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Like it~*

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  1. http://ap.imagensbrasil.org/image/E1XWqr
  2. Olá. Gostaria de saber se é possível clonar as habilidades de transclasses que tiveram alteração com a chegada da renovação, e aplicar a mecânica pré renovação em um servidor renewa? Exemplo: Storm Gust e Lord of Vermilion de Bruxo alcançavem IC (instant cast) com 150 de DEX antes da renovação. Caso eu clonasse as skills, daria para aplicar a fórmula pré renewal citada acima? Se sim, como eu faria isso? adicionaria uma skill normalmente, como se fosse uma custom skill? E depois daria ela ao jogador através de um NPC? Pensei em seguir este tutorial: http://herc.ws/wiki/Adding_new_skills Há outro meio mais fácil para clonar skill?
  3. I downloaded option 2 and when I try to open grf, all files are corrupted. Yes, I did the process more than once and with different programs. Note that there is one more complaint of the files being encrypted here on this same page.
  4. Olá. Hoje vim trazer um tutorial muito simples, mas que é de grande utilidade para todos, até pelo motivo de eu não ter encontrado em nenhuma comunidade PT-BR. Tive um grande trabalho para achar um tutorial que tivesse uma línguagem mais prática e funcionasse, então devido a isso decidi postar. Utilizar multíplos iteminfo.lub/lua. Primeiro, como sabemos, os clientes mais novos estão usando itemInfo.lua / lub para substituir arquivos TXT para informações de item no lado do cliente, dentro da pasta System. Acho que grande parte dos criadores de servidores mais complexos, se depararam com a situação de adicionar algum(ns) item(ns) de outro RO como idRO, iRO, & jRO, KRO e sempre receber "Item desconhecido" e "Maçãs", e não saber o verdadeiro motivo causador disso, exceto ao trocar os arquivos itemInfo.lua/lub. Eis que surgiu uma solução! Vamos lá. Utilidade: utilizar itemInfo de outros servidores oficiais, como kRO, iRO e idRO, e fazer com que aqueles possam substituir informações não existentes de outros arquivos. Tutorial - 1º Passo: Prepare os arquivos a ser utilizado, exemplo: "itemInfo_bRO.lua" - Traduzido do BRO com todos os arquivos em PT-BR. "itemInfo_iRO.lua" Servidor internacional iRO. "itemInfo_idRO.lua". "iteminfo_custom" - Seu iteminfo customizado, com seus itens criados. "itemInfo_kRO.lua" - Servidor oficial e distribuidor do jogo RO. - 2º Passo: Faça um arquivo .lua vazio, dê o nome "itemInfo.lua". Este será o arquivo principal para ser lido pelo cliente. Edite o "itemInfo.lua", e cole este código. - 4º Passo: Em seguida, copie o arquivo e renomeie o arquivo copiado para "iteminfo.lub". - 5º Passo: Entre em todos seus arquivos preparados no Passo 1, e verifique se ambos começam assim: tbl = { ... } Caso sim, continue no mesmo arquivo e vá para o próximo passo. - 6º Passo: Vá até o final do arquivo e remova a função principal. Geralmente estará assim. Adicione ao lugar removido o seguinte código. for ItemID,DESC in pairs(tbl) do CheckItem(ItemID,DESC) end Fim! Aprecie seus novos arquivos. Notas e Créditos. OBS¹: Apenas traduzi um tutorial já existente, no qual vou estar deixando a fonte a baixo. Mas tive que modificar praticamente todo tutorial, então os créditos são a ambos. OBS²: Não irei fornecer nenhum arquivo, isto é apenas um tutorial, não me envie pm me solicitando nada. OBS³: todos os arquivos devem ser decompilado .lua, não compilado. OBS4:Se você tiver itens com ícone vazio , isso significa que sua data não tem o sprite / textura necessária ou seus arquivos itemInfo estão com o "unidentifiedResourceName" ou "identifiedResourceName" vazio ou não preenchidos. Fonte: http://pservero.com/multi-iteminfo-files/
  5. Hello. I wonder if it is possible to clone the transclasses skills that had change with the arrival of the renewal, and apply the mechanical pre-renewal on a renewa server? Example: Storm Gust and Lord of Vermilion of Warlock reached IC (instant cast) with 150 DEX before renewal. If I clone the skills, would I apply the above pre-renewal formula? If so, how would I do it? Would I add a skill normally, as if it were a custom skill? And then would she give the player through an NPC? I thought about following this tutorial: http://herc.ws/wiki/Adding_new_skills Is there another easy way to clone skill?
  6. The file is encrypted, right? Because I tried to extract it with 2 different programs and even then I could not see the files ... What is the reason for the encryption?
  7. It looks like this: function script Surp { setarray @id[0], 501,502,503; //Id of the awards that can be obtained. setarray @qn[0], 10, 3, 1; //Quantity wins. setarray @pt[0], 10,5,10; //Percentage of chance to get the item. (10 = 1% - 100 = 10% - 1000 = 100%) for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize(@id);set @i,@i+1){ if(@pt[@i] >= rand(1000)){ getitem @id[@i],@qn[@i]; dispbottom "Congrats you were awarded with "+@qn[@i]+" "+getitemname(@id[@i]); end; } } getitem @id[@i],@qn[@i]; end; } But it does not work. It became harder to get the items and still fails most of the time. I think it's best to do the same package. But thanks for the help!
  8. .sc files are scripts for the Official server software those cannot be used directly in the emulator and need to be converted first. Okay, I thought they were ready for use at Hercules. Thanks for your response.
  9. Hello, I'm trying to create a custom egg, but I'm having problems ... 1st - I can not put numbers that are not integers. Ex: 0.1, 5.2, 4.3 etc ... 2nd - Would like you to always win an item, regardless of the percentage. Eg: when opening the egg, the message "dispbottom" would never appear. There was no prize in this egg. ";", Since there will always be an item, the player will never open the egg and will not win anything. 3th - Announce upon receiving an item with a low percentage eg chance of getting an item = 0.1;%, when someone received this item, was announced for every server. function script Surp { setarray @id[0], 501,502,503; /* Id of the awards that can be obtained. */ setarray @qn[0], 10, 1,1; /* Quantity wins.*/ setarray @pt[0], 1,0.5,0.1; /*Percentage of chance to get the item. (1 = 1% - 10 = 10% - 100 = 100%) */ for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize(@id);set @i,@i+1){ if(@pt[@i] >= rand(100)){ getitem @id[@i],@qn[@i]; dispbottom "Congrats you were awarded with "+@qn[@i]+" "+getitemname(@id[@i]); end; } } dispbottom "There was no prize in this egg.."; end; } NOTE: I know you can do this for the package, but I find it easier for the function and it gets much faster.
  10. Like it~*

    Clan System

    I just checked and this has not yet been implemented. I noticed many old topics open ... I do not know if there is already an open Issue, so I opened a new one. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues/1574
  11. Hello, I just checked and this case has not yet been implemented. It is very important, even used on official servers and I believe it could be evaluated. I do not understand why this has not been implemented yet. Open New issue in Github: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues/1572
  12. It would have to be started from the beginning. I have tested several scripts, and many do not work completely or partially ... Yes. KDR = Kills and Deaths Ratio or Kills and Deaths relation.
  13. Like it~*

    Ranking WOE

    Hello, I would like a simple WOE ranking, showing tops 25: kills, deaths, KDR, and emp breaker, with option for automatic or manual reset. I've tried a lot, but it's very difficult to find something like that and that is working too. I tried to use the tbm forum, but it does not work. Https://rathena.org/board/topic/99009-pk-pvp-statistics-near-finishing-help-needed/ Thanks in advance.
  14. Olá, eu já havia conseguido resolver. Mas sua resposta foi de grande importância. muito obrigado! Abraços!
  15. Olá. Estou tentando utilizar os seguintes NPCS, e cansei de quebrar a cabeça tentando fazê-los funcionar, mas não consegui. Nenhum apresenta erro no map-server, mas não funciona 0
  16. Hello. I would like to limit the number of job per guild. Example, a guild can only have a maximum of 5 Wizards, 5 Assassins, 5 archer, etc. Is this possible? Novices would also have to be automatically rejected so that no one enters as an novice and becomes a limited class within the guild. This would aim to balance WOE. It would be two scripts. At where: 1 - Block and expel all guild with the amount of classes in excess. Example: My guild has 5 wizards, and the added leader tried to add one more. This Sixth would automatically be kicked out when entering the guild. 2 - A check would be made in the castle of the woe, in case there were some flaw in script 1, the 2 would act by expelling the amount of excess classes automatically. PS: I already saw some similar script, however, it was not the amount of jobs but the total amount of clan.
  17. That would not block the evolutions of each class using such equipment, right?
  18. Firstly, thank you for stating your opinion. But, I believe you have misunderstood. The intention here is not to add to the official repository but to complement the hBG - BG eAmod custom plugin with the official ragnarok BGs, understand? Even why the plugin is being developed exclusively for the Hercules emulator.
  19. I ask for everyone's help. Thank you! http://herc.ws/board/topic/14204-campaign-of-conversion-of-the-official-bgs-to-the-mode-bg-eamod/
  20. Hello guys. All right? I do not know if it's all known, but fortunately, Hercules is getting a conversion from BG eAmod to our emulator. However, you all know, that with this, the official BGs of Ragnarok will end up being left behind ... and that is not good. So, I thought, why not add official BGs to BG eAmod mode? Due to this, I come here to ask the help of all, to begin a campaign of conversion of the official BGs to the mode BG eAmod. The intention is to find people capable and willing to help, thus contributing to the entire Hercules community. Those interested should look to @Smoke, who is our great developer responsible for the implementation project of BG eAmod in the emulator Hercules. I ask the help of everyone to share the message with all friends, so we can reach as many people as possible, thus getting as many contributors as possible. Thank you very much for your attention. Greetings. Official repository of the Hercules emulator, where it contains official BGs that need to be converted. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/tree/master/npc/battleground Official BG eAmod conversion project repository for the emulator. https://github.com/Smokexyz/HerculesBG Perfil developer Smoke. http://herc.ws/board/user/31-smoke/ Official project topic. http://herc.ws/board/topic/14083-hercules-battlegrounds/
  21. How to remove dual ip checking? So I can not perform the tests. I tried to disable and change the number to 1, but I did not succeed. // @TODO (dual client IP) // hBG_ip_check: 1
  22. Glad to. But unfortunately I'm not a scripter should be something very difficult for a newbie like me. Too bad you have no interest in adding them.
  23. Name: The battle Description: The Game contains 3 teams (modifiable). Each team contains 3 players (modifiable). Each team has its point: return / initial, where it begins and recomposes after being killed. This initial / return point would be random, ranging from 3 (modifiable). Each team has a mission, which is received when entering the map. Each team needs to meet its mission, where it will be subject to many things. PvP will be connected at all times. At death you are automatically directed to the return point. The game lasts for 20 minutes. Each team must score 3 points (modifiable, depending on the number of players in each team). How it works? There will be a npc of registration with open chat informing the amount of players entered and the amount of players needed to start the battle.By completing the number of subscribers, the battle chat would close, all players would be teleported to the battle map, where 3 teams will be formed randomly, and will be informed the mission of each team (In brodcast will appear at the top of the screen, just for the players of cda time, the name of the team that they will have to eliminate. Example: Your task is to delete the "Blue" group. And for the "Blue" members, the message would be: Your task is to eliminate the "Red" group and so on ...). Each team will be at its starting point / return. Then a countdown will be made (no one can move) and the battle will begin. The 20-minute count starts. The PvP will be turned on, And from there, players would have to hunt on the map the assigned team on the mission, this happening on the same map, while other teams also seek their respective missions (times to remove). At death you are automatically directed to the return point. When the death occurs for the hunter team (team that aims to eliminate its team), it counts a point, otherwise, no. It will win the first team to accomplish its mission, which is: add 3 points, defeating 3 players of the target team. Comments I tried to start the script myself based on a custom BG script from AnnieRuru, but since I'm not a programmer and much less scripter, it did not work very well. So because of this, I decided to bring the idea to the community, and also post here my initial flawed script, for anyone who knows someone who wants to contribute to the community, help us in creating the script. The script of our master AnnieRuru already has some parts (The Battle) and it sure will also help us a lot to start. My initial script. Display error on line 25 AnnieRuru Script base
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