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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. just use it and the other one and you don't need any item or mod http://upaste.me/4610115187e34a13c
  2. how to use that ? the one you send a link. btw do i need to add the item_db to use it. if yes. can u convert it into new item_db script im using a newer Version of hercules. { Id: 501 AegisName: "Red_Potion" Name: "Red Potion" Type: 0 Buy: 50 Weight: 70 Upper: 63 Script: <" itemheal rand(45,65),0; ">}, oh sorry use: Script: <" callfunc "F_VIPstart",604800; "> and Type: 0 into Type: 2 btw its working. here's my other concern. is it possible even the chracter is logout the time of consuming is running even if hes logout. with your script not, unless we do some mods to it, but then it would be the same like the one from brianL
  3. Hi. sir can i ask. how to change the color of the announcer . like BLUE or DARK BLUE COLOR . can u help us? change the DC143C to desired color, you may use this tool to get the code http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html can u give us example? changing the current color into the first color of the link I gave u: announce "" + .maps$[ .@i + 1 ] + "", bc_self, 0xDC143C, FW_BOLD,20; will be announce "" + .maps$[ .@i + 1 ] + "", bc_self, 0x3366FF, FW_BOLD,20;
  4. you may want to try this npc that I edited for you, made by brianL http://upaste.me/11c911517cf9cd8b7 and for the freezing on the another script you have to change: SC_ITEMBOOST into SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM SC_EXPBOOST into SC_CASH_PLUSEXP
  5. you didn't used upaste change .Day into 7 to see if it fixes the debug/warning 3. is not possible
  6. Hi. sir can i ask. how to change the color of the announcer . like BLUE or DARK BLUE COLOR . can u help us? change the DC143C to desired color, you may use this tool to get the code http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html
  7. as I can see on the first topic, nothing has changed, you may try it and if you got any question just ask
  8. eu quis dizer q o hercules em si está faltando esse update
  9. http://upaste.me/b0d911495238210bc changed: "c_tower3_","Clock Tower, 3nd Floor", into: "c_tower3_","Clock Tower, 3nd Floor";
  10. eu n aconselho usar convert_engine_myisam.sql e pelo visto a consulta SQL da tabela ainda está desatualizada, talvez eu crie um ticket no bugtracker
  11. Thanks! do those maps got loadevent mapflag? @evilpuncker can you help me also w/ this? your script is pretty broken lol xD use this one instead and add your custom maps: http://upaste.me/r/d51c1147949c141ff okei i use this and i got this debug, but i can't find "1" on the script.. post your edited script here on upaste
  12. duplicate é pq já existe então vc n precisa executar mais
  13. Thanks! do those maps got loadevent mapflag? @evilpuncker can you help me also w/ this? your script is pretty broken lol xD use this one instead and add your custom maps: http://upaste.me/r/d51c1147949c141ff
  14. with "trans" you mean Sorcerer T? because sorcerer is a third class so it will use the 120 max, if you mean professor then it will use 99, maybe you were not clear enough describing your problem
  15. here ---> http://upaste.me/a94711477dc295e9e see if it works http://upaste.me/r/d51c1147949c141ff
  16. esses são os unicos sprites q n tem na data.grf do bRO http://depositfiles.org/files/gzy2cg0ip
  17. post your edited script here and I'll edit it
  18. not really, since people are not going to use them 9999999999 times in a minute it will be fine
  19. see if that is what you want http://upaste.me/r/5c4b11476e556d5eb
  20. which script are you using? the one of the first post or the second one?
  21. btw variables are saved on SQL also
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