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O.o I didn't know that menu was being removed lmao. In that case I'll switch it around to select. Even though I like using menu in some cases =p

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  On 10/23/2014 at 1:23 AM, evilpuncker said:

pls don't teach them to use "menu" =P


ref: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/374


This might be problematic when using menu to manipulate array indexes D:



	mes .npc_name$;	mes "Hello there, mighty warrior!";	mes "Which arena would you like to test your strength in?";	next;		// Build list of arena names	for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.arena_data$); .@i += 4) {		.@arena_name$[.@j++] = .arena_data$[.@i];		.@mode$[.@k++] = .arena_data$[.@i] +" ["+ getmapusers(.arena_data$[.@i + 1]) +"]";	}		// Select desired arena	menu implode(.@mode$, ":"), -;	mes .npc_name$;	.@key = @menu - 1;	// Hercules	//.@key = @menu - 2;		// rAmod	.@index = .@key * 4;		// Determine map name	.@map_name$ = .arena_data$[.@index + 1];		// Determine Base Level requirement	.@base_req = atoi(.arena_data$[.@index + 2]);		// Determine room limit	.@room_limit = atoi(.arena_data$[.@index + 3]);



*I'm also extremely rusty on scripting so maybe there's a better method by now lul

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I like using menu when I have few option that all lead to same result. switch(select) + default seems like a bit too much for such an easy task :P


Anyways, nice one. I believe there was also a somewhat guide on scripting rules as in use of intendation/naming scheme and all that. Might help make scripts cleaner and easier to read for everyone if you'll link it somewhere.

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Mumbles: see my reply in the pull request. It actually becomes easier with .@select, as you don't even need to use the @menu variable.


Garr: but using labels is even worse than using a switch, and makes the script less readable. If several options lead to the same result, their case labels in the switch can be grouped together without break in between, if you don't wish to use select. Or, nobody forces you to use a switch, and you can use if/else conditions if you prefer.


switch (select("a:b:c:d:e")) {case 1:case 2:case 4:    mes "a, b and d lead here.";    break;case 3:    mes "this is c.";    break;}// and e does nothing



.@choice = select("a:b:c:d:e"));if (.@choice == 3) {    mes "this is c.";} else if (.@choice < 5) {    mes "a, b and d lead here.";}// and e does nothing

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First script in the beginner series is complete.

Next I'll be moving on to a basic item trader script, that gives players one item in exchange for other items.


If you found this helpful to you let me know, if it wasn't, still let me know lol.

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GmOcean, good job there! Can I ask you to edit a little something, so that people will script according to the scripting style standards we're setting? (see working draft at http://herc.ws/board/topic/5062-scripting-standards/ )


Setting variables should always happen through direct assignment and without the use of the 'set' command, where possible. So, instead of set Zeny, Zeny - 1000, it should be Zeny -= 1000; instead of set .heal_price, 1000, it should be .heal_price = 1000; and so on.


Some parts of the scripting standards are still being changed, so don't take everything you see there as set in stone, but the part about using 'set' to manipulate variables already is.


Thank you!

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I am definitely going to be setting variables like that in the future, starting with my next script tutorial. I just feel that using " set " as a corner stone for scripting is almost a necessity for helping people understand the process of how to set a variable. This will also help make the shift to the new standard easier imo. It's just that's how I learned, so I figured it'd be easier to teach if they go through the same process.

But thank you for letting me know. I guess i'm using a mix of Kernel and K&R style @.@; How mixed I must be lol.

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We'll be updating the guidelines and including them in the doc folder of the repository soon, to give them more visibility.


About the use of set, the reason why I recommend against using it at all (other than it being deprecated) is that by using direct assignment, the language is probably easier for newcomers. If they ever used any other scripting or programming language (and chance is they did at school, perhaps), they'll be probably used to direct assignment rather than a command to set variables. This way they won't have to learn a new (arguably useless) thing such as using 'set'.

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Just 3 things for now to say

1) Encourage constants to be used (making it easy to read, like sprite 936, i would have no idea what it is, but replacing 936 by 4_F_ARUNA_POP would give me idea about what sprite that is and so same applies to monster and item constants to be used (for future tuts))

2) make if condition more readable if you want to use it.

ex, instead of

if( Zeny < 1000 && @menu == 1 || Zeny < 5000 && @menu == 2 ) {


if( (Zeny < 1000 && @menu == 1) || (Zeny < 5000 && @menu == 2) ) {

This make clear about what condition is.


3) Direction constants









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@Dastgir - Noted and changed. I'll try to do that from now on lol. Constants for items, are kind of new for me, because I don't think rAthena has them, and I've only recently made the switch to Herc.

Edit: Okay, figured out how item constants are listed =P. I'll make sure to use them from now on, atleast in my tuts lol. No promises for script releases :ho: Also, for some reason, my scripts won't load when using Direction Constants in a script header :/



@Haru - Alright, well. For now I'll leave it as numbers, since that's what's working. And I'll change it to the constants once it's been implemented.

Edited by GmOcean

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That's right, we unfortunately still don't support the direction constants in script headers, but only in commands (i.e. movenpc) x.x

I guess that would make for a nice pull request, if anyone feels like to implement it before we do

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This would be awesome if people who knows how to script can collaborate with GmOcean to make this topic as good as possible. :P



This topic should be pinned in my opinion

Edited by Patskie

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Finished Basic Item Trader with 2 parts ( for lack of other things to add to it D: ).

Created & Finished Basic Floating Rates NPC with 2 parts.



Going to start intermediate scripts next, anyone got any idea's for one? If not I'll just throw in a more detailed and modified version of the Healer & Buffer script.

Edited by GmOcean

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Finished Advanced Healer & Buffer.

Going to take a small break from updating this as I plan out the next script to write a tutorial for, as well as to give me time to other tasks I'm currently falling behind on.

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.buff_price = atoi(""+ ( .include_buffs?"0":"5000" ) +""); 

Why not have it something like

.buff_price = ((.include_buffs)?0:5000);



switch( select("Yes, heal me.", ""+ ( .include_buffs?"::":"I want buffs" ) +"", "No thank you") ) { 


switch( select("Yes, heal me.", ( .include_buffs?"":"I want buffs" ), "No thank you") ) {

you don't require those ""+, you can directly start with those conditions.


Else everything seems fine, keep updating the guide. :D

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@1 - Didn't know it worked without being used for strings O.o. See even i'm still learning xD

@2 - That would be better, but you forgot to add :: in your example, they are needed to push the options down or else, No thank you will go to case 2.


Edit: Updated, with Dastgir's suggestion.

Edited by GmOcean

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Added a Scripting Techniques section, and filled it with a few things not much. Do note, that they are not intended to be used in public scripts it's purely for private use only. Since they can be hard to read at times.

Also, another script guide using bindatcmd. The script is finished as is, but will be expanded on in future parts, so marking incomplete for now.



Custom Atcommand @buff - Complete ( 2 Parts ).

Edited by GmOcean

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script academy opened hohoho.. must have enroled here, still some one there i know i hope here to spoil us her bloody script technique too, wish many member will be enlighten to leveling their level scripting technique


thx @GmOcean rep up for you sir

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  On 11/19/2014 at 11:38 AM, GmOcean said:

D: I don't think Annieruru would like to teach here lol, no pay, horrible hours and absolutely 0 benefits !


upps.. yes horrible, hope you don't have it that way... tell a sotry i learn something that new here for me and go 'aaaah... it was like that' and feel hapy to have you people around kind of helping helpless people (not having money, knowledge, little late in the brain, etc.. (no offense here :D)) lurking around shouting help and help (typical me though haha..) and thats it hope you will continue this corner

and little suggestion about the spoiler thing it really hurt.. how about you make a new reply and page every link on first page instead make it spoil-ing... just a sugestion tough take it gently

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how to upgrade an item or refine item the use of rate exp by killing monsters so by killing monster we have a chance refine our item by exp , this is like a increase base level up , but i don't know how to build this system


Help me... T-T

Edited by bidolay145

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