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Petey Pablo

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Everything posted by Petey Pablo

  1. Hi themon, Do you know how to remove aura on lvl99?
  2. In this event, you'll be forming the word: M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S - There's a chance to get 1 specific letter in every monster you killed. - Event monster can be found on Prontera Fields. ( prt_fild01, 05, 06, 08 ) - Prizes: Santa Hat Thank you!
  3. how to reset all character stats on DB? thank you!
  4. how to add no magic damage from boss? thank you!
  5. how to detach login, char, map in screen? I already try this command ctrl + shift + a then hit d but it doesnt work. anyone can help me with this? thank you!
  6. Should be fixed now. Thanks for the report. Next time maybe open an issue here: https://github.com/HerculesWS/FluxCP/issues that way we can see it faster. Thank you. But another exception error here https://github.com/HerculesWS/FluxCP/issues/11
  7. need help to this error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting ')' in /home/allianc1/public_html/config/equip_location_combinations.php on line 4
  8. Help me with this error. Thank you!
  9. script: prontera,158,190,4 script Soul Linker 1_M_ORIENT01,{set .@n$,"^0000FF[ Soul Linker NPC ]^000000";set .@time, 600000; // the buff last 5 minutesset @zenycost,1000;mes .@n$;mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+"!";mes "Do you want me to Soul Link you? It cost 1,000z";switch(select("Yes:No")) {case 1:if(Zeny < @zenycost) goto l_nozeny;set Zeny,Zeny - @zenycost;switch ( basejob ) {case Job_Alchemist: set .@spirit, 445; break;case Job_Monk: set .@spirit, 447; break;case Job_Star_Gladiator: set .@spirit, 448; break;case Job_Sage: set .@spirit, 449; break;case Job_Crusader: set .@spirit, 450; break;case Job_SuperNovice: set .@spirit, 451; break;case Job_Knight: set .@spirit, 452; break;case Job_Wizard: set .@spirit, 453; break;case Job_Priest: set .@spirit, 454; break;case Job_Bard: case Job_Dancer: set .@spirit, 455; break;case Job_Rogue: set .@spirit, 456; break;case Job_Assassin: set .@spirit, 457; break;case Job_Blacksmith: set .@spirit, 458; break;case Job_Hunter: set .@spirit, 460; break;case Job_Soul_Linker: set .@spirit, 461; break;default:if ( upper == 1 && baselevel < 70 )set .@spirit, 494;}if ( .@spirit ) {sc_start4 SC_SOULLINK, .@time, 5, .@spirit,0,0;skilleffect .@spirit, 5;}case 2:mes .@n$;mes "Okay,goodbye!";close;}l_nozeny:mes .@n$;mes "You need 1000z for a Soul Link.";close;}hugel.gat,102,142,3 duplicate(Soul Linker) Soul Linker#01 1_M_ORIENT01 warning: [Warning]: script_add_str: detected possible use of wrong case in a script. Found 'basejob', probably meant to be 'BaseJob' (in 'npc/custom/alliancero/Soul_Linker_NPC.txt'). If it is a local (.@) variable, and you're absolutely sure you used the correct case, please disragard this message, otherwise please correct your scripts, as this will become fatal in a near future.[Warning]: script_add_str: detected possible use of wrong case in a script. Found 'upper', probably meant to be 'Upper' (in 'npc/custom/alliancero/Soul_Linker_NPC.txt'). If it is a local (.@) variable, and you're absolutely sure you used the correct case, please disragard this message, otherwise please correct your scripts, as this will become fatal in a near future.[Warning]: script_add_str: detected possible use of wrong case in a script. Found 'baselevel', probably meant to be 'BaseLevel' (in 'npc/custom/alliancero/Soul_Linker_NPC.txt'). If it is a local (.@) variable, and you're absolutely sure you used the correct case, please disragard this message, otherwise please correctyour scripts, as this will become fatal in a near future.
  10. Thank you Yommy and jaBote for the information. Thank you very much!
  11. so whats the purpose of drops.conf and exp.conf? I have a problem with latest version and there is no exp and drops. check the image below!
  12. how to disable this self announce. thanks
  13. Download problem. Sorry, you don't have permission for that!
  14. Do you have RO Open setup that can support with latest PlayOnLinux? I already try your latest version but it doesnt work on Ubuntu 13.10 with latest PlayOnLinux.
  15. Do you think Ragexe will work on latest ubuntu 13.10 with latest PlayOnLinux?
  16. how to remove level99 aura on 20130807 ragexe? help me guys. Thank you!
  17. how to remove level99 aura on 20130807 ragexe? help me guys. Thank you!
  18. Another unsupported packet for 2013-08-07. [Warning]: clif_parse: Received unsupported packet (packet 0x6365 (0x1e1f), 19 bytes received), disconnecting session #31.
  19. Can you share your msgstringtable.txt here? Thank you!
  20. Vending for 2013-08-07 is not working. Please confirm. Thank you!
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