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Everything posted by Caspian

  1. You have to change your clientinfo in your grf and add the admin id. <aid> <admin>2000000</admin> <loading>
  2. You can find it here: http://nemo.herc.ws/downloads/
  3. I prefer to use the old style clients too. You can download your client here: http://nemo.herc.ws/downloads/ For the data folder, I only have one translated to my native language.
  4. I have already translated this one to portuguese, just be careful to don't mess up with everything when translating the files.
  5. Take off the two bars before HPMHooking. Change "//HPMHooking" to "HPMHooking"
  6. I want to know how enable Emblem on the top of the head for Battleground as it was done on eAmod using Old Clients in 2010. I know there is a Patch to enable this feature on Nemo Patcher but this is only possible for new clients... But as I am making a pre-renewal server, I am using an old client for a vintage style (2010-07-30) the most stable client on that time.... I wanna know how to enable emblem over head on battleground maps. Is it just Hexed editing or source code? Thanks by the way
  7. I think it was fixed on Release v2020.05.31. I don't know which version you are using, but you can add it manually if you are using an old version of Hercules. Check it out: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/2755
  8. Very nice, I will be testing!
  9. Caspian

    Nemo patcher

  10. Caspian

    Nemo patcher

    Hello @4144 How can I enable Emblem Hover head for Battleground using 2010-07-30 client? Is it a way to do it manually for old clients through Hex Editor? If yes, could help please? function EnableEmblemForBG() { //Step 1.1 - Look for the Mode checking pattern var code = " B9 AB AB AB 00" //MOV ECX, OFFSET g_session + " E8 AB AB AB 00" //CALL CSession::IsSiegeMode + " 85 C0" //TEST EAX, EAX + " 74 AB" //JZ SHORT addr + " B9 AB AB AB 00" //MOV ECX, OFFSET g_session + " E8 AB AB AB 00" //CALL CSession::IsBgMode + " 85 C0" //TEST EAX, EAX + " 75 AB" //JNZ SHORT addr ;AB at the end is needed ; I noticed that this patch from nemo only works for new clients.
  11. Yes, the emblem. I figure out the issue. It happens when you enable Emblem Over the Head for BG using 2013, 2014, 2015 hexeds...
  12. Do you have any issues with guild flags over the head using old clients? I mean the guild flags over the head are displaced. Try to check it out.
  13. Very nice guide, I will try later! Very nice guide, I will try later!
  14. Src -> config-> renewal -> tirar as duas barras antes do "//#define DISABLE_RENEWAL" = "#define DISABLE_RENEWAL".
  15. Would be nice to have Tierra Gorge, Flavius and Krieg von Midgard converted to Extended Battleground. Then this plugin will be the most completed Battleground with all the modes ever made for Ragnarok Online.
  16. Congratulations, I love your custom maps and all your work!
  17. I have an issue that every time I play Conquest and it randomly chooses ebg_conq03, it always crashs the client. All the castles seems to be fine even If I warp to ebg_conq03 it doesn't crash. The error only happen when you are the first and second one to use @joinbg. Does anyone have the same issue ? @Dastgir
  18. This is coming from Extended Battleground.
  19. Change walktoxy to walk_toxy.
  20. Try to use the Devil Square script from download section.
  21. Vou te mandar pm e a gente resolve isso ai. Pra nao ficar conversando pelo topico.
  22. Pode ser por isso que não está conseguindo conectar, tem que trocar o IP só quando tu for deixar online e quiser pagar host. Se nada resolver só tente pegar a pasta conf do emulador e deixar o padrão pra offline. Qual login tu está utilizando pra acessar seu banco de dados?
  23. Você alterou algo nas confs? Tenta pegar o emulador "seco" denovo sem alterar nada, só configura seu hexed na src, compila e tenta entrar. Pra não ter que ficar procurando arquivo por arquivo pra achar o erro.
  24. Bom ali está dizendo que está dizendo Empty user ID, parece que não tem essa conta no seu banco de dados, você deve ter alterado algum nome padrão e o emulador está tentando ler outro.
  25. Você tem que criar uma conta quando abrir seu client, por exemplo: "login_m" e "senha". Depois tu elimina "_m" na proxima vez que logar.
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