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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. the atk speed thing must be because you didn't disable the RENEWAL_ASPD setting
  2. evilpuncker


    change: bindatcmd "buff", strnpcinfo( 3 )+"::OnBuff"; into: bindatcmd("buff",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBuff",0,99); and take of that if ( getgroupid() > 40 ) end; check
  3. db/item_stack.txt
  4. o erro na verdade está falando que o usuário "ragnarok" não tem permissão pra acessar o banco de dados, pelo jeito vc colocou a senha errada
  5. this has been fixed already, seems like you are not using the latest hercules version, update your copy and it should be fixed
  6. what about using this and not letting users enter with pet incubator?
  7. the sql part is about main.sql for example: `card0` smallint(11) NOT NULL default '0', `card1` smallint(11) NOT NULL default '0', `card2` smallint(11) NOT NULL default '0', `card3` smallint(11) NOT NULL default '0', change smallint to int, the bonus part I didn't looked at it :/
  8. if you really need it fast just take it here: http://herc.ws/board/topic/5045-increasing-max-values-allowed-in-itemdb/?p=32497
  9. actually it is still in status.c, there are 3 occurrences of status_base_matk_min that you need to change the ifdef
  10. seems like u forgot to change the ifdef also in status.h
  11. Ind fixed strcmpi thing has some time already xD
  12. remove all "+" and you are fine xD btw maybe this may help you: http://herc.ws/wiki/Diff#Using_.diff.2F.patch_files_to_patch_your_server
  13. yeah, over all the place that there are calculations, I did this for my server long ago but since I have a plenty of src mods I can't post diff here :/ but it is kinda easy, just time consuming
  14. you need to go into all files related to atk/matk calculation and change "#ifdef RENEWAL" into "#ifndef RENEWAL" to revert them back to default, like battle.c/h and status.c/h example: this: #ifdef RENEWAL // renewal formulas st->matk_min = st->matk_max = bl->type == BL_PC ? status->base_matk(st, level) : level + st->int_; st->hit += level + st->dex + (bl->type == BL_PC ? st->luk/3 + 175 : 150); //base level + ( every 1 dex = +1 hit ) + (every 3 luk = +1 hit) + 175 st->flee += level + st->agi + (bl->type == BL_PC ? st->luk/5 : 0) + 100; //base level + ( every 1 agi = +1 flee ) + (every 5 luk = +1 flee) + 100 st->def2 += (int)(((float)level + st->vit)/2 + ( bl->type == BL_PC ? ((float)st->agi/5) : 0 )); //base level + (every 2 vit = +1 def) + (every 5 agi = +1 def) st->mdef2 += (int)( bl->type == BL_PC ?(st->int_ + ((float)level/4) + ((float)(st->dex+st->vit)/5))(float)(st->int_ + level)/4)); //(every 4 base level = +1 mdef) + (every 1 int = +1 mdef) + (every 5 dex = +1 mdef) + (every 5 vit = +1 mdef)#else // not RENEWAL st->matk_min = status_base_matk_min(st); st->matk_max = status_base_matk_max(st); st->hit += level + st->dex; st->flee += level + st->agi; st->def2 += st->vit; st->mdef2 += st->int_ + (st->vit>>1);#endif // RENEWAL becomes: #ifndef RENEWAL // renewal formulas st->matk_min = st->matk_max = bl->type == BL_PC ? status->base_matk(st, level) : level + st->int_; st->hit += level + st->dex + (bl->type == BL_PC ? st->luk/3 + 175 : 150); //base level + ( every 1 dex = +1 hit ) + (every 3 luk = +1 hit) + 175 st->flee += level + st->agi + (bl->type == BL_PC ? st->luk/5 : 0) + 100; //base level + ( every 1 agi = +1 flee ) + (every 5 luk = +1 flee) + 100 st->def2 += (int)(((float)level + st->vit)/2 + ( bl->type == BL_PC ? ((float)st->agi/5) : 0 )); //base level + (every 2 vit = +1 def) + (every 5 agi = +1 def) st->mdef2 += (int)( bl->type == BL_PC ?(st->int_ + ((float)level/4) + ((float)(st->dex+st->vit)/5))(float)(st->int_ + level)/4)); //(every 4 base level = +1 mdef) + (every 1 int = +1 mdef) + (every 5 dex = +1 mdef) + (every 5 vit = +1 mdef)#else // not RENEWAL st->matk_min = status_base_matk_min(st); st->matk_max = status_base_matk_max(st); st->hit += level + st->dex; st->flee += level + st->agi; st->def2 += st->vit; st->mdef2 += st->int_ + (st->vit>>1);#endif // RENEWAL
  15. good luck, you look like a very good person to work with sadly I don't like to mess with maps at all otherwise I would like to work with you for sure, but well, good luck again
  16. bem vindo ao clube! poste aqui confirmando q está com o mesmo problema q a gente: http://herc.ws/board/tracker/issue-8138-autotrade-teleports-char-to-the-savepoint/
  18. não é possível a menos q disponibilizem uma alteração em como funciona a source :/
  19. no since there is no AI that can differ between your changes and hercules changes xD
  20. 1. não, pois se vc estiver usando o ultimo hercules ele já está por padrão configurado para o client 23/12/2013 2. substitui 3. ignora esse arquivo pois ele não é usado no NEMO, e quem disse pra vc q é difícil diffar clients de 201X está muito enganado pois com o NEMO se tornou fácil diffar clients de qualquer ano
  21. Can we use also Currency on this NPC Market Shop? and how? Thanks! I don't think it is possible since it uses a different trade type :/
  22. I don't think that Replay is supported by rolex
  23. if you have custom src mods, I suggest you to use winmerge to see what changed and apply the changes file per file
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