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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. como eu suspeitava altere: //#define ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE para #define ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE pois vc está usando um client RE e recompile e veja se o problema persiste
  2. why ur comma is like this? xD 、

    1. Angelmelody


      that means 'and'...

      becoz I used wrong comma,that's Chinese 's comma , I m not good at English ><

      Chinese article usually use ' 、'




    2. evilpuncker


      you are good at english :)

  3. yeah that is what I wanted to say but didn't find the correct words to describe "clean scripts"
  4. posta seu mmo.h aqui só pra mim tirar uma dúvida de outra coisa, e vc não se interessaria em usar um client mais recente?
  5. Original link: https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/weetools/trunk/WeeThumbnail/ thanks, I was too tired to search for the link so I just uploaded the one from my HDD
  6. quis dizer a data do hexed ex: 2014-02-05bRagexe
  7. cara isso é muito estranho, qual a data do client q vc tá usando?
  8. ai vc precisa de alguém q saiba php e html, caso vc poste os códigos aqui talvez alguém possa te dar um exemplo
  9. the 2, I don't think is possible since names can only have a max of 23 characters (24-1)
  10. Try this one: http://depositfiles.org/files/u5z53setz
  11. well, you don't need too since the answer is already available and they just need to search for it
  12. OH MY! I'm speechless, welcome and thanks a lot for this!
  13. you didn't updated your theme with the new security patch Wait... what do you mean? Im using the latest Flux version.... do you use a custom theme? yes sir. so look again at the link that I've posted and apply the changes made to default theme into your custom theme
  14. you didn't updated your theme with the new security patch Wait... what do you mean? Im using the latest Flux version.... do you use a custom theme?
  15. you didn't updated your theme with the new security patch
  16. update your messages.conf file
  17. since scripts are not loaded in a "linear" form, we will not know which one will be loaded first, btw I proposed it just to make our files clean of duplicates
  18. Well, it just come to my attention that the server doesn't warn us for duplicated mapflags, I'm pretty sure that this would be really useful for all server owners (especially for me since I'm pretty sure that I've got many duplicates but never noticed it because server didn't tell and I'm not going to check all my files for them
  19. not possible to check on run time without src edit, btw why not just don't make GMs unable to edit those?
  20. post your group file here please (on upaste.me)
  21. jlvl: true blvl: true I don't see them on ur groups.conf
  22. Should I expect error? I'm still using this in latest rev without problems.. you shouldn't expect error since you have it working already
  23. you should wait for annie for update it for latest revision, or use as plugin or apply it manually
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