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Everything posted by evilpuncker

  1. post it on upaste and I'll edit for you too lazy to change all spaces into tabs xD
  2. n adianta pois o bRO n possui essas classes
  3. adicione o Upper: 63 no item_db2
  4. vc só precisa editar ele no db q vc usa e caso seja o item_db2.conf ele está correto, tem algum error/warning no console ao vc iniciar o server ou ao tentar usar o item?
  5. Thanks! do those maps got loadevent mapflag?
  6. vc usa item_db no SQL ou em .conf?
  7. can u help me ? i try it many times but still try this still got error. i told u :( you used the downloaded file? or the old one? I got no error with the downloaded file
  8. try installing phpmailer on wamp http://forum.wampserver.com/read.php?2,39412,40970
  9. it is possible with: ---------------------------------------@addperm {<permission name>}@rmvperm {<permission name>}Changes the permissions of a character (lasts until relog).If no permission is given, a list of available permissions will be returned.--------------------------------------- so yeah
  10. dude, if you are running the cp on a host site, just set MailerUseSMTP to false and it will use the default phpmailer to send e-mails that works just out of the box
  11. só usar o de um item q n dropa, quanto ao type, 0 são itens de cura, 2 são itens usáveis e 11 são itens usáveis com delay (caixas etc no qual aparece um diálogo antes de usar)
  12. can u help me ? i try it many times but still try this
  13. use o ID de um item existe e adicione no item_db2.conf e tbm o Type é melhor ser 2 ou 11
  14. have u cleaned and re-compiled your emulator?
  15. seems like the encoding of your txt file is messed up try to create a new file and paste it
  16. use o programa notepad++ na hora de editar os scripts e altere a codificação para ANSI
  17. I got this error: [Error]: script error in file 'npc/npc/custom_commands/bst.txt' line 22 column 2 parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared func tion 19: @bst_delay = gettimetick(2); 20: .@name$ = strcharinfo(0); 21: .@message$ = implode( .@atcmd_parameters$," " ); * 22: getmemberaid ALL_CLIENT; ~~~~~~~~^ 23: for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@onlinecount; .@i++ ) { 24: attachrid $@onlineaid[.@i]; 25: dispbottom "[Market] "+ .@name$ +" : "+ .@message$; you need to add this to your emulator
  18. if I recall correctly, character auras doesn't uses effect numbers, only skills uses it
  19. I didn't watch the video, but maybe you didn't import the sql item_db? I've seem a thread with this issue and the user solved it by importing the item_db sql into phpmyadmin
  20. if you used NEMO to diff it, post here the patches that you applied to it
  21. try changing all occurrences of auto_third into #auto_third
  22. but compiling shouldn't change those txt files as you has shown on the first topic, when you download and unzip them they are normal and become like that just after the compile? or they already come like that when downloading?
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