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  1. This script is not working as intended. It's giving agit points to all guild even if they don't have a castle. Active participation is not accurate either. Even those inactive guilds are getting points. Guilds with only 3-5 members have higher points than those really active ones. The percentage calculation is not properly calculated.
  2. Hello @Aeromesi I tested this on latest rathena and got this error (attached)
  3. BUMP. In addition to this, how can we make it so that "Absorb Spirit" skill won't absorb spirits when the player/target hides.
  4. It poses a bug when using the EC skill (from guild skill window) and @ecall command at the same time.
  5. Will this be added on Pre-renewal setup too?
  6. With the latest version? I need to check but on recent versions yes
  7. This one can be done, but we miss info on how one joins a clan and what happens if one is both on clan and guild.(I guess clan too have some kind of emblem) I would suggest that only guild leaders can join a clan and their guild members will be automatically added to that clan. So that all members in that guild will be on the same clan. It's the player's decision which guild to join taking in consideration their clan as well
  8. Kong


    If there's 2 jellopy on hand, will it stack the effect? Can we have an option for 'stackable' or non-stackable effects?
  9. Does anyone know a fix to this sprite resource error? This appears when opening the 'Buying Store skill' under Misc skill window. Thanks in advance!
  10. Ah so there's no update from the source on the latest version?
  11. Thank you I'm testing it now Can you also include the update to diff? Thanks
  12. Not really, this project goes in sleep mode due to other things, other things become more interesting In other words, this project is dead.
  13. This client has a champion bug that crashes the client on some animated headgears..
  14. This matter is still not solved for some clients I'm not sure if I'm on the right section to post this though. 2013-08-072013-07-132012+ In reference to this: http://herc.ws/board/tracker/issue-7650-body-reloc-client-crash/ There are some headgears including: Shining Santa Hat Blue Poring Bubble Angeling Bubble that crashes the client. To reproduce: Suggested fix: Change clif->snap(src, src->x, src->y); to clif->slide(src, src->x, src->y); However this fix removes the animation of body relocation thus changes the mechanics as well. It also looks ugly. Is there anyone who can provide a possible fix for this? I'm willing to test it. This problem still occurs up to now.
  15. Hello everyone, I tried a lot of modifications from the following references (10+ attempts but all failed): http://herc.ws/board/topic/3640-absorb-spiritball-stop-asura-in-some-map/?hl=%2Bstop+%2Basura https://eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=253003 Can anyone please provide a modification to make asura fail when absorbed spirit during cast time? This is the official behavior before and was used on official tournaments on the early release of RO. This was a better mechanic than what we have now so hoping for a source modification for this. Thanks a lot in advance.
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