a purchase

    but the client side still shows "x points will be deducted from your kafra credit points"

    Would reading a variable from the item_cash_db.conf be nicer to know whether or not a custom currency is to be used? Then if the variable isn't set, default will be cashpoints/kafrapoints.

    that will require some intense source modification I guess

    why not just write a plugin and add a configuration for require item ID ?

    Thanks for the input, I'll give it a try. When I get stuck, I'll get back you guys :)


    @@Angelmelody, I did as said on this post. I can see the item everything description but when equipped I can't see the view of the item o.O

    I am getting this error, items really  dont save when char logs out but the view of them exists. The ones passed the max cap of 32768 or w/e it is. D:


     [SQL]: DB error - data of field 'nameid' was truncated.[Debug]: column - 1[Debug]: data   - type=UNSIGNED MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, length=2[Debug]: buffer - type=MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT, length=2[Info]: Saved char 150000 - Aeromesi: inventory status skills.

    Apparently this feature is to be implented soon™.

  11. Oh thank you for answering. 

    so is it going to give 2 rewards?

    Yes, Annie's script made an array of items, where you can add multiple rewards. If you don't want this, you can just add/remove the rewards of your liking.

    Winterfox' script set only 1 item as reward.



    did I really did this ?

    getmapusers used quite an amount of server resources to count the players on the map

    this command should only execute once


    oh yes, .... I didn't noticed it back then




    try this one





    oh man ... I can't debug the script anymore

    using *disablenpc will disable *bindatcmd on that OnStart label

    although OnClock still able to run though


    Thank you, I havent tested it yet but i will


    One question:


            setarray .rewardwin, 501, 10,                                                502, 10; // edit the reward items here

    What does 501 mean? is it going to give 2 rewards?

    501 is the item ID, 10 is the amount of items. Same goes for 502,10 combination.

  13. Currently there are only outdated pre-compiled/pre-setup servers available, see the download section.

    The wiki however, is still pretty up-to-date, however only has guides for Linux based installations.


    In the past I've used rAthena's wiki for installations on windows. There are some steps you can't blindly follow from there, but that's where the Hercules wiki comes in, along with some logical thinking!

    Setting this up should be relatively easy and people are willing to help out, if you ask clear questions, preferably showing you've put effort in it already.


    Good luck.

  14. by finding pc->paycash command

    I found that buying this stuff are actually clif_parse_CashShopBuy located in clif.c


    I think you just have to change pc->paycash into your delitem ... something

    Hmm, trying to think along here with what you posted. Browing further through clif.c the following is what I've come up with..


    First we'd need to verify that if the player has enough currency 'x' to buy item 'y'. Replacing:

    if( sd->kafraPoints < kafra_pay ) {  result = CSBR_SHORTTAGE_CASH;} else if( (sd->cashPoints+kafra_pay) < (clif->cs.data[tab][j]->price * qty) ) {  result = CSBR_SHORTTAGE_CASH;}

    Next, replacing the paycash reference for a delitem referrence, however, delitem has more parameters to take into account(?)

    pc->paycash(sd, clif->cs.data[tab][j]->price * qty, kafra_pay);// [Ryuuzaki]To something like:pc->delitem(sd,n,clif->cs.data[tab][j]->price * qty,0,DELITEM_NORMAL,LOG_TYPE_NPC);

    Honestly I lack the skill or insight to know what I'm doing, but this is what I can deduce from the code elsewhere.

    Would reading a variable from the item_cash_db.conf be nicer to know whether or not a custom currency is to be used? Then if the variable isn't set, default will be cashpoints/kafrapoints.

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