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Posts posted by Samuel

  1. Hi everyone! Just wanted to ask regarding the mapflags stated in the mapflag folder.


    It seems that gm override options are not working anymore


    For example, I made a nowarp mapflag for prontera;




    Even administrator account (gm level 99) can't warp in the said map unless I give the gm account any_warp permission.




    So how would we be able to make this work again, cause this option seems to be working in map_zone_db.conf

  2. Hi everyone, don't know if it's the right section for this, moderators can move where this belongs.


    So I'm encountering a problem with group permission can_trade

    I'm using the config below:


    id: 80
    name: "GM Chief"
    inherit: ( "Law Enforcement" )
    level: 80
    commands: {
    log_commands: true
    permissions: {
    can_trade: false


    id: 98
    name: "Co-Admin"
    inherit: ( "GM Chief" )
    level: 98
    commands: {
    log_commands: true
    permissions: {
    can_trade: false




    This works when I'm on my test server in my own computer. GM Chief and Co-Admin can't use trade.


    But when I use this settings on the live server, GM Chief and Co-Admin can use trade. 


    *getmapflag("<map name>",<flag>)
    This command checks the status of a given mapflag and returns the 
    mapflag's state. 
    0 means OFF, and 1 means ON. See 'setmapflag' for a list of mapflags.


    you can always check doc/script_commands.txt :)

  4. You could look inside doc/effect_list.txt for the list of effects you can use,


    and just add the specialeffect command in the item script, :)



    *specialeffect <effect number>{,<send_target>{,"<NPC Name>"}};
    This command will display special effect with the given number, centered 
    on the specified NPCs coordinates, if any. For a full list of special 
    effect numbers known see 'doc/effect_list.txt'. Some effect numbers are 
    known not to work in some client releases. (Notably, rain is absent from 
    any client executables released after April 2005.)
    <NPC name> parameter will display <effect number> on another NPC. If the 
    NPC specified does not exist, the command will do nothing. When specifying 
    an NPC, <send_target> must be specified when specifying an <NPC Name>, 
    specifying AREA will retain the default behavior of the command.
    // this will make the NPC "John Doe#1"
    // show the effect "EF_HIT1" specified by
    // Jane Doe. I wonder what John did...
    mes "[Jane Doe]";
    mes "Well, I never!";
    specialeffect EF_HIT1,AREA,"John Doe#1";



    *specialeffect2 <effect number>{,<send_target>{,"<Player Name>"}};
    This command behaves identically to the 'specialeffect', but the effect 
    will be centered on the invoking character's sprite.
    <Player name> parameter will display <effect number> on another Player 
    than the one currently attached to the script. Like with specialeffect, 
    when specifying a player, <send_target> must be supplied, specifying AREA 
    will retain the default behavior of the command.


    I tried looking but can't find magic amplify effect, maybe you could look on something similar by using the @effect command in game :D

  5. The Mob ID is too high xD


    Client has boundaries with mob IDs, afaik with last time client can just read sprite properly below 5k mob id = 5000


    everything above that mob id will become a poring


    it's a client limitation, try making the mob id much lesser like in 2000+

  6. Hello everyone!

    I have promised to release this fluxcp compatible to both renewal and pre-renewal

    This will be a TWO (2) part release

    First (1)
    - If you'll gonna use the Hercules default SQL


    Just use this fluxcp installation and execute the hercules default sql files.

    Second (2)
    - If you have too many custom items and using txt databases and wanted to import them into the website


    - I forgot to tell you'll be needing the original fluxcp-ra by Xantara for this :)

    Use this converter: Link

    Use this FluxCP: Link

    How to use the converter?
    - Perl, if you don't have it: http://www.perl.org/get.html
    To run the script, specify an input, output, target, and table. For example:

    item_db.pl --i=item_db.txt --o=item_db_re.sql --t=re --table=item_db_re

    Original Link: http://rathena.org/board/topic/83703-txt-sql-converter/


    First of all, I don't own the converter, this is from rathena and I just modified some parts of it. Since Hercules and Rathena's item_db.txt has still the same columns but just differs in the sql files.

    Second, I also don't own the control panel and just modified it,

    All credits belongs to their owners. :)

    God bless everyone!

  7. maybe we could use of this converter from rathena, xD


    I just don't understand perl. :D


    With this converter, we can convert not just item database but also mob db and mob skill db :)


    What I just don't understand is why the item_db of renewal is different with item_db_re.sql when it comes to the column numbers,


    in Item_db.txt atk and matk share the same column separated by

    while in item_db_re.sql atk and matk have different column :)


    Here is the converter:



    Advance thanks to anyone who can help.. :)


  8. Hi everyone, just looking for a converter of the txt database of hercules to sql files.


    I've already looked at the tools folder, but it seems to be not working the perl file.


    This is what it only shows:



    # Table structure for table `item_db`
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `item_db`;
    CREATE TABLE `item_db` (
      `id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
      `name_english` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
      `name_japanese` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
      `type` tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
      `price_buy` mediumint(10) unsigned default NULL,
      `price_sell` mediumint(10) unsigned default NULL,
      `weight` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
      `attack` smallint(3) unsigned default NULL,
      `defence` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL,
      `range` tinyint(2) unsigned default NULL,
      `slots` tinyint(2) unsigned default NULL,
      `equip_jobs` int(12) unsigned default NULL,
      `equip_upper` tinyint(8) unsigned default NULL,
      `equip_genders` tinyint(2) unsigned default NULL,
      `equip_locations` smallint(4) unsigned default NULL,
      `weapon_level` tinyint(2) unsigned default NULL,
      `equip_level` tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL,
      `refineable` tinyint(1) unsigned default NULL,
      `view` smallint(3) unsigned default NULL,
      `script` text,
      `equip_script` text,
      `unequip_script` text,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)


    And I think its really not yet updated, xD


    Thanks in advance to anyone. :)

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