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Posts posted by Samuel

  1. i guess its something to do with extra data in equips, that bindonequip collumn was added, and other changes, etc


    anyway the whole plugin is coded crappy, and using the new plugin hooks it could be made much more efficiently

    currently it loops every vender every few minutes and empties the vend sql and refills it..every few minutes O_O


    it should be rebuilt with hooks of the create_vend, close_vend, sell_vend functions, (not sure of actual function names from my head)

    and update the vend table from these hooks, so there is only a small sql update when something happens, instead of flooding every minutes..


    however i lack the time to do this :(


    Well, I tried using Sanasol's diff as pattern in rewriting a new plugin for overlapping some of the functions but still have some issues with it although I was able to make it work add and delete values in the database.

  2. Hello, everyone, I'm trying to update Yommy's VendSQL plugin manually.


    At first I was able to make it work (It executes but the only problem is it doesn't save map name right) then I found out that I'm not currently using the latest revision so I updated it then recompiled it.


    Now, I'm getting a crash with the latest revision. :D


    Here is the dump file:




    Here is the code:



    It crashes when saving the map name I think, :D


    When I haven't updated and recompiled my server it works fine although the map name that it saves for example is something like this ssed. for map prontera.


    Thank you in advance guys!


    God bless!


    no problem, as mentioned in http://herc.ws/board/topic/1934-hercules-plugin-manager-update/

    The ability for a plugin to create and append data structs to existent data, currently available to player units (map_session_data) and network pipes (socket_data), we'll be extending this to others as we go by, drop us a word if you need it somewhere it isn't available yet

    will get it avaialble (and probably use the chance to rewrite how HPM handles it, got some new ideas)


    Hope there's a sample in the sample.c how to use the custom data struct, :D



  4. After i set that it will show the announcement of the bonus exps and drops?


    It will just show the rates you have when you login. I'll attach an image later.




    That's what is shown when you login. It's an announcement, I was able to just screenshot the one in the chat bar. :)

  5. File Name: @autobuyammo

    File Submitter: Samuel

    File Submitted: 31 Oct 2013

    File Category: Plugins


    Hi guys!


    Just converted Goddameit's @autobuyammo


    This files includes the plugin + script for the bind command (will try to make it a real command soon)


    How does it works?

    Just activate the command and when your ammo is depleted it will be replenished with the same ammo by 10s as long as you have zeny


    Have fun and God bless!


    Click here to download this file

  6. File Name: getrandmob (script command)

    File Submitter: Samuel

    File Submitted: 31 Oct 2013

    File Category: Plugins


    Hi guys!


    Just converted Akinari's getrandmob script command into a plugin.


    What does it do?

    Grabs a random monster from one of the branch databases.

    Useful for hunter quests, disguise events, and anything else you can think of.

    Uses database stored in memory, so it's faster and more efficient than running SQL queries and doesn't require you to use SQL dbs for items and mobs.


    Click here to download this file

  7. File Name: @Autoloottype

    File Submitter: Samuel

    File Submitted: 31 Oct 2013

    File Category: Plugins


    HI guys! Here is the plugin for the @autoloottype from rathena


    Special thanks to Haruna for the tutorial :D


    Credits for the original authors still indicated in the codes.


    How to use:

    @autoloottype +<item type>

    @autoloottype -<item type>


    Just type @autoloottype in game to see more details.


    Have fun and God bless!


    Click here to download this file




    Missing calls to these in plugin_init were causing the crash.
    	itemdb = GET_SYMBOL("itemdb");	bg = GET_SYMBOL("bg");	mapit = GET_SYMBOL("mapit");	pet = GET_SYMBOL("pet");

    since itemdb->(and others) were used but not defined in plugin_init.


    Still getting crash.. and I have found this console error: HPM:get_symbol:itemmap 'bg' not found!



    Im workin on it atm ,  Plugin doesent crash anymore but atm the items are not given out :)


    Alright, will be waiting  for it. If you want, you could also post the code so we could see and look and try to find what's wrong too. Thanks!


    Missing calls to these in plugin_init were causing the crash.
    	itemdb = GET_SYMBOL("itemdb");	bg = GET_SYMBOL("bg");	mapit = GET_SYMBOL("mapit");	pet = GET_SYMBOL("pet");

    since itemdb->(and others) were used but not defined in plugin_init.


    Still getting crash.. and I have found this console error: HPM:get_symbol:itemmap 'bg' not found!

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