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Posts posted by bWolfie

  1. Hi,


    I've been trying to connect my server to a SQL database located on a different host.



    My server is located on Host 1 (

    My SQL files are located on Host 2 (


    I thought I had set everything up properly, but I receive the following error when trying to start the server:


    (while starting server on host 1)

    [SQL]: Access denied for user 'remote_user'@'' (using password: YES)
    I want to connect to 'remote_user'@''


    Before delving further into this, is it even possible to host SQL files elsewhere while having your server files on a different host?



  2. Hi I'm just wondering if anyone knows what happened to the addrid script command?




    This command will attach other RIDs to the current script without detaching the

    invoking RID. It returns 1 if successful and 0 upon failure.


    <type> determines what RIDs are attached:

    0: All players in the server.

    1: All players in the map of the invoking player, or the invoking NPC if no player is attached.

    2: Party members of a specified party ID.

    [ Parameters: <party id> ]

    3: Guild members of a specified guild ID.

    [ Parameters: <guild id> ]

    4: All players in a specified area of the map of the invoking player (or NPC).

    [ Parameters: <x0>,<y0>,<x1>,<y1> ]

    5: All players in the map.

    [ Parameters: "<map name>" ]

    Account ID: If type is Account ID, attach the specified account ID.


    <flag> can prevent certain players from being attached:

    0: Players are always attached. (default)

    1: Players currently running another script will not be attached.

  3. Hi,


    Few things.

    - Using CentOS 6.

    - Server is live.

    - It has around 100 players on it.

    - The issues started around 20 October.


    It starts like this. An error will pop up in the console, something like this.

    161021  1:40:14 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Incorrect key file for table './hercuser_rag/skill.MYI'; try to repair it
    And then usually anywhere from 1-12 hours later, the table itself crashes and needs to be repaired. This results in players losing skills and us [server admins] needing to do emergency maintenance.
    161021 11:45:55 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Table './hercuser_rag/skill' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
    Does anybody know what could be causing this? We don't know where to look for logs other than /var/log/mysqld.log

    We've had to take the server down indefinitely until we can solve it.


    Please help.

  4. I agree with you that libconfig is quite bad, but that's what we're stuck with for the time being. If it was up to me, I'd convert everything to yaml, but I was too late to the party, and Hercules had already started using libconfig for some files.


    The old .txt format had a lot of (parsing and future extensibility) problems, and it was overdue for an update.


    I disagree with your point about the sql_connection. The most common case is to have everything in one database, and now you can do that by just editing one file. The format allows for more advanced cases using different databases of course, and it's not much harder to achieve than it used to be (or possibly easier, since the format is standardized, and it makes easier to find things, just do a folder-wide search for sql_connection and you'll find all the files that support separate configurations. You'd previously have to search for sql, db_ and possibly other words.


    About the separate folders, it might be personal preference, but it feels better organized this way. If you're using any decent/modern text editor, you'd normally open the whole config folder with it, and the files to edit are just one click or keypress away, tidily organized in a nice folder tree (Vim/GVim/MacVim (screenshot), Atom (screenshot), Kate, TextMate, Sublime Text, Coda and possibly many more allow you to do that. If you're stuck with the old notepad++ and it still forces you to open all files separately, maybe it's time to start looking around for alternatives)

    On a side note, the files in the import folder are still all in one place.


    Could the file format and structure be done better? Probably. Are we still in time to do improve it? Of course. Got specific suggestions? Post them in the bugtracker. Complaining that something sucks is pointless, just say how you'd improve it.

    I don't have any suggestions, I just wanted to give feedback. I wasn't sure where to post the thread.

  5. He's not complaining about the new item_db syntax, I think it's more the fact that we now have 7 sub folders when we used to have 3 (correct me if I'm wrong in thinking this was what you meant). I also find it very annoying. I like editing my files all at once, and what is the point of a sub-folder with one or two files? Seems pointless to me.

    Yes this is what I meant. It's made it very hard to edit the conf files.

  6. Sorry...just updated to latest herc and I want to give my feedback on it.


    I think the new format for the /conf folder is really bad, and just creates extra hassle for no benefit. I didn't find anything wrong with the old format and it was easy to follow.


    It's not like item_db.txt -> item_db.conf which made things more legible. All these required quotations as well is just extra hassle for why.


    Pls respond.

  7. Another issue after ./configure. Help me?

    *                            W A R N I N G      /!\                            *
    * It appears that you're planning to run Hercules with root privileges. That's *
    * not necessary, nor recommended, and it may open your machine to unnecessary  *
    * security risks.  You should never ever run software as root unless it        *
    * requires the extra privileges (which Hercules does not.)                     *
    *                                                                              *
    * More info:                                                                   *
    * http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Security-HOWTO/local-security.html                 *
    * https://wiki.debian.org/sudo                                                 *
    * http://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/BecomingRoot                            *
    * http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Configuring_Sudo                               *
    * https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo                                   *
    * http://www.freebsdwiki.net/index.php/Root                                    *
    *                                                                              *
    * If your service provider forces (or encourages) you to run server software   *
    * as root, please complain to them. It is a very bad idea.                     *
    Fixed. Topic is closed!



    How did you fix this error? I just updated to the latest revision and I have no idea what to do.
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