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Posts posted by Samuel

  1. Hmm, will tru this once I get home.


    But just want to ask if this thing I'm doing is really possible in plugin.


    Define the delay in conf file and hooks will read it.


    Whenever I change the value in conf file and reload battleconf, hooks will read the new value.



  2. Hello, I'm trying to convert the @go, @warp, @jump delay when hit via plugin and I was successful.
    But I want to make it read the delay from a conf setting instead of hard coded in the plugin source.
    So I looked into the sample.c and tried it so it just

    HPExport void server_preinit (void) {
     /* makes map server listen to mysetting:value in any "battleconf" file (including imported or custom ones) */
     /* value is not limited to numbers, its passed to our plugins handler (parse_my_setting) as const char *,
      * and thus can be manipulated at will */




    void go_delay_setting(const char *val) {
     ShowDebug("Received 'go_delay:%s'n",val);
     /* do anything with the var e.g. config_switch(val) */



    So it successfully reads the go_delay I placed in the import/battle.conf


    But now, I don't have any idea on how would I be able to use it like this in a source:




    Hope someone could help me.. :)


    Thanks in advance!


    So how does the grf encryption works? Thanks in advance!


    You will need the latest version from the mediafire link ( : http://www.mediafire.com/download/aflylbhblrzpz0h


    There are two ways to encrypt files, but first, you'll want to setup your client.

    • Go in Tools > GRF Encryption
    • Put your encryption password in the first box (you can save the credentials to a .grfkey format if you plan on using the encryption often, but make sure this file is not shared with anyone else).
    • Select your client executable (the name of the executable cannot be changed afterwards).
    • Put your new cps.dll name. This cannot exceed 7 characters. You can simply leave it as "cps.dll", which won't require an edited client.
    • Click on Generate files. If everything went well, a window should show up with your new cps.dll file selected (and the client, if it needed modifications).
    • Screenshot below after you generate your client files.
    • Copy the new generated files to your client folder.





    That's it for the client configuration.


    As for the GRF actual encryption now... Open your GRF in GRF Editor. If you want to encrypt your entire GRF, go in Tools > GRF Encryption, click on Encrypt GRF (might ask you for your password). The process should be rather quick, the output GRF is your new encrypted GRF.


    You can also encrypt specific files if you want : right-click the items you want to encrypt and use Encryption > Encrypt. Save your GRF.





    Encrypted files will show in orange. When opening up an encrypted GRF, GRF Editor will prompt you for your credentials (hence why it's useful to save your password somewhere, then you can quickly load it with Key... > Load recent > your key.grfkey) :




    To make encrypted Thor patches, create a new Thor file from File > New > New Thor. Add a data folder and add your files in there. This is the same process as above : right-click, Encryption > Encrypt. Make sure you use the same password/key. Go in the Container options tab and set your target GRF (as shown below). Once saving, you will no longer be able to modify your encrypted Thor patch though (the files will become unreadable). Also, always test your Thor patches to make sure everything is working fine.



    That should cover most of it xD! If you have further questions, go ahead.


    Sorry for the very late reply.. Hmm, once I used an encrypted grf, should all my thor patch be encrypted as well? Thanks!

  4. Ive been using it on hercules, we converted it (@Kichi) help me to convert it :D

    Ahh ok so you have added it in source, :D well I really want to make it into plugin, managed to make it get from storage now but there are still some bugs since i made them from scratch lol

  5. Uhm not really, i purchased the source and i am the one who mark it as broken source, but the creator pm me and fix the problem.


    Ahh i see, so you've been using it in hercules? Or still in rathena?

  6. @restock +itemid <min quant> <max quant> - add an new item that will be restored when get the min quantity until the max quantity.

    @restock -itemid - remove an item from restock list

    @restock list - display all itens on list

    @restock clear - remove all itens from list


    Every time you use an item which is in the restock list it will be automatically put in your inventory from your storage as long as you have the item in storage.


    I have managed to this in plugin by using @alootid as pattern, I was also able to hook it already with pc_useitem, the problem is with the check of restock items in the list during the pc_useitem

  7. Hello! This command seems to be very popular and I'm really looking for it's source and I can't find any. It seems to be combination of scripts + source.


    I tried already making my own but still a lot of plugin errors for now.


    So if anyone is willing to share it's source to be converted into plugin, it would be really helpful. :D


    Well if you don't want to share it for free, I could trade it with my @security plugin but I will release it sooner or later for free.


    Thanks in advance! :)

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