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About TheReturn

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  1. Try this out. (attached file) Hope it works didn't have time to test it. agit_main_se.txt
  2. Its not a full release since you need to modify some stuff, it can get some improvements but works as intended. This script is only showing the ranking for Swanhild and Kriemhild as an example, if you wanna show more just change the code: switch( select("- Swanhild", "- Kriemhild.")) { case 1: set .@castleName$,"Swanhild"; break; case 2: set .@castleName$,"Kriemhild"; break; } Adding more cases and more options on the switch select. Install: Copy the agit_defend_ranking.txt to the custom folder and add it to scripts_custom.conf. Insert the SQL table to your server database replace the agit_main.txt to 'hercules\npc\woe-fe\' folder. obs* doest work for woe-se for now, I will update it if someone ask for it. agit_defend_ranking.txt agit_defend_stats.sql agit_main.txt
  3. hello,I tried to send a private message but I couldn't. How much are you willing to pay to the agit defender script? I could make it for you. I am TheReturn#6750 on Discord. ----- Edit: I already have the NPC, contact me if you wanna check it out
  4. [Error]: map_instance_mapid2imapid: already instanced (904 / 0) [Error]: buildin_areamonster: Trying to spawn monster (1742) on instance map (1@ch) without instance attached. [Debug]: Source (NPC): champion_arena at 1@ch (101,107) [Error]: map_instance_mapid2imapid: already instanced (904 / 0) [Error]: buildin_areamonster: Trying to spawn monster (1437) on instance map (1@ch) without instance attached. [Debug]: Source (NPC): champion_arena at 1@ch (101,107) [Error]: map_instance_mapid2imapid: already instanced (904 / 0) [Error]: buildin_areamonster: Trying to spawn monster (1687) on instance map (1@ch) without instance attached. [Debug]: Source (NPC): champion_arena at 1@ch (101,107) [Error]: map_instance_mapid2imapid: already instanced (904 / 0) [Error]: buildin_areamonster: Trying to spawn monster (1680) on instance map (1@ch) without instance attached. [Debug]: Source (NPC): champion_arena at 1@ch (101,107) [Error]: map_instance_mapid2imapid: already instanced (904 / 0) [Error]: buildin_areamonster: Trying to spawn monster (1614) on instance map (1@ch) without instance attached. [Debug]: Source (NPC): champion_arena at 1@ch (101,107) Cant make the instances work on Hercules, Am I missing something? Anyway hope someone can help me on this. I tried Champion Arena and DevilSquare same error above. Thanks for the scripts by the way, great work, I managed to implement Mining system suscessful.
  5. Is your client a ragexeRE subset? If is so you need to enable #define ENABLE_PACKETVER_RE on mmo.h.
  6. Yep that worked for me thanks very much!
  7. Thanks, my descriptions are already in portuguese, now i want to change the skill's name now. Any ideia how to do it? Thanks again.
  8. Alguém sabe me dizer onde fica o arquivo com o nome das skills? Quero fazer com que apareça em português no game, ao invés de Full Chemical Protection apareça Proteção Química Total quando o personagem usar a habilidade, por exemplo. Meu hexed é 2015-05-13aRagexe. Se já não existir uma tradução vou traduzi-las e posto aqui ao termino.
  9. I am testing this plugin seens really great tho. The only problem I am seeing is that changes the bg mode too quickly causing it to announce too many times. Could`t find any config related to it, do you guys can help me out on that one? How to increase the time for this?
  10. is there any way to do it on windows atm? Thanks for the update!
  11. I am looking for this functionality, is it already implemented on the current version of the emulator? If its not I will try to diff this manualy
  12. Do I need an updated hexed to make this work? Well I manualy patch the diff on the current version and could't see any diference on the game. No errors on the compiler either on the console.
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