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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    High-Res Damagefont Here is a new damage font i've cooked for you guys. Alot simpler than the other ones ive uploaded, wen't for a more minimalistic design. I've tried not to kill the pixelated vibe that we all love from the original one, but still improving its resolution. Was pretty happy with the result ;] Hope you all like it. CyA
  2. 1 point
    better use way how suggested @Asheraf, because it allow use good translation, but if you want strings concatenations, use this code: atcommand "#warp \"" + .@playername$ + "\" " + .arena_map$ + " 22 50";
  3. 1 point
    use atcommand(sprintf("#warp \"%s\" %s 22 50", .@playername$, .arena_map$));
  4. 1 point

    Dastgir's Services

    Você é o rapaz que pega plugins prontos daqui, compra scripts e revende falando que foi você quem fez? mas é um bosta mesmo.. Vulgo ragnarok brasil service kkkkk só sabe rippar temas do eadev e revender, além de revender plugins GRATUITOS do Dastgir por dinheiro. lixo humano
  5. 1 point

    New RO Community - ROLibrary

    First, awesome idea you got there. I like it of acting like a library for future generations But, as a web freak, I would encourage you to secure the domain with https://letsencrypt.org or any other you want to use. Seeing the green lock aside of the adress relax me haha
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