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Everything posted by mleo1

  1. mleo1


    bugs 1 if you changebase and use this, map will crash on exit char 2 autotrade + aura = map crash
  2. remove him create new atcommand via script ? easier
  3. @@zackdreaver woo prere removing glorious items etc, what episode is prere?
  4. thanks im aeromesi now, forgot password does not work wtf no mails
  5. http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=158 Can somebody please download this for me? Please post
  6. I think he means almost all monsters to pets? I saw something like that before, or just fake memories, dunno.
  7. thank you guys, I used navicat to delete the column then export to text, lol, gepard's tool is more easy.
  8. HERC mobdb EATHENA mobdb expper whats that lel,
  9. @@Xgear thanks very helpful @@Oxxy thanks, but no.
  10. https://i.imgur.com/ihl4feu.png
  11. monster spawns, itemdb for drops, npcs, etc. episode 11.3 anybody wanna share? Edit: nevermind gonna test https://code.google.com/p/eathena-project/source/list?&start=13250
  12. byebye ind, hf irl H.E.R.C. soon
  13. mleo1

    Tree of Savior

    ToS Eng is greenlight now, just months now it will be xD https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=441500423
  14. lol, they named it like this? nope, I just watch anime a lot and it looks like smell is flowing, its just me lo.l
  15. yourmap mapflag pvp_noguild
  16. @@Litro Thank you for your time, I'm gonna tweak your code and remove the timer and use below code if you try to equip armor with above refine in the map, it will not equip I lazily lurk around the code, dunno c, here's what I added on PC.c's pc_equipitem if (sd->mapindex == mapindex->name2id("pvpizlude") && sd->status.inventory[n].refine > 7) { clif->equipitemack(sd,n,0,EIA_FAIL); // fail return 0;} It looks working but did I do wrong? (I dont wanna crash the shit)
  17. 190~250+ uswest coast (LA,Seattle) 200~320+ ussouth (texas) 100~200+ asia tokyo or singapore 300+ australia if you in the PH, PLDC is the least evil. this guy has a survey -> https://keikun17.github.io/latency_survey/
  18. query_sql( "SELECT `x` FROM `y` WHERE `char_id` = '"+escape_sql( getcharid(0) )+"'",.@status); https://rathena.org/wiki/Query_sql you need to look at picklog table: type field mysql limit, you need to offset to show them all Not Tested Samplequery last 20 items that you sent in storage sample set .@nb, query_logsql("SELECT nameid, amount FROM picklog WHERE type='R' AND amount<0 AND char_id=150000 ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 20",.@item,.@amount); for(set .@i,0; .@i < .@nb; set .@i,.@i+1) mes .@item[.@i] +" "+ .@amount[.@i];
  19. .configclassesgeneral.h uncomment //#define DEVOTION_REFLECT_DAMAGE
  20. ffmpeg or pirate some audio converter or google the free ones
  21. mleo1

    Flux CP Themes

    Download on rA forums there are many, then use it on hercflux, you gonna edit a little
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