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Everything posted by mleo1

  1. ahhh, 2010 pa huling western ko eh haha. student pa ako dati. di na valid passport ko eh ahahah. salamat.
  2. Why not have in 1 if we can have it, making it easy for owner to switch between pre-re and renewal. well my point is for those who wanna develop their re they can stay to alpha while pre-re lovers will stay to final separated files so no more argue? Pre-RE servers likes system updates too. Why finalize it.
  3. If you use addtimer in script then player @autotrade does timer end? sample - script timer -1,{OnPCLoginEvent:OnSec:announce strcharinfo(0),0;addtimer 1000,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnSec";} If player @autotrades, does attached timer continues? EDIT: NVM: tested it continues.
  4. mleo1

    R> Full Debuff

    - script debuffer -1, {OnPCLoadMapEvent: sc_end SC_ALL;}pvpmorocc mapflag loadevent
  5. set .arrcount, getarraysize($@monsteridweak);for(set .@i, 1; .@i <= (.arrcount); set .@i, .@i + 1){monster "this",0,0,"--ja--",$@monsteridweak[.@i],100,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnWave1";} loop thru it dunno if script works, never tried lol
  6. mleo1

    trans sprite

  7. here you go http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=142274
  8. The new pneuma is like 6 cells dunno? How to make oldschool?
  9. Edit settings.ini ExE=YoURRO.exe
  10. Does other players sees the aura?
  11. Here is Neomind's link http://sourceforge.net/p/xdiffgen/code/5/tree/
  12. I just unlinked some unused forms (1 only) and edit replay.
  13. use this sushiduy.plesk3.freepgs.com/ROScripts/WoeInfo/woeinfo_122.php
  14. Yes, That's on the list. I'll commit if I have time. You need visual studio 6 You miss something. Please go here http://herc.ws/board/topic/1151-2013-ragexe-support-main-topic/page-4
  15. Follow this. xD http://rathena.org/board/topic/54049-auto-sql-backup-for-linux/
  16. thanks daga, I was searching for "crys" and was lazy haha. thank you again.
  17. I wanna edit stat resistance, crystalization and deep sleep. I dunno where to look lawl. I wanna add luk.
  18. use pre-re mechanics or edit mapzonedb
  19. Will do. I'm still lurning, Please send comment more, I wanna fix and learn. Thanks xD~.
  20. The text is part of image for now. I plan to use resource file to have editable strings so other non-english communities can translate it but I do not have time and have other business too. Lazy haha. I still dunno, What happens if you run as admin? and compatibility win xp? or use version 3 Prolly win98 above xD
  21. I thought null+1=1, wrong moves then try query_sql "UPDATE `cp_credits` SET `balance`=IF(`balance` IS NULL,1,`balance`+1) WHERE `account_id`="+getcharid(3); or query_sql "UPDATE `cp_credits` SET `balance`=COALESCE(`balance`+1,1) WHERE `account_id`="+getcharid(3);
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