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Everything posted by Angelmelody

  1. Target has a chance of resisting Oblivion Curse poison. If this number is represented by a, 100% - (100 - 0.8 x INT) = a, where if a < 5%, poison resistance is set to 5%. status.c case SC_OBLIVIONCURSE: // 100% - (100 - 0.8 x INT) sc_def = 100 - ( 100 - st->int_* 8 / 10 ); sc_def = max(sc_def, 5); // minimum of 5% break;
  2. Im guessing that you didn't comment out 'packetver_re' in src/common/mmo.h.
  3. modify datamp3nametable.txt and put custom mp3 file into BGM folder
  4. a little useless http://herc.ws/wiki/Monster Setting the mob id to -1, -2 or -3 will spawn a random monster from the dead branch
  5. if (gettime(4) == .limit_reset) {...} //-->this also means only the day can be reseted right? if player forgot to login on that day,var limit_count won't be reseted until he run the script on .limit_reset day of next week or next n week
  6. It is no rare thing, In China this project SeAr ripped off all project's code for sale and never give criedits http://my-svn.assembla.com/svn/SeAr/Changelog-SeA.txt http://www.4fro.cn/viewthread.php?tid=2642 2013/10/23[seAr_1.10.60] - 源码: 修正银行金钱溢出。 - 源码: 修正item_noequip中的参数4、8在更换地图时不会检测。 - 源码、CONF: 添加抢怪系统设置,ks_target_reset。 - 源码、DB: 添加基因学家、十字切割者、游侠三转新技能。// 3rd newer skills also rip from Herc 2013/10/21[seAr_1.10.59] - 源码: 修正参数4、8对于item_noequip无效。 - 源码、CONF: 更新支持20130724客户端之后的银行系统。 //-->bank system rip from Herc 2013/08/13[SeAr_1.10.33]- 源码: 修正羔羊赞歌、大树赞歌动画显示,解除异常状态时的属性奖励。- 源码: 修正自动影咒持续时间使用了贤者自动咏唱技能的时序时间。- 源码: 修正手推车加农炮攻击范围为以中心溅射。- 源码、DOC: 添加指令sit,stand,party_create,party_addmember,party_delmember, party_changeoption,party_changelead,party_destroy。//rip form rathena
  7. Thank you! sorry, update script fix some typos Hello Angel I did used ur updated script but I think this new one is not working? because the old seems to be working. EDIT: ur FIRST script works fine. but this new one not anymore. the problem is i did overwrite the new script with the old one. so the old one is gone T_T. this's working for me ,try again - script asdfklkj -1,{end;OnPCLoadMapEvent: set .@lm$,strcharinfo(3); for(.@j=0;.@j<.size;.@j++){ if(.rmap$[.@j] == .@lm$ ){ set .@isrmap,1; break; } } if(!@ar && .@isrmap ){ addtimer .tinterval,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnTimeCheck"; set @ar,1; }end;OnTimeCheck: set .@lm$,strcharinfo(3); for(.@k=0;.@k< .size;.@k++){ if(.rmap$[.@k] == .@lm$ ){ set .@t,1; break; } }if(.@t && HP < 1) atcommand "@alive";if(.@t) addtimer .tinterval,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnTimeCheck";else set @ar,0;end; Oninit: .tinterval = 60000; setarray .rmap$[0],"prontera"; .size = getarraysize(.rmap$); for(.@i=0;.@i<.size;.@i++) setmapflag .rmap$[.@i],mf_loadevent; end;}
  8. Thank you! sorry, update script fix some typos
  9. not correct "map name" setarray rmap$[0],"prontera","payon","test","test2";
  10. setarray .rmap$[0],"prontera";// here to add another map ex: setarray .rmap$[0],"prontera","payon","giffen";
  11. try this - script asdfjkl -1,{end;OnPCLoadMapEvent: for(.@j=0;.@j< .size;.@j++){ if(strcharinfo(3) == .rmap$[.@j]){ set .@isrmap,1; break; } } if(!@ar && .@isrmap )addtimer 60000,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnTimeCheck"; set @ar,1;end;OnTimeCheck: for(.@k=0;.@k< .size;.@k++){ if(strcharinfo(3)== .rmap$[.@k]){ set .@t,1; break; } }if(.@t && HP == 0) atcommand "@alive";if(.@t) addtimer 60000,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnTimeCheck";else set @ar,0; Oninit: setarray .rmap$[0],"prontera"; .size = getarraysize(.rmap$); for(;.@i<.size;.@i++) setmapflag .rmap$[.@i],mf_loadevent; end;} setarray .rmap$[0],"prontera"; ==>sett up maps which will run the script
  12. I m still using windows xp can't install VS 2012 , but thanks for that info , I will try use VS 2012 when I update my Os to win7.
  13. It's useful , hope devs agree http://trac.rathena.org/changeset/17414/rathena http://trac.rathena.org/changeset/17415/rathena
  14. I wanna replace official effect file , Is there any reference table or any method can find the effect file name?
  15. ok , someone teach me using sql query method i post the code prontera,151,186,5 script asdfjkl 721,{ query_sql("SELECT YEARWEEK(now(),1)",.@yw$);//-->assume Monday is the first day of a week set .@cn,atoi(.@yw$)*100; set .@ln,.@cn+.max_limit; if(#rn < .@cn ) set #rn,.@cn; if(#rn >=.@ln){ mes "3 times per week only"; close; } getitem 501, 1; set #rn,#rn+1; close; Oninit: set .max_limit,3;} anyway, thank to jaBote always help me a lot
  16. Thanks,but Would it be possible for player who reached max limitation on Saturday can run the script again on Monday
  17. sorry, I got it wrong and should open my eyes
  18. if (frequency > 3 times per week) end; dunno how to write, it would be appreciate if someone can teach me -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sorry post wrong section , I should post in script support section >_<
  19. you can try this http://herc.ws/board/topic/2556-2013-08-07-full-client-download/
  20. I know instance_set_timeout is better ,but if rAthena release new instance , We need to do annoying converting works , the original purpose stand on being compatible with rAhtnea instance. I don't disagree to keep instance_set_timeout, but we should consider the convterting works is annoying
  21. rathena use instance_db.txt setting instance timeout , but hercules use instance_set_timeout can we have both ?
  22. common output windows ========== Build: 3 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== is it possible showing the red part ========== Build: 3 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 warning , 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
  23. I wanna create custom scroll , vote for it!
  24. wow ~ quite different from Tortoisesvn, It's working for me , thank you so much --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If I have committed the changes of my careless deletion on local master Tortoisegit-->show log--> revert that change ----> commit local master again? Is that the correct way? Or is there another better way?
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