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About chao93

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  • Birthday 05/05/1993

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  1. kick all player down, then closed server.
  2. chao93

    Name ID Npc

  3. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules use git / sourcetree to download it, then update your Hercules on each time master branch committed.
  4. That is because since commits on Jun 25, 2016 it was moved translations template generator to a plugin and it is now needed to build the plugin to use it. You can build the plugin following this instructions (based on wiki) : 1. Open folder \vcproj-14\ 2. Copy and paste plugin-sample.vcxproj to duplicate it. 3. Rename file "plugin-sample.vcxproj" to "generate-translations.vcxproj" 4. Open generate-translations.vcxproj in Notepad++ 5. Find this line: <ProjectName>plugin-sample</ProjectName> 6. Rename 'plugin-sample' to 'generate-translations' 7. Find this line: <TargetName Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32'">generate-translations</TargetName> 8. Rename sample to generate-translations 9. Find this line: <ClCompile Include="..\src\plugins\sample.c" /> 10. Renae sample to generate-translations 11. Save changes and close 12. Open MSVC. Do right-clic on Solution 'Hercules-14'. Select Add -> Existing Project... 13. Select generate-translations.vcxproj in folder \vcproj-14\ 14. Right-click Hercules-14, Select Build-Solution 15. Add it to /conf/plugins.conf plugins_list: [ /* Enable HPMHooking when plugins in use rely on Hooking */ "HPMHooking", // <-- Uncomment this //"db2sql", //"sample", //"other", "generate-translations", // loads generate-translations plugin ] Thank you! i get sucked this error in week. http://imgur.com/4O73d0m Poedit not allowed new scripting format? "\r"
  5. Haru, he already solved. http://herc.ws/board/topic/13389-new-hercules-configuration/#entry76629
  6. i can help for translation, but scripting to implement HERCULES is big problem. Someone can help??
  7. if not showing, Please check your accessoryid.lua << your item ID should be == iteminfo.lua View ID == item VIEW ID(item_db.conf) accname.lua << your client side .GRF inside folder NAME should be == accessoryid.accessory_NAME, make sure your .GRF got male and female file.
  8. Hm.. I am not sure, but Its one of the emulator like rAthena, Hercules and etc.. , named Aegis. http://forum.asb-sakray.net/index.php?showtopic=37653
  9. I found this script on aegis ragnarok server, wish help for Hercules Instance. NOT SURE ITS WORKING ON HERCULES NOW. credit from: http://forum.asb-sakray.net/index.php?showtopic=37707 Horror_Toy_Factory.txt
  10. check the IP is using same? Network.conf got allowed LAN IP ?
  11. http://imgur.com/gallery/xwuXB I get the error message, unknow option '--generate-translations' Windows
  12. Got any error information on your map server? can you printscreen it?
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